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Survival In A New Fantasy World

chs / week
Takashi wakes up in a world nearly devoid of people, with no personal memories and in a world full of dangers. From zombies and skeletons to sea serpents and dragons, all wanting him for breakfast, how will he survive in a world stuffed full of so many dangerous monsters? But Luck may be on his side! He may not remember much about who he is but, surprisingly, not only is his head is full of knowledge, he also has a game like interface that pops up in front of him! He just has to find ways to put it all to use, and that he does. ------------------------------- May or May not have romance and or harem, idk yet but if it does than you can expect some R18 chapters. (I have never written any before so they might not be that good) ------------------------------- Author Note:: This novel is going to put out chapters whenever I feel like it, the average chapter length will tend to be around 3k words. Author Note 2: I am NOT dropping my other novels, just working on this as I try to edit and figure out what I want to do with the others.

Chapter 1 - Who? What? Why? Where? How?


" " (Spoken Words)

' ' (Thoughts)

* * (Sound Effect)

-- (End Scene)

{ } (System)

Author Note: I am not sure what POV to write this in yet so I just went with what was easiest tell me what you think in the comments!


It was a cool and cold feeling that Takashi felt wrapped around him as he was aroused to consciousness

'Where am I?'

'I feel cold....and wet..... like.... I'm...?!?!!'

Takashi's eyes shot open and all he could see around him was a deep dark blue, flailing his arms and legs he barely held back his panic, as he swam up on instinct.


Splashing to the surface Takashi used a kicking motion to stay there, as he took in his location

'Where am I?'


Spotting a floating castle to his right, Takashi couldn't help but get confused at the sight. The castle was small, only having four towers, and had water flowing down into the great deep blue.

Though it was odd, Takashi felt he could get up to it some how and turned, starting to swim towards it, though as he did so a old wooden ship was poking out of the surface of the water, and right behind it.....

"Land! Nice!"

Deciding that land sounded much nicer than a castle Takashi swam towards it instead

'Maybe I can even find something useful in the sunken ship'

Coming to the ship, Takashi took a deep breath and dived down to it. The ship was only a few meters underwater, and while its condition was pretty bad, it still had its general structure intact.

Seeing nothing on its deck, Takashi went to a hole in its side, maybe the reason it sunk in the first place. Once inside he went under a over hang were a air bubble had formed, catching his breath in the bubble, he than went through what must have been a door way, and right in front was, a chest!

'Nice, almost thought this place was empty'

Swimming over to it he tried to open it but found that there was a freaking lock on it, he swam back to the air bubble.

"Damn! I can't make lock picks yet"

'Well I guess I should head to shore first than'

After all he could always go back later.

Swimming back out Takashi headed for the surface, when a shiver ran up his spine, he turned to swim back into the sunken ship


Takashi felt pain shoot through his entire body as he felt something clamp around his waist and then everything went black, and a couple messages appeared in front of him, before disappearing shortly after

{Acquired Knowledge: Sea Serpent}

{Sea Serpent Killed You}



It was a cool and cold feeling that Takashi felt wrapped around him as he was aroused to consciousness... again...

'I'm still alive? Yeah....that makes sense'

After reaching the surface for a second time and looking around he realized that he was in a different place than the first time, this time he couldn't see land anywhere around him, though after swimming around, he did spot what looked to be an underwater facility of some sort.

Deciding that, that's probably the best he's going to find, Takashi headed towards it swimming as fast as he could, though before he swam further than a couple meters, he heard something swimming towards him.

'Definitely not a Sea Serpent' Takashi thought, a bit hopeful

Turning around he was greeted to the lovely sight of a large, open, mouth, belonging to creature that looked to be a mix of a shark and a dolphin. Twisting to the left Takashi felt its razor sharp teeth graze his chest, the pain almost stopping him from being able to keep afloat.

{Acquired Knowledge: Roa}

The creature, turned and bit at him for a second time, push down his pain as best as he could, Takashi, swung his fist at what looked to be its face, hitting it over and over as it bit at him, he struggled and kicked, he knew he wouldn't survive again but, since he lived long enough to put up a fight, he was going to do his damn well best to kill it as it killed him.



{Roa Killed You}

"Not really surprised"


Coming to, this time Takashi didn't feel water around him, opening his eyes he found he had respawned in a forest near a swampy lakes shore.

The trees around him looked to be mainly oak.

Not seeing any danger around him at the moment Takashi sat down to get his thoughts straight.

"First" Takashi spoke aloud to himself. "Who am I?"

"I'm Takashi..... Takashi.....Just....Takashi.... I guess"

"Second, where am I?"

'I really don't know.....'

"....Whatever that's not very important"

'It went, Who What Why Where How... right? I mixed that up it seems'

"Well the what doesn't seem useful at all, so Why am I here?"

"I don't know"


"Again I don't know"

'Whats important right now is not how I'm here, but how do I survive?'

"I may not be able to die but.....Not only does it hurt like hell, but I also end up somewhere completely different than I was before"

'Seems like just bad luck I got stuck in water twice in a row'

"If I want to survive I'm going to need tools, so first is.....a knife"

Standing up Takashi looked around for anything he could make use of, it felt kind of stupid to be digging through the dirt but, its not like anyone was watching him, right?

Luck seemed to be with Takashi this time as he found some flint in a gravel patch lining the lake, though looking at it now, it looks more like a large pound, it wasn't even that deep.

Takashi walked over to a small hill in the forest that had a lot of open stone on its edge, taking the flint he smashed it against the stone over and over, by the end he had broken them into shards. He then broke a small branch off of a tree and than..... was stuck.

'What did I think I could do with this? I kinda just did it off of instinct rather than really thinking about it'

"Wait....where did the flint shards go?"

Looking around Takashi tried to remember where he put them...and couldn't remember setting them down anywhere


He was just holding them how did they vanish?!

'Lets think...I had them up until I took the stick.....then it just vanished'

"Did I put them somewhere? a pocket?"

"How am I supposed to keep inventory of anyth...!"

Suddenly, as he said inventory, a screen popped up, in the top left corner was a box that showed himself, with a few things going down along the right edge of it, while the left had a four square area running from the top down

The right corner had a four square empty area

Below were 9x5 squares (One of which held something that looked like the flint shards he had lost)

On the left most side a few tabs were attached with their own icons

Inventory having a small bag.

Attributes was a thin book with a purple gleam to it

Skills was a blank tab

Knowledge Had a thick book that looked like a dictionary


{Inventory} !




"Okay....well at least I know where my flint went"

'How do I move things around, probably thinking about it right?'

Takashi concentrated on the skills tab, and to his surprise.....nothing happened



Reaching up he tapped the skills tab.....and it worked though it felt weird, when his finger touched it, it felt like touching a really thin sheet of ice, minus the cold, pressing on it with just barely any strength hi finger would go through it.



{Attributes} !

{Attack 0} {Defense 0}

{Magic 0} {Agility 0}

{Mining 0} {Building 0}

{Farming 0} {Gathering 0}



'Huh interesting'

Opening the Profile tab Takashi Looked at it with amusement.

{Profile} !

Name: Takashi Yoshino

Level: 0

Exp: 0

Health: 18

Mana: 0

Stamina: 18


Intelligence: 0

Endurance: 0

Strength: 0

Dexterity: 0

Willpower: 0

Attentive: 0

Wisdom: 0

Deftness: 0

Luck: 0





'Based Off of the fact that I am still alive, I will assume that 0 is average. My stats are also probably attached to my skills'

Going through and testing everything Takashi found that, skills couldn't be opened yet, and knowledge information about everything, from how to craft things like swords to a bestiary that had all the types of creatures he had come across so far. As for his inventory, he could take stuff out and put it back in with just a thought, though he could only take stuff out if the tab was open, he could also switch from anything that was in what he called Pocket Inventory, with just a thought it had up to 9 empty spots.

In the inventory screen there was also a small 2x2 box that he could use to make stuff, putting the stick and flint together, and hitting the craft button next to it, they both disappeared with a flash and a small flint knife, about the size of a pocket knife, appeared in the top left of his inventory.

Equipping it into his PI he pulled it out, it definitely could not have been made out of just a stick and flint shard, it was sharp, and looked half decent.

Taking it he went and cut some reeds from near the large pound.

Putting them in the crafting slot he made some plant rope, using that and another stick and flint shard, and the system crafting made it into a small hatchet.

Going over and hitting a tree with it he cursed


'This hatchet is worse than I thought! its going to take awhile to cut down this tree'

Nonetheless he kept swinging and after about five minuets a loud *CRACK!* was heard throughout the forest, before the tree came falling down and.....popped into chunks.


'That's a bit.....odd' Reaching over and grabbing them, the disappeared into his inventory.

Looking at them in his inventory they were called {Oak Logs} putting them in the crafting slot they turned into {Oak Planks} and then using those he made a simple crafting table, which was basically just a larger version of the crafting slot.

According the some info Takashi got from the {Knowledge tab} putting a bunch of {Stones} together would make {Solidstone} which could be used to make a pickax or sword, etc.

By the time Takashi got all the stones he needed to make a pickax it had already gotten started to get dark out, the moon almost in view, when he got a system message.

{The Blood Moon Is Rising}

"And what does that mean exactly?"

'I should probably head back and find a place to hide, I think I remember that werewolves and vampires get stronger during blood moons...I wonder if those creatures exist here?'

Takashi ran around the pound heading back to where his crafting table is, the fact that the system felt the need(Can a system feel?) to warn him, made him worry that a blood moon was very dangerous.

And as if right on queue[Author: queue looks like a Russian word Lol] an arrow wheezed past his head, missing purely because of luck, taking a chance and glancing behind him, Takashi saw a full on skeletal body, only attached with mana, that was glowing with a purple sheen and held a bow stretched tight, and pointing his way.

Dropping to a crouch without slowing down Takashi dodged trees and heard a *THUNK!* every now and then from tree right wear he used to be, right at his head level, so far no arrows had hit him but, his stamina was dropping quickly and the skeleton seemed to be able to keep up all the while shooting arrows at him.

But, Takashi's crafting table came into sight, rather than making a pickax he would make a sword and then he would be able to fight his way through this Blood moon.

Reaching the crafting table he opened it up and, closed it jumping to the ground *BOOM* a small explosion engulfed the table, Takashi, having just barely gotten out of the way enough not to die, jumping back up he turned around and pulled out his flint knife, it wouldn't last that long, he knew, but if he just had enough time to dive in the water, he could swim out into the middle of the pond and try to wait out this Blood Moon.

About to dash towards the pond, Takashi froze, a very pale human was walking towards him, a limp in his step, and gibberish coming out of his mouth, with blood flowing freely from a VERY prominent bit mark on its neck, a Zombie, not to bad if you have a decent weapon, but a small knife made from flimsy flint? there's no way it could injure it enough to help whatsoever, not only that, but he seemed to have brought a few of his friends with him.

That freeze cost Takashi big time, *Shoou* and arrow plunges into his chest from behind, "Fuck!" he forgot about the skeleton.

He grimaces in pain, as he turns around and runs at the skeleton, it should be easier to kill, it has takes time to draw, aim and shoot after all, the skeleton draws and shoots, Takashi dodges left the arrow skimming the flesh of his cheek.

He's to slow to dodge completely, or maybe its how dark it is, he can barely see the arrow before it reaches him, though he is fast enough to reach it before it can fire off another shot.

The *Ting* of the small knife hitting solid bone before the

*Crack!* of a blade.

Fear permits the air as Takashi hears his only weapon cracking, before shattering into pieces, just as he feels heat approaching his side before *BOOM* another fireball, thrown from a being, now visible to his side, explodes on impact with the side of his head knocking him to the ground and burning the side his head, the pain barely having time to register as his world, once again goes black.

{Blight Cinder Killed You}