Chereads / by the flicker of a candle / Chapter 3 - DAY THREE

Chapter 3 - DAY THREE

After a couple seconds the lights all come on no one realizes Carter's disappearance, they're all focused on the room. With the lights on, tod continues to open the door, with every second it takes the door to open it creaks ever so much, after a minute of agonizing fear tod opens it enough to enter, he turns on his phone's flashlight to see.

All he sees is a singular table, with a note on it, tod grabs the note and hands it to marcus to inspect  marcus reads the letter "the guide, a man of few words, how great of a guide he is that he greeted and left, maybe he knew a secret, or maybe he saw the evil lying behind one of your eyes but who am i to say" 

marcus hands tod the note which tod reads, the note gets passed around and everyone agrees that the guide did must have killed rodger, 

Tod pulls out his phone to call the guide, after a couple moments the guide picks up "is this mila?", 

tod confused spesponds "no this isn't her" 

the guide questions "it's a guy and oh are you SF?" 

tod inquisically "no, who are these people? Im tod" 

the guide sucks air through his teeth'' I thought i acti-" 

the phone's connection cuts suddenly, he puts it in his pocket and turns to the group "well what now? Honestly I don't know what to do, we're stranded with no service, and our only contact to the world is the person keeping us here." 

the shadowy figure sloops down in a shimmering beam of light, like that of a window when the sun shines right through, above tod and whispers into his ear "kill marcus, kill marcus, kill marcus, kill marcus, kill marcus" the figure keeps repeating that over and over, until tod snaps, 

he hurriedly walks to the kitchen where he had yet to clean up from yesterday's breakfast, everyone follows him concerned, "this isn't like him" kyle contests 

marcus refutes that by saying "actually, its not to far off, he walks like that, he just doesn't run off like this often, either way something is off, and i don't know what.'' 

Tod finally gets to the kitchen where he grasps a large chef's knife and turns around to marcus. Tod, obviously in distress, raises the knife to Marcus and lets him know "the place is telling me to do this, im sorry" 

before anyone can stop him he drives the knife directly into Marcus's eye. Marcus blood spurting from his eye with a solem whimpering whisper "wh, why tod, we were best friends. I can't be iiiiiiiiiii" 

Marcus then flops to the group and the blood stops spurting and starts to flow out into a puddle. And he lies there dead. The figure wooshes over the 3rd candle and slips up to the roof, the candle doesn't flicker, or die out, it just extinguishes in an instant. 

Daryl tackles tod to the floor and takes the knife from his hand shouting at him "what the fuck, you monster!'' 

Tod snaps out of it and starts to sob. "What did I do? I killed my best friend. We did everything together" 

evan pipes in unwanted "you should die, whether from our hand or yours. You killed our own blood" 

kyle puts his hand around and mouth "shut up, or your next'' 

evans eyes widen "o- ok kyle, i'll shut up" 

daryl takes the knife and puts it in the knife block, "ok let's all stay together, head count time" 

Daryl goes down a list and at the end notices Carter is there anymore "hey, where is carter?" 

a shadowy figure whispers in everyone's ear "checkout the rooms of marcus, rodger and carter'' 

everyone checks the rooms find a note in each the note in roger room read as "read these in order of death, and you will know" 

the one in carter's room read "rodger and marcus, both in the same fate" 

the one in marcus room read "Little did they know carter had joined their ranks" 

tod eventually pieces it together that carter is dead. liam grabs charlies arm and pulls him in his room with a hushed tone "hey charlie, i found this note yesterday morning, it was on tods bedside, i'm scared" 

the note liam found read "once the last one dies, you will no longer be forced to lie, don't you cry out for help for then you might be found bled out fate set" 

Charlie's natural smile drops as he realizes what he must do "do you think tod will kill again?" 

Liam is scared "yea, he probably will kill again. We must stop him before he can cause any harm" 

charlies takes a deep breath and hugs liam "i will do it, your shirt could get blood stains on it, now wouldn't that be bad" 

liam hugs back and starts to cry "just don't get caught, i couldn't help it if you got hurt because you want to protect us all" 

charlies gives liam a light kiss "don't work-" 

The door bust open daryl in the door frame startled "oh, uh, i didn't know you two were gay, don't worry i wont tell anyone" he apologizes and closes the door

The group try to keep morale up by playing poker and blackjack, tod sitting there observing wondering how he should punish himself for his crimes, no one notices charlie curled in a cabinet in the kitchen he aims a crossbow at tod. Charlie braces his body and pulls the trigger. Over at the poker table everyones enjoying their time as an arrow wizzes by, missing tod and sticking into evans arm, he starts screaming in agony as he rips it out slicing his arm open with blood gushing and squirting everywhere he tries to bandage it with his shirt with moderate success, but before anyone could even react to that arrow even before evan realized, another arrow sinks its tip into tods temples tod noticing evans arm tries to help him as he walks over blood pouring from his head. Evans eyes widen as tod is walking his way

Tod starts to feel dizzy before he falls onto the feathers of the arrow driving it in further before he dies. The figure swooshes over the next candle and it slides off a bit before regaining its flame before slowly dying out again. 

Daryl stands up and looks around "what the fuck was that, who shot him for the matter of the fact where did that arrow come from that direction is the kitchen and theres no o-" 

before he finishes the sentence he heard the clack of a cabinet, curious he opens its and finds charlie sobbing with a crossbow "im sorry, im sorry, im sorry, im sorry" 

daryl picks charlies up from the front of his shirt and punches him once to shut him up, he takes him to the library everyone follows as he enters one of the dungeons opens the cell and tosses him in and locks it "now, everyone listen up charlie is in jail, the next person that kills another also goes in jail, ok? Ok"

Daryl goes back up the stairs and everyone follows. They all go back to the room and play poker again, when the shadowy figure drops down invisible yet again to tell everyone "what about that pool, what if we took a swim?"

Everyone turned to see who said that but no one was visibly, everyone then looked at each other and nodded. Daryl said "meet at the pool entrance at 3, that gives about 10 minutes to get ready" 

everyone nodded and went off to their rooms to get dressed everyone meets at the pool entrances and they head in to see what this pool was all about, the second they go in the room they all were smacked by the stench of longtime dormant water and blood, but through that they pursue the water in great faith that it wasn't too cold, it was way to cold, they got in and were shivering, but they moved around and the water warmed up quite a bit, they had brought a football and started playing football in the water, it was all  great fun, and the fun lasted for hours, so much that they didn't notice when it got darker than the nights eye. 

"Hey, look, it's like 11 pm, we've been here for a long time, '' said daryl. 

"Yea, well, what do ya say we take out clothes and skinny dip? Even though there are no women it would still be great fun" said liam. 

Daryl looked liam in the eye and just shook his head "no we're not doing that, good idea, but what if we did the opposite and we all got our clothes on and just had some fun fully clothed." 

With that everyone got their clothes on and got back in the pool fully clothed Kyle was confused "so why are we doing this?" 

daryl laughs "because we're all gonna die, so let's do things no one would ever think to do" 

Kyle and Johnny grab Daryl's shoulder and pull him to the edge of the pool in unison. "Hey Daryl, are you doing ok? Other than the were all going to die part" 

Daryl is still laughing "why wouldn't I be dandy? I'm all fine and dandy. Certainly! HAHA!" 

the clock ding midnight and the entire room goes pitch black then jonny and kyles hand drop from daryl's shoulders to the side of the pool the figure flutters over the candle and another goes out, it flickers a small amount before going out peacefully with half of the candles gone the figure laughs