Chereads / The monster i never knew / Chapter 2 - 2 Why are you here

Chapter 2 - 2 Why are you here

I created my way down the hall to see what was going on it was probably a bad idea to go alone, but I have to know it has a feeling that was pulling me toward it. An evil laugh came from behind the door. Hold up kid what do you think you're doing don't you think it's kind of dangerous to be doing this. Don't worry about me I got this, and if I don't, I have you to back me upright. Umm kid I don't think you're ready for transformation, it's not all that pretty, and all the pain don't help either it might kill you with your state. What do you mean my country? Well, your human and I are the demon that's trapped inside of you so the transformation of the 2 of us will be awful and when I'm in monster form, I am horrifying with the scariest voice he could. Well, I'm not going to listen to you I'm going to be I want to not because I'm a rebel. Kid, I'm just warning you.

I kicked the door open, and the dark entity looked like he was a monster from another realm. Spikes are coming out of his forearms and his shins and thick plates all along the torso and head. He turned and looked at me his mouth had teeth of a shark mixed with a snake and had huge red eyes and was speaking to me in a language I've never heard of. He grabbed mom and dad's chest they had on their dresser and jumped back out the window. "Hey, that's not yours give that back you filthy maggot!"

As I ran toward the window, I could feel my limbs and muscles tearing and shift I grew in size rapidly with fur all over me. As soon as I jumped out the window, I was this enormous monster size of an animal I couldn't see because of how massive my shoulders were, but the urge to catch the monster grew he was a little smaller than I was and I was a lot faster. With this great chase down the road, I had leaped and caught the beast and ripped his throat out. With his spitting words full of blood his language was clear. 'You might be one of the largest of your kind but there will be more of us to come and take the pretty away so the humans will parish and we will have this world.' with his final word that spoke from his lungs he faded away like ashes, and he disappeared like he never even appeared.

As I rushed back, I could feel myself return to my human state, and scary man was right it hurt extremely bad but no damage to me besides the bruising around my ribs from the sudden change to whatever form I was. I walked into the front door and lane was sitting there on the phone with my mom. "Yes she just walked in the door I'll help her and be back with some of my clothes. Yes, mam okay bye." he looked at me with the sincere look " we need to get luggage together because your parents are on their way to pick us up I'll back get your sis ready, and I'll be right back I promise."

He grabbed his coat and ran out the door with fright, with the adrenaline running through me I got her up, and we started to pack our clothes she was asking all sorts of questions and was being all sort of interrogative mode. I'd understand, but I'm still trying to process what just happened to me and the monster. Was I right am I some were thing mom tried to hide from us what about Susanna is she one too or is she just a human is it a genetic thing or is it just a curse on our family. " Susanna I don't have all the answers the only thing mom and dad want us to do is pack our clothes sure they will tell us everything." she nodded her head with her eyes full of tears. I gave her a somewhat strong hug due to the bruising.

She helped me back down the stairs and set me gently on the couch. " so what happened to you wrestle too ruff with lane?" with a smirk on her face she just laughed at me while my face got red as a tomato. "You know how I feel about that stuff, I chased after a monster you goon, and it was crazy I changed into a huge monster and killed the horrifying thing that wanted this." I held up the chest that mom and dad are so protective over. "Why would the creep want that it's just a box?" "I don't know you're just going to have to wait till mom and dad come."

The doorbell rang Susan jumped up and screeched a little. Sit here, and it'll get the door, calmly as I walk up to the door holding my side in pain and peek through the window it was just lane with his backpack full of clothes. I open the door with direct "Okay one you know you don't have to ring the doorbell just to have us open the door and two this house is your second home." "Yea but I know it makes you mad when I do so I pester you." I shuffle my way back to the living room. "Like that's going to help us right now." with aggravation in Susan's voice "are you done nagging so I can try and heal you?" Bluntly " yes I know what I just said I have been training with mom, and I have been taught to deal with the witch power I got. That's why I didn't freak as bad as you did. Dad was supposed to train you on how not to do so much damage to your body when you turned demon dog."

I was astonished that she kept this from me. I mean we're best friends and sisters. 'I keep getting hurt from my own family scary man what should I do' a silence came to my mind. 'Guess he's upset with me right now' "Cora are you okay?" lane slid his hand under mine and gripped it firmly. "Yea I'm fine I was just thinking." "So I'm going to heal you, and it's going to sting a little if it hurts to bad just tell me, and we can stop," Susanna said with a humming coming from her hands. Smoke came from her hands, and it was a lime green color, and I could feel it seep into my skin absorbing threw my muscles and repairing them. It burned like fire on my skin and felt like something was pulling at my muscles.

She as right it stung horrible, and I sat through it all, but I didn't get up for a few hours. Lane sat with me the whole time I passed out I feel like he likes me a little bit more than just friends but I never want to jump to conclusions. I don't want to miss out on an opportunity to find out, but I know it's going to be a lot of persuading. "Hey, you feeling any better?" "kind of sore but I can move," he smirks, and the blushing on his face gets red.

We hear a car pull up in the drive and Susanna darts to the window. "It's mom so let's get our stuff and get out of here before someone comes back." we scatter around the living room to grab our bags and rush out the door, so it looks like we're just going for a short trip but were never coming back. The house I grew up in is now a memory of the past, and now we're going to some other place.

"So you kids okay? No injuries or any hospital in need of?" 'No' in unison we said. "Well maybe core needs some, but she is too modest to say anything." with a glare I just drilled a hole through her eyes. "Or never mind." "I'm fine mom trust me you taught Susanna well. Oh, by the way, when were you going to tell me that you have started training so that I knew what you two were doing instead of worrying so much?" "Cora I'm sorry your father was supposed to talk to you, but you know your father. Just give him a chance he never really thought it would be a big deal, but I knew you were going to get mad. So please don't get too worked you obviously seen what could happen if you get protective over something or an object that means something to you."

I sat in my seat with my headphones and just ignored the fact that my family thinks it's not essential to inform me that my anger will turn me into some monster. Mom drove all the way till the sun began to set, and we stopped at an inn for the night because mom says one more day of driving, and we will be there.

"What do you guys want me to go get as of food wise? Or we can just order food?" 'mom trying to suck up to us kids for not being there it gets kind of annoying but sometimes I wish she wouldn't feel so upset. "No thanks I think there's a gas station across the road that's open 24 hour so if we need anything we can get it." lane said with a gesture towards the door since she had her own room. "So how do you guys feel about this?" "I feel like this is such crap!!" I yell with aggravation. "What is wrong with you grumpy pants?" Susan said with a teasing tone. "I don't know if you have noticed but we are miles away from home, the fact the stuff mom said about monsters and witches are real, and honestly I think it's a tad disturbing that I am a monster and you are a witch that healed me with some ora!" "Cora you need to calm down. I know there has been a lot of commotion today and who knew that that would actually happen in a world like this but you got to think of the world was normal would it be the same or would it be unusual?" lane just embarrassed me in a huge hug and held me for a few seconds until I calmed myself down enough to not freak out.

Sometimes I wonder if he is supposed to be a big part of whatever that was or if he doesn't care what I am. I mean I was his first real friend. "Hey no matter what I'll be here for you just like you were for me when I was at my all-time low." 'That is true, when we moved here he was a really depressed person and was on the break of killing himself he really didn't like his life he never really had the chance to meet his dad and his mom was at a point in life that lust was something that she had to have so she was clubbing all the time and was coming home sicker than a dog and would not get enough sleep. She probably went through a few jobs until my parents came along and helped her out and got her sober and a job at their company with excellent pay. So our family has helped him and his mom out a lot, so when he's with us, she doesn't care.

"Let's just go to bed because honestly I see the stress and I'm as well is exhausted. I thought that this wouldn't happen for a long time but what control do I have over life?" as she slams herself on the twin size bed and turns the lamp off on her side of the room. "What bed do you want the one in the middle or by the window," I ask exhausted. "I'll take the middle because I know how you get if your not close to a wall, "I smirk and lay there quietly with a calming breath I fall asleep.

'Hey kid I need to talk with you' What do you want now scary man and why didn't you respond to me earlier that was rude. 'Yea that's what happens to me I help you transform, and when you come back I fall asleep, and it wears me out. Trust me the more we do it I'm sure we will get stronger but we have to be careful and not be a monster for too long, or it will be permitted for a long time until someone calms you down.' SO you're JUST TELLING ME THIS NOW!!! 'Well if you would have listened to me earlier we wouldn't have such a problem now would we?' Yea but I have more than just that to worry about you know now I'm homeless because of whoever that monster. what was he talking about there are more of us, and I might be one of the last that made no sense. 'Honestly, the only kid I don't know the only person that might have answers is your father, and he's not here right now so obviously they have to wait.' whatever scary man I need sleep and obviously you do too your not looking too hot. 'Thanks, kid and you too those sore muscles don't go away just staring at a guy' shut it last time I checked you have no say in him. His chuckles came from the darkness and slowly disappeared. Silently I lay in the dark once again, and the slumber took over me once more.