Opportunities Increase As They Are Seized.
You are right on time. You are destined to do great things. Where you are is the perfect place to change your world. You are born for impact. You can live a life that counts. You can make a difference and become a reference. This is your moment. This is your time. You can never have a better opportunity than this. Life has no duplicates. What you do now is what counts. Your chance to sing and laugh, to learn and grow, to compete and win, to dream and achieve. This is your moment to take decisive actions to live your dreams. The tragedy of unsized moment is what makes kings servants and princes slave. This is your moment to do great things. To say and do abs be something. This is your moment to help someone, to show kindness, to love, to appreciate, to save lives. It is not a tragedy to die, but it is a tragedy to pass though life with time without meaning. It is tragedy to die unnoticed, unsung, unheralded, uncelebrated. Your moment is God's time, its vital time, its crucial time, its device time, its action time, its meaningful time and productive time. Your moment is your ticket to becoming somebody. If you miss it, you mortgage your destiny. It is time to seize you opportunity. You can never find time for everything but there is always time to do the most important things if you seize your moments. Time is spelt opportunity. He who kill time buries opportunity. Don't reach the sunset of your life only to discover that you would have done better and lived better if you had seized your moments. Stop making excuses. The world can move ahead without you, but it will certainty do you better if you make your contributions to it by seizing your moment. You don't have to live in regrets. Your Moments are specially packaged for you in order to have an impact-full, eventful, meaningful and productive life. Don't miss