*present time*
Geb parked the car in the parking lot as he stepped down from it. He glanced at Nessy who just got down immediately he stopped the car and was already half way to the building. He adjusted the tie on his neck, trying to make himself comfortable in it but to no avail. He scoffed and took it off. The shirt as well was too tight on his neck, trying to choke the air out of his mortal body. He caused the so called designers boutique Nessy took him to, in order to get clothes for him. He loosen the two first buttons and then felt comfortable. He then tucked in his shirt properly causing the now mortals resort as he dressed. If not for the mind duplication, he wouldn't have understood why he had to dress that way, but according to what Nessy knows, which is also what he knows too, he has to dress formal everytime he is coming to the office.
Truth be told, he didn't really know why he was here. He should be planning on how to get back to his time and his Nut as well, yes he missed her so much and long for her to be in his arms. But then, what was this that he felt for this mortal that is making him want to give up his will for her, to make her his consort. No! He was a god and should start acting as one, he should just convince her to help him rise again in will, strong enough and be able to break the bonds of whatever spell his father used on him.
He sighed at the last thought as he stared at Nessy's alluring back. He woke up from his daydream, with the mindset to make his intensions and known to her today. He followed after her, though not in a haste because he knew exactly where she was going to :her office.
The company building was very big and magnificent. It was a sky scraper and Nessy's office was at the toppest floor. The company was named after her father Mitch Saadid. They produced skin care products, such as cream, soap, body wash, body oil, and all kinds of skin care products, and that's one of the reasons why Nessy was a social media queen, due to the fact that her skin care products were the most dominant in the whole of Egypt.
"Good morning maam" all the staff greeted Nessy as she passed by arrogantly without answering their greetings. Well they didn't bother atall, because this was her character so everyone was already used to it. But that doesn't mean that you shouldn't greet because that mistake may cause your job.
However, today was different. Nessy wasn't the center of attraction today, because even though she was rude and arrogant, it didn't change the fact that she was extremely beautiful and every one in the office ogled her especially the male staff, because of her perfect curves and pretty face. But now, the female staff had someone to ogle, he was tall, handsome to the core like he was a god, well he is a god actually. His hazel eyes were so captivating that even if he didn't stare directly at you, you would stare directly at him. His steps were so toned that listening to him walk could make you lose concentration and focus on him. He was just too beautiful to be true. And just make matters worse, his upper chest was bear due to the loosened two buttons all the ladies were blushing too much that their cheeks turned red and their whole bodies flushed.
Geb could hear all their thoughts, but couldn't care less. He wasn't in the mood for mortal flirting now. He just walked pass each and everyone of them following Nessy, as they sook desperate means to get a body contact with him atleast.
Nessy didn't notice the women that were ogling at Geb. She was too proud to notice such things. She just cat walked with her head held high, and her nose in the air. When she got to the elevator, she turned back for the first time since they got to the company and her jaw dropped at what she saw.
'Why did he have to look so good? ' she cursed within her. She stood there with her mouth open in awe š. Till he got to where she stood.
Geb felt so proud of himself at the moment. Though he was not been praised as a god he was, but he was being adorned because of his mortal body. He got an exceptional joy within him when he head her thoughts. But he acted like he knew nothing. He just walked up to her and asked sarcastically "is this passage your office? " with a smirk on his face.
Nessy jolted from her thoughts immediately. She felt so embrassed but thanked her stars that he didn't know what she was thinking. She just flung her hair at him and pushed the elevator buttons. With a beep, the door opened and they stepped in.
Nessy felt heat creeping into her skin. The elevator just started moving but it felt like she has been in there with Geb for hours. She glanced at him, but he felt relaxed as if everything was normal. But she felt very awkward and just then, she noticed the problem. "Do you mind buttoning your shirt very well, its really irresponsible to dress that way " she said, trying not to sound nervous.
Geb had noticed her nervousness immediately they entered the elevator. He believed it was because she was still innocent, 'but not for long' he thought to himself with a sly smile. He was enjoying the moment till he heard her ask him to button up his shirt. 'Really spoilt mortal?, you really want to play this game'. He thought to himself with a smirk then faced Nessy.
"And what if l say l won't " he said drawing closer to her.
"Then l will fire you" Nessy said, trying to stand erect. 'Why does she feel so subdued by him while she was the boss'. She just couldn't understand.
Geb drew closer to her, he could sensed the purity of her body and couldn't wait to have it. He bent over to her neck and inhaled her scent but also her nervousness. He drew back and look at her face and read her thoughts as well. Her mind was blank and her face was stoic. She was probably in shock of what he was about to do or what it seemed liked he was about to do. 'Oh what an innocent consort ' he thought. As he took paces away from her so she could be called out from her daze.
"What were you about to do to me? " she asked almost in tears and enbrassment at the same time. " How dare you try to take away my chastity? Are you ok, l have said this before but maybe you didn't get it clear. I AM YOUR BOSS!! ". She yelled.
Just then, the elevator stop with a beep and the door opened. She stormed out not even taking a glance at him. She was just too embrassed, flustered and angry to do so.
Geb just walked out casually like nothing happened. He walked into her office and stared directly at her, he was trying to study her.
However, Nessy just ignored as she focused her thought on the laptop screen before her. She didn't hate him for what happened earlier, she was only nervous then and reacted in a way she actually didn't mean to. Geb was atleast relieved, because she being angry with him now won't help him atall.
He took a seat directly opposite to hers. He breathed and was about to start talking, but was cut off by the knock on the door.
"Come in" Nessy said casually without raising her head, as her secretary peeped inside before she came in fully and said to her from her stand "madam, Morsi Mubarak is here to see you".
'Morsi Mubarak?! ' Nessy heart skipped a beat. He was the son of the president of Egypt and was very influential outside his father's shadow on his own. 'Why could he be here', Nessy thought.
"Let him in " she finally said.
"Ok maam" the secretary said and left.
Geb made himself more comfortable on the seat he was sitting. He already knew who the Morsi was and how his presence affects Nessy. And to be honest with himself, he didn't like it at all.
Few seconds later, the door opened and a tall, well built man walked in his hair was cut short and his eyes were brown and as warm as his greetings "Hi there Nessy, long time no see. I just hope you're ready for my request". He said still smiling
Immediately, Nessy's mind went into flash back as well as the duplicate that Geb possessed. And then she remembered that the last time they saw each other, at the launching of her Nes- see body wash and he had told that he wanted a request from her but in due time and she accepted saying "till then Morsi ".
So this was the request then. "And what might your request be " Nessy asked with eager eyes as she walked upto him and made herself comfortable on the couch directly opposite to the one he was sitting, at the other side of the office.
Morsi smiled and said "l wish to make you my first lady"....
"What??! "