Tod gets up at the crack of dawn and goes to the kitchen to make breakfast, but when he gets there he finds a note that just says "i leave now, signed rodger" tod confused goes to rodgers rooms and sees in the same state it was prior to arrival, except that the painting now shows a vivid scene of a lamb being slaughtered by a butcher, tod not thinking much of the painting other than its rather creepy goes on with his day and makes breakfast for everyone.
One by one people get up and sit down at the dining table ready for breakfast, once the final person wakes they all gather to eat, tod casually mentions how he found a note by roger stating that he left, daryl asks if there was a reason for it, tod hands him the note "i didn't see a reason, but if you can find one go ahead and look"
daryl inspect the note and finds some very very small writing that he is unable to make out, everyone else takes a look, marcus finally get it figured out and notices it's just a jumble of random letter with the exception of the word candle is placed precariously in the jumble of words. With that they start looking at the candles, no one notices the candle fixture has a singular candle that has died.
After a while of looking everyone decides to give up and they all meet in the commons to try to decide what to do for the day, Jonny suggests that they take the day to explore the property as they never got the chance to before.
They split up into 4 groups, tod and marcus, kyle and daryl, jonny and carter, and finally charlie, liam, and evan. They all split off, tod and marcus ascend the left stairwell, kyle and daryl the same but with the right stairwell, jonny and carter head outside to explore the external property, charlie, liam, and evan are left to look through the first floor.
Now there's a few different groups, feel free to view the groups in whatever order you like. For tods group look for the large 1, for kyles group look for the large 2, for jonnys group look for the large 3, and for charlies group just continue from this point
Charlie, liam, and evan look around the main floor for rooms they didn't notice, for after a bit of searching they find a study that's connected to a library, there are dozens of shelfs, ten feet tall each, there's a ladder to reach the high shelves, and off in the corner is a segment that separated from the rest of the library with a sign that just says "bad book, do not read" intrigued by the sign they investigate the area, evan steps on a small hidden plate and there is a loud clock that shakes the house, and the shelves part a couple seconds later, very corner of the library has an entry, charlie looks at evan and make a request "evan, can you go gather everyone?
1- tod and marcus head up into the second floor, scouring the left of the second floor the to find a large second floor pool, a second set of living quarters, all room are an empty as a incels DMs in february, except for that there are small hatches are on the floor, marcus opens one and sees it drops into a room, looks to be a library, marcus peeks his head down and sees rows and rows of ten foot shelves, before marcus can see charlie and liam, evan runs down the hall hollering for tod and marcus. Marcus and Todd enter the hall to see what's going on, evan stops inches away from them and in a slightly excited voice informs them "hey so charlie liam and i were in a library when we accidentally opened several secret entrances, i was told to gather everyone, so come with me!" tod and marcus nod in unison and follow him to get kyle and daryl
2- kyle and daryl goes down the right side of the second floor, the floors squeal with a shallow creak every daryl takes a step and it makes a loud squeak unlike the ambien squeal of the floor, starling him and instinctively he hides behind kyle,
kyle amused by this "dude, did you just get freightened by a fucking squeak, what are you 8 years old?"
daryl exasperated "you know i startle easy"
kyles reponds neutrally "tru tru, you do startle easily, well i see a couple room, let's tackle these one by one,"
daryl rushes to a door that has some words inscribed into it "hey this one says candle on it, i wonder if it has anything to do with the note earlier"
kyle walks up behind him "hm maybe, let's get the group, we need marcus with his good analytics skills"
daryl takes off down the left side to find marcus when he stumbles into evan with tod and marcus in tow,
daryl shocked "oh hey, come with me we found something interesting, a door has the word candle inscribed, i'm wondering if it has something to do with the note rodger left"
Evan replies "yea, we should check that out, but first my group found some hidden entrances, we need everyone to check them out, well come back to the door after, OK?"
daryl replies "yea alright here head outside to get the other two, i'll go get kyle and meet you by the entrance"
evan heads down the stairs and outside, while daryl heads over to kyle and explains everything while taking him to the entrance to the building
3-johnny and carter explore the area on the other side of the building, away from the garden, or maze, they find a large graveyard, there are roughly 50 graves they take time inspecting each one, they seems to ascend in date as they get further right and back, in the back row there are 9 open graves before they can inspect the open graves they hear the sound of evan hollering for them ,silently they head over and evan explains the entrances, they get inside and as the door click close they heard a loud thump ,worried something happened to charlie and liam they rush to the library to find them fine and the openings fine.
Charlie walks up to Evan and inquires "what was the thump?"
Evan replies worried "I have no clue, let's just hope it's nothing, anyway I got everyone, let's explore the entrances in groups of 3, each group does 2 entrances. Tod, marcus and daryl go the far two, kyle, carter, and johnny do the middle two, charlie liam and i will do the closes two"
Everyone nods in agreement and they go to check out the entrances.
The all decent the entrance, most of the room just contain a locked cell, with a key on a hook, and a bunk bed with two skeletons on it, one on each bunk. But one room was different, the second room that tod group entered, they see a cell like the ones before but there weren't any bunk beds and there wasn't a key on the hook, with a gentle push the cell opened, marcus entered using his phone as a light, he looks around and under the bed he finds a box full of photos, some very old some new, all had the eyes crossed out, when finally marcus saw a photo of rodger, the eyes crossed out. As marcus steps back in fear, he steps on a key on the floor, when it clicks,
Marcus states in a shaky voice "whatever was in this room, isn't in this room anymore".
Marcus scurries to the entrants to try to leave, when gets to the door he attempts to open it with no avail, he rears back and with one strong thump, he slams into the door but the door stands strong, he stood like david, and the door stood like goliath, marcus convinced he will succeed rams into it muck like david slung rocks at goliath, unlike that story, marcus fails, the door stay strong, goliath victorious, and david defeated.
Marcus steps back and falls to the floor "were, were trapped. What are we going to do"
while everyone stands around the shadowy figure sits perched on the rafters chuckling to himself, in a silent tone the figure disappears and floats down to liams level whispering into his ear so close to the drum "who said there was anyone in that room, are you sure it wasn't one of you?"
Liam almost like he came up with the thought on his own relays what the figure has whispered in his ear, with complete accuracy. Everyone turns to liam.
daryls walks up and prods at liams chest "whatcha sayin that we did this? That we killed roger? I don't much like that notion"
liam backs up a couple feet and in a defensive tone "look, i didt say it WAS one of us, i was just saying it's a possibility one of us, like maybe there's something possessing us"
tod looks at liam and suddenly remembers something "wait, daryl, did you say you found a room with the word cable on it?"
Daryl replies confused on the sudden topic change "yea, it's the first door on the right, if you go up the right staircase".
Tod looks the direction and takes off up the stairs, the rest confused follows him
Tod gets to the poor and raises the note up to it "marcus, i need your analysis"
Marcus looks at both, after a few minutes of inspecting he confirms "the handwriting is identical by at least 90 percent, looks like it's the same thing".
Tod steps up and gently opens the door, that's when the clocks all tick midnight. Every candle suddenly goes black. The shadowy figure claps over the second shortest candle causing it to flicker in a dying agony, before it slips into obscurity and the flame is no more.