Diary entry 7: Mysteries, Mistakes, and Consequences.
Dear diary, something is seriously wrong with this timeline. Harry's not having those dreams which kick off the ending of book 5 and Voldemort easily came out of hiding. I think I may have kicked the hornet's nest with this one…
Momoko was sitting with a worried expression on her face as her intuition was screaming at her something was wrong. Of course, she tried to hide it so as to not worry her friends but still. She could tell something was wrong.
She was then brought out of her thoughts as she looked down at the wizarding chessboard that she was playing with Ron in the common room.
Ron: "Your turn."
Momoko glanced down at the board and saw the trap that Ron was laying for her before she quickly moved to counter it.
Momoko took a look at Ron's title as with Observe now maxed out she could see the most used titles for anyone around her.
[Name: Ron Weasley
Lvl: 3
Title: Chessmaster]
Momoko could have seen more if she wasn't interrupted by Hermione coming over.
Hermione: "Are you two still at it!? What game is this?"
Momoko: "This is our first game."
Hermione: "But you started this morning!"
Momoko: "And?"
Hermione: "It's nearly 8 at night!"
Momoko rolled her eyes as she took a look at Hermione.
[Name: Hermione Grainger
Lvl: 5
Title: Bookworm]
Momoko was going to read more but once again she was interrupted by another voice which was arguably her best friend.
Harry: "Hermione, are they still at it over here?"
Hermione: "Yes and they say this is the first game!"
Momoko took a look at Harry seeing his title.
[Name: Harry Potter.
Lvl: 10
Title: The Unknowing Chosen One]
Momoko was about to do something that she had told herself she wouldn't. She was going to use observe on Harry. But as soon as she was about to activate the skill, her favorite professor, McGonagall, came in with a grim look on her face.
McGonagall: "Harry Potter, the Headmaster would like to speak with you."
Momoko's bad feeling went from three all the way up to a ten as she heard this. She excused herself quickly and floated out the window making her way to the headmaster's office so she could listen in.
She patiently waited for Harry to show up in the headmaster's office.
Ten minutes of waiting later she finally heard the conversation kick-off.
Dumbledore: "My boy I am afraid I have bad news. Your family was attacked by death eaters earlier today and all three of them were killed."
Harry stood there stock still in shock as on one hand he hated his family with every fiber of his being but on the other, he never truly wished for them to die.
Momoko on the other hand was cursing her luck on not being able to kill the fucking bastards herself, she nearly didn't hear as Harry finally broke out of his stupor responding with.
Harry: "Who killed them?"
Dumbledore: "Bellatrix and the Lestranges were sent to your family's home as Voldemort and his men attacked the ministry."
Momoko in her mind was both elected that it was Bellatrix, knowing that their deaths were painful. But on the other hand, she was panicking as the story was going off the rails faster than she could ever anticipate. Again, she had to forcefully pull herself together to continue listening in.
Harry: "Was anybody hurt when Moldydick attacked the ministry?"
Dumbledore chuckled before responding.
Dumbledore: "How did you get Harry into calling him that as well Miss Akatsutsumi?"
Momoko was startled when Dumbledore called out to her before she guiltily floated into the headmaster's office.
Momoko: "Hey professor Dumbledore"
Momoko said this with an embarrassed blush trying not to look at the surprised face of Harry.
Harry: "Momoko!? What were you doing floating out there!?"
Momoko: "My intuition was screaming at me all day that something bad was going to happen but I didn't know where it was coming from… I thought the toad might have figured out about the Power-Puffs but apparently, it was something much bigger."
Dumbledore was surprised at the fact that she knew something was going to happen but didn't know what.
Dumbledore in his thoughts: 'Is she a dormant seer? That would definitely explain how she's able to know exactly what to say to make people as angry as she does while keeping them from being able to retaliate without repercussions'
Momoko looked over and looked at dumbledore's title.
[Name: Albus too many names Dumbledore.
Lvl: 99
Title: Lord of the Light and the Greater Good.]
Momoko had hated his title the moment she saw it as in her opinion unless you're all knowing you have no right to say you're working for the greater good.
Dumbledore: "Miss Akatsutsumi you say you have these flashes of intuition?"
Dumbledore didn't really care how she got Harry into calling Tom that insulting nickname as finding out how deep her intuition was more important.
Momoko: "Oh yeah that's how I knew that I could use light manipulation and how I needed to save Harry from those soul-sucking Dementors."
Most people think Momoko never hides anything due to the fact that she goes into a deep explanation about her abilities, or at least most of them.
Dumbledore in his thoughts: 'This is both a blessing and a curse. She could definitely be a thorn in trying to get Harry to sacrifice himself. But on the other hand, while she cannot truly see the future, her intuition is in some cases better.'
Dumbledore knew for a fact that Momoko would go out of her way for her friends and he was sure if the hat could have looked into her mind she would have been instantly placed into Hufflepuff for her loyalty alone.
Dumbledore: "You two off you trot back to bed, and Miss Akatsutsumi can you please use the door like a normal person?"
Momoko: "Hmmm…. Let me just think about that… Nope!"
Momoko yelled as she quickly dashed back out the window she came in from leaving a light trail of pink as she flew directly back into the girl's common room.
Momoko soon was laying down in her bed that she had been sleeping on since she came to Hogwarts.
Momoko lay there, looking up at the ceiling though she wasn't really looking; she was more focused on her mind as she was going through calculations and plans at insane speeds. Plans that would impress and leave the most brilliant minds stumped.
The other girls soon came in and started going to bed, all of them knowing that when Momoko is like this, it's better not to disturb her. Even Hermione didn't try to disturb her. Even if she wanted to ask what happened in the headmaster's office.
Back in Momoko's mind, she had not anticipated that Moldydick wouldn't attack Harry's mind. That stumped her, as everything about the bastard would say he would attack Harry's mind… So why didn't he?