Chereads / Van Helsing (dracula's son) / Chapter 8 - Rising from the Depths: A Reunion of the Living and the Undead

Chapter 8 - Rising from the Depths: A Reunion of the Living and the Undead


"Bloody hell do you want my help or not?!" My brows furrowed as I looked around in the darkness. "I don't even know where you are!!"

"Right sorry let me get this thing off." I heard her lifting something then the night sky was visible to me but no sign of her. "Lucy?" I called out because I was 6 feet deep with no way out. Maybe she was an angel from heaven.


 I scream like a bitch when this red hair lady in a white vintage wedding dress popped up. She was frightened as well.

"are you going to help me out?" I asked reaching my hand out to her. "Maybe, but you must apologize for raising your voice at me." She smiled sat down and swung her legs. "Look I'm sorry okay."

She shrugged and lifted her head. I felt myself rising as I was now out of the casket and in front of her and she stared at me. "You look like my husband, Arthur Williams was his name."

I laugh nervously. "I'll take that as a compliment."


Maria, Simon and I flew to Romania for some answers. This witch lady might do the same thing to someone else and I just want to stop her for lots of reasons. "Van Helsing?" I shot Simon a glare for even mentioning my infamous name while we were on public transportation. "Sorry, I was just looking at something that has to do with van Helsing." The cab driver who was looking at us suspiciously brushed it off.

"Whatever you're about to say can it wait until we get off?" Maria snickers at my frustration with Simon. "Of course my apologies." Suddenly I jump at the sound of my phone going off. Simon went into my find and set black queen by the band Queen as my ringtone which I didn't mind because it's okay. I was never a music person until Simon hooked me up.

"How will we find this witch?" Maria sighed rubbing her temple. "a witch you say huh?" The driver asks, causing us to sit up attentively. "Yes, do you have anything on her?" Simon asked. "not much but I know she's related to a very infamous witch from the 1400s. Cult leader of a Satanic group. I don't remember her name but what I do know is that she never haunted the place like other spirits"

That was 30% helpful but what did I expect? Romania will never change, they're always protecting their home. The vehicle came to a halt as I was the first person to get out. "Jeez calm down mighty knight we'll find her." Maria patted my back as we began to stroll down the street.

"I need to look into that cult leader from the 1400s."

We walk by this alley but pause at the sound of a woman screaming. "help me someone please!!" I made a U-turn and bumped into this blonde-haired woman. She panting with a scratch on her left eyebrow and top lip. "Hey calm down and tell us what's wrong." I held her still by her shoulders and she looked over them. "Her." I looked in the direction she was looking and saw a middle-aged red-haired woman staring at me.

"Maria get her to the hospital, Simon we found our witch."

The woman runs to Maria as Simon follows me. The witch ran back into her house but I kicked the door open. "Don't move another muscle witch." She was already gone. I need to go back to my old days of not talking and just killing these monsters.

It wasn't hard to find her in this tiny house. In no time Simon tackled her to the ground. "so you hit women?" She asked Simon as he began to tie her wrist. "Only when they're witches," I replied and she glared at me.

I sat across from the evil witch, my piercing eyes boring into her as she squirmed under my gaze. Simon, my trusty sidekick, stood protectively by my side.

He leaned forward, his voice cold and hard. "Why the curse of the werewolf, witch? Why not curse him to turn into a frog or a rat? Why not turn him into a statue or a toadstool? Why choose a curse that is so destructive? So dangerous?"

The witch sneered at him, her eyes dark and cruel. "I chose the curse of the werewolf because I wanted revenge, young man. He stole from me, and I wanted him to suffer. And what better way to make him suffer than to turn him into a monster? A creature that he hates and fears? I wanted him to feel the pain that I felt when he took my precious artifact. I wanted to see him suffer and destroy everything around him. And I did just that."

He glared at her, his expression hardened. "You are a heartless, cruel witch. You took your revenge too far. You have caused innocent people to suffer and die. And for that, you will pay the ultimate price."

I stood up, Simon following my lead, and we turned to leave, The witch's laughter trailed after us, a cruel and haunting sound that would haunt my dreams for the rest of my life. "what will we do? I don't know how to kill a witch, especially an evil one."

I've never slayed A witch before at least I think I did. Just the other night I had a dream of this beautiful lady with hair as white as snow. I almost fell in love with her until she tried to kill me with her powers. I remember impaling her with a sword and I woke up sweating bullets.

"How about we bring her back to Paris?" I knocked her unconscious.


October 7


My power was out so I had no other choice but to stay at my parents once more. "Aiden is gonna go insane when he sees you." My dad said as we parked. I smile and look ahead seeing Aiden walking down the street with the new neighbor's son.

"I don't think he'll even realize-

"Janet!?" I laugh to myself. "Told you so."

I get out immediately being greeted by Aiden hugging me. Sebastian giggles as I roll my eyes playfully. "What brings you back?" My brother asked and I tried to think of a lie but decided not to because Aiden is a smart guy.

"They took my electricity because I was behind payment." I sigh looking down at my hands. "hey look at the brighter side, you're with me."

"We were just about to go take a ride around the block," Sebastian informed me as I slowly looked up. My dad carried my bags inside as Sebastian ran home and Aiden followed me inside.

I showered and put on shorts that stopped at my thighs and a red tee. With one swift movement, I tied my hair in a high bun and met up with Sebastian and Aiden. "I'm a little rusty so go easy on me," I say walking up to them with the bike.

"We'll try," Sebastian smirked as Aiden patted his back and hopped on his own. We rode down the street at a steady pace at first. I kept my speed under control while they went ahead and sped down the block. "Aiden!!" I laugh as I try to keep up with them. Sebastian is an amazing rider, a fast one too.

We're having a charity event next month so maybe he can support them with that speed of his. I rode past this retail store playing the Come Together by the Beatles. I began humming to it and turned to the right.

Of course, I'd know every part of this town but I haven't been out lately to appreciate my home town. Work and bills prevented me from freedom and now that I have it... At an awkward time when I'm late on the electricity bill.

My thoughts were interrupted by a dog Shrieking. I pulled on the brakes but it was too late my front wheel had already run over this black Groenendael puppy's leg. I panicked and jumped off of the bike attending to him while others just minded their business. "oh my god I'm so sorry baby." I cooed as I held it like a baby in my arms. It whimpered as I placed him in my basket. His leg was bleeding.

Sebastian showed up out of the blue looking at the injured animal. "how did you know?" He didn't answer and caressed the puppy until it growled and bit him. "Shit." He winced before riding away.

My brother and I joined in on the ride and took a shortcut that was near the cemetery. "Does Sebastian like dogs?" I ask and he shrugs. "I don't know what that dude likes, he's so mysterious." He mumbled as I shook my head and looked over to the cemetery to see someone walking around talking in mid-air.

"what the fuck?" I stopped and squinted my eyes to see better. "Fuck." I whisper and turn around. "that's Quinn." Aiden pointed and I covered up his mouth immediately. "take the puppy to the vet. I'll be right behind you." He refused and took his phone out calling the police as I took a deep breath and ran to Quinn. "Quinn!!?!!!!" I screamed as tears fell nonstop. Blocking my vision I kept moving towards him.

He turned around completely confused. "janet?" I crashed and basically tackled him to the ground. "You're alive." My eyes wide with the once again realization that he's here. "Yeah Lucy helped me out don't you see her?" He asked and I sighed heavily.

"No, come here." I gripped his face kissing his lips. I didn't care if he smelled like a dirt. He's back in my life and that's all that matters. "how are you all healed up?" I ask as I stood to my feet examining his neck. Without thinking I ripped his tuxedo open revealing his also healed his chest. "How is this possible?"

"i-i-i- I don't know I just woke up last night and this really nice ghost lady helped me out of the grave." He said scratching the back his neck. "We need to get you to a hospital immediately something isn't right." I dragged him with me. "Oh my goodness." Aiden gasp as I approached him. "How long before they get here?"

"um, 30 minutes." He didn't take his eyes off of quinn. "He's gotten much taller and muscular." I turn to see for myself and was lost in this new appearance. "it's rude to stare janet." He smirked and I look away. Still the same witty Quinn I fell in love with.