Never doubted yourself, because if it's going to be it's to you, find yourself fully committed to making your dream come true. Achieve all the things you want in life come down to being committed to doing what it takes to achieve them. If you're not fully committed, you won't ever get the result you're looking for.
Always lead by example, what you don't want don't start, I believe that leadership, above all, is the heart beat of any success. I am a firm believer in doing whatever it takes to become successful. They always say successful people do the things unsuccessful people people don't.
Have a goals in mind, a goals that can keep you motivated to do what's necessary
Let Goal how you can move to next level
Always know your WHY, if you're not did, you be there that you're.
You're there for a reason and a purpose
Attitude, bad attitude is just like flit tub if you don't remove it you're going no where, it affects your daily activities, when you are activity-oriented, rather than results oriented
Persistence: lack of persistence will lead to failure, don't allow result to determine your Attitude, if you ever think it's not working, reevaluate your efforts. Have you set unrealistic goals for yourself? Are you expecting too much to soon? Are you putting in enough hours?
After you iron out your work habits and find a mentor or a role model, learn as much as you can and be persist.
Don't take rejection personal: you're not being rejected, people have a choice. Because every NO mean Next Opportunity and every NO move you closer to a Yes.
Always be activity oriented, it will work. Am not ashamed of what I do. In fact, I'm very proud and excited about it.
I think Alot of give up on their dreams. It's a sad fact but so many people somehow want to blame their failures on everyone else.
The key to success is to believe in yourself and your abilities. Giving up is never an option for me. I heard once that Walt Disney claimed bankruptcy seven times. No matter what happened, he never give up on his dreams. If you believe success will happen for you, it wll
Winnners keep doing it and doing it----until it work so do it and be a winner!