Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but really great ones make you feel that too, can become great.
Do not be deceived bad company corrupts good manners. The company you keep will always influence the outcome of your life. Some people are too dangerous to associate and live with. They are negators and dream killers. Anybody that does not add something meaningful to your life is not good company. Any good company will respect your dreams. Good company appreciates your worth and value. Good company enhances your dignity. Good company strive to make you better. Any company that depreciates your value is not worth keeping. Some only steal your valuable time and resources. Some company make you feel inferior and worthless. Some company intimidate and frustrate. Others drain your energy and shift your focus away from your destiny. Samson had a bad company. It took away his vision and sapped his strength making him a laughing stock. There's no profit in keeping and maintaining bad company. People who have no integrity and character don't deserve your company. Whatever makes you bankrupt and stagnant physically, mentally and spiritually is not good company. Run away from such. They are poisonous to your progress and health. Whatever kills your ideas, stifles your initiatives and discourages productivity is not good company. Never hang around people you don't trust or respect. Whatever you do, wherever you go, look for good company. That's the only sure way to your destiny. Don't delay. Break away from those negative influences before they steal away your dream and destroy your destiny. Airplanes are easier to catch before they take off. Start looking for good company now and don't delay. When you find them like Stephen Covey would advise, treat them as a bank account.