Chapter 22 - Explanations

A/N: I'll start off on a note first, a lot of people complained about 'nerfing' the MC but they don't seem to understand his power level very well.

If you take away the powers of him from the MC, like his creation and control of ice along with his intangibility, he is just a well-trained and knowledgeable human.

He is a human, he does not have super strength or super speed, he has not even reached the human peak, he has the level of a fairly trained martial arts fighter and already

I made it quite clear in the descriptions of the first chapters, that his intangibility only makes him immune to PHYSICAL damage, Marceline used a magic that I will later reveal, magic and other types of supernatural manipulation can harm him

Marceline trained for 7 years with the KING OF HELL, in addition to her talent for battles

She took him by surprise and invalidated his powers, so, a demi-demon that could fly at high speeds, with unknown magic against a well-trained human, what did they think would happen? That the mc was going to awaken some kind of hidden power or something? This is not that kind of fanfic

And I really appreciate some of the reviews because they help me improve my writing and story, but before you review you should know something about what you are going to review in the first place, not just read each chapter without paying attention and then complain because the mc didn't hurt his love interest

I wanted to make this clear in the chapter, but I am also to blame for the confusion because I was not having a good time and I wrote that chapter more out of obligation than pleasure

But here it goes, Marceline didn't humiliate Blanche, she just knocked him out when he was surprised that he couldn't use his powers.

Marceline hits him because he left to face everything alone, without thinking about how he was the only loved one she had left.

His decision was fine when you see it from a logical point of view, but they are people, if someone you care about walks away from you to protect you without even consulting your opinion, in addition to lying to himself and denying reality, then you as his loved one would you like to help

Marceline, she is intelligent and empathic, she hit him to make him see reason

I know it's my fault because I didn't write that chapter very well, although this is considered my first original novel

But I was really surprised by the number of whiners in the comments, I know it was poorly written, but they complained because the protagonist did not punch his childhood friend's head off

I know that the drama was not well written, again I repeat this is my first original novel, the previous one was a translation with some corrections

I will try to improve, but I need to know what my mistakes were, not just whining because the MC admitted that he was wrong

If you want a novel where you see an MC OP from chapter one and never make a mistake or be defeated then you are in the wrong place.

I really love criticism because it allows me to be better, like the last review they gave to the novel, it clearly pointed out errors that I am going to improve

But if you're going to cry because something didn't go your way, then all I can say is that you need to grow up.

end of note

PS: read the chapters slowly, don't rush because you could skip some dialogue or detail that I will reference in the future

I say this because sometimes I see comments asking things that are clearly said in the novel

Upload the next chapter when I feel it's well done