-OOO year 84-
-Moe factory-
"BMO can you pass me that book please"
"Yes my captain!"
Me and BMO were in Moe's private library, it's been 4 months since I arrived at the factory and 6 months since I set sail from the human islands
Since I proposed my plan to let me transport the fire guardians while keeping them at low temperatures in an uninhabited area, Moe has been busy exploring with the help of drones almost the entire continent looking for the perfect area
I never thought it would take months of painstaking research to find the perfect area to let 6 tremendously powerful incendiary bombs explode and calculate the exact temperature I had to keep them at while transporting them
I thought about just freezing them in a huge iceberg but a brief explanation from Moe using thermodynamics convinced me that it was better to wait for Moe to calculate the ideal temperature
But I guess it was just my inexperience in dealing with weapons of mass destruction and how they would affect the local faunas of OOO.
Anyway, after I settled into a room at the factory, I would accompany Moe for a few hours every day to take data on the temperature of my ice before going to bed.
As I slept peacefully the sound of the mechanical door opening woke me up, I thought maybe it was GMO who has never stopped watching me since I arrived, maybe he was a little resentful that I tricked him, what an adorable little guy
But when I opened my eyes the first thing I saw was BMO sitting on a stool staring at me, he was dressed like a reporter, he even had a little notebook to take notes and a hat
"Now, let's start, is your hair color natural? Do you sharpen your fangs? Why do you dress so elegantly even when you're in bed? Are the allegations that you falsely promised pizza to several innocent citizens true?
Since then BMO followed me everywhere dressed as a reporter trying to get information from me to publish in his newspaper and distribute among the MOs
And since I had so much free time while waiting for the results of the research I decided to memorize all the research that Moe allowed me, research that I would then deliver to the schools on the islands
Electronics, mechanics, engineering, biology, geography, mathematics, etc.
But the moment BMO gave me the last book to memorize an elegant silver watch that Moe gave me made a notification sound and lit up before Moe's voice could be heard coming out of the watch
"Blanche my friend, I'm sorry to interrupt your studies but I need you to come to the lab, I think the time has come"
"I'm on my way"
I left the book on one of the tables and looked at BMO who sat on the floor reading with total concentration a book about butterflies.
I approached and knelt down so I could be closer to him and took the book from him while he protested by waving his little arms trying to take it out of my hands
"BMO, it's time for me to go on a trip for a while"
His protests stopped when he heard the bad news
"What! Noo don't go B, I still have so many places in the factory to show you and you still haven't met my other 58 friends"
The little BMO hugged my leg with his arms and legs refusing to let go
"[giggle] I'm sorry BMO it's necessary, but I talked to Moe and he said that if you were willing you could go with me, at least during this mission"
"yeeeeee, we're going to camp, eat marshmallows and tell scary stories by the campfire"
"Are you sure BMO? It can be dangerous"
"BMO doesn't fear danger! I am the danger!"
I genuinely don't know where he got a knife from
-Moe's laboratory-
Moe was showing me a graph and a map of all of OOO that contained the route I had to follow and the coordinates where I had to deposit each guardian.
"As you can see in these graphs, these coordinates host the least life activity in the entire continent of OOO"
"You are going to take the guardians one by one while keeping them at temperatures of -250°C, according to my calculations that would keep them stable enough to withstand the entire journey without exploding, are you sure you can do it?"
"Trust me Moe, everything will be fine"
-factory entrance-
All the MOs and Moe were at the factory entrance saying goodbye to Blanche and BMO who was fully equipped with a backpack twice his size, behind them was a guard locked in a glass box and loaded onto a truck
In the driver's seat of the truck there was a pipe where Blanche could send the ice and a thermometer that showed him at all times the guard's temperature
"Good luck my friend"
"Thanks Moe, see you in a month"
-6 months later-
-OOO year 85-
-most desolate part of the desert-
Blanche carefully moved a guardian locked in a glass box with his telekinesis and placed it next to 5 other guardians
He put them in two rows of 3 facing each other and finished by removing the glass boxes with his telekinesis.
"[sigh] that was the last one, it took me a fucking month each, the road was horrible and I only slept 6 days in total, but it was all worth it" (every time he left a guardian he teleported with BMO to the factory where he slept one night before starting the trip again)
I walked with tired steps to where I left BMO under some rocks that provided shade while he practiced with his mini guitar that I made to measure for him to pass the time, the little guy really made the last months more bearable
"oh hey Blanche, can you teach me a song?"
"[laughs] Sure BMO, but first we're going to light a campfire, do you want to help?"
"Seriously, we're finally going to camp for real!? I'm going to get the firewood! Get the marshmallows ready!"
When BMO came back the sun was already setting and the desert started to cool down very quickly but that wasn't a problem for either of them (Ice Prince, Machine)
The fire and the marshmallows were mostly symbolic, they didn't feel cold, neither of them could really eat normal food, but they both still wanted that experience
They both sat on a log by the fire roasting marshmallows in comfortable silence, enjoying a well-deserved rest.
BMO was happily swinging his feet in the air as the marshmallow spilled all over his face staining the screen as he looked at it with a smile on his face
"you have something on your cheek BMO, come here"
BMO hopped down from the log and came over to let me wipe his face, he really did look like a little kid
Just like her.......
I let out a sigh remembering her, something that BMO being BMO easily noticed
"what's wrong B, did the marshmallows make you sick? We can eat something else if you want"
"it's not that BMO, it's just my memories haunting me again"
"that's bad, luckily mine are locked in my hard drive"
"[laughs] well I guess I need to ask Moe for one of those"
"so, what memories B? maybe talking to BMO will help, it's a shame BMO the psychologist can't come, I left the suit at home"
"[sigh] maybe you're right BMO"
. a while later-
"and then she left, like all humans are destined to leave"
"woaaa so she did all that? It seems like she did everything she wanted, I wish I could be like her, I bet she was tired, I know I would be after all that"
"[laughs] yes you're right, I've almost never thought about it like that, I guess talking about it helps process it better"
"you can always talk to me B, we're best friends!"
"thanks BMO, I think I needed to talk to someone"
"BMO is always willing to help! You know what else can help? Whenever BMO is feeling down a song makes everything better"
"You're right and I even promised to teach you a song, I have one I wrote while I was traveling by boat here, although it's a little depressing if you want I can teach you that one"
"Yeeeee depressing song from B!"
Seeing that BMO didn't care about the tone of the song I didn't hesitate any longer and created with precision a fully functional ice piano, an easy trick with 90 years of practice.
I sat down at the piano under the expectant gaze of BMO and began to play the melody
{Chamber of reflection-Mac DeMarco}
Spend some time away
Getting ready for the day you're born again
Spend some time alone
Understand that soon you'll run with better men
Alone again
Alone again
Alone again
Alone again
Do not use looking out
It's within that brings that lonely feeling
Understand that when you leave here
You'll be clear among the better men
Alone again
Alone again
Alone again
Alone again
Alone again
Alone again
Alone again
-a week later-
-founders island-
-human leader's office-
In a spacious office, perfectly arranged and without a speck of dust in sight, Tomas Jr., current leader of humanity, was looking out the window at the carefree humans enjoying the tranquility in the park.
A year has passed since Blanche set sail for an unknown destination and there are no signs on the radars around the island that a ship is sailing nearby.
Tomas woke up every day anxiously knowing that time was running out and that each day the end was getting closer.
He could only pray to whatever god was listening that his uncle could return soon before people could realize the crisis.
Just then, hurried steps and a slammed door made him look at his assistant who entered the room panting with a phone in his hand.
"Sir! We have a problem! There is something unknown approaching the islands by air, it was picked up by radar, all the guardians have been alerted and are in combat readiness but we need your orders to fire the cannons"
The calm that was instilled in him since he was a child drowned Tomas when in a second he made a decision and took the phone.
"Fire all the cannons now!"
Tomas never thought it would be an aircraft, in his understanding there were only monsters and corpses out there, most likely it was a huge mutant bird.
-MO Co. Airship-
"They're shooting at us"
"Yes, they're shooting at us"
In the captain's cabin, Moe and Blanche watched indifferently as several cannons installed around the coast of Founders' Island fired missiles at them
"I swear that wasn't there when I left"
"Well my friend, knowing your history, you were their missiles or rather their nuclear bomb, I imagine they needed a replacement when you left"
"[sigh] Just stay on course and land in the plaza with the statues please, I'll stop this"
Blanche teleported out of the ship and flew at full speed towards the approaching missiles
-Human Leader's Office-
Tomas calmly waited for the news with his cell phone on speaker while his assistant nervously moved around the room
"Sir! I regret to inform you that all the missiles were destroyed by unknown attacks! I recommend starting evacuation to the underground shelters!"
"Sir, what are we going to do!? We will lose everything we built!"
His assistant was already panicking but luckily Tomas didn't have a moment to lose his cool when a third familiar voice resonated behind him
"That won't be necessary"
A/N: I was planning to make a much, much longer chapter, but I got too inspired and it's already 2000 words, if I continue I'll reach 8000, the next chapter is for "readers only, fools"