Chereads / The World in Fantasy / Chapter 2 - - The Great Teleportation

Chapter 2 - - The Great Teleportation

Monday, 3 October 2022, 6:00 A.M.

The United Nations Headquarter, New York, United States of America.

After the world was engulfed in darkness for only one second and when the light comes back, they realized. They are not in their solar system anymore.

UN General Assembly Emergency Meeting

In this meeting, all the world leaders are present which is a really rare occurrence considering that they usually only send their diplomats to represent each of their countries, but considering the importance of this emergency meeting, they decided that it would be best if the leaders of their country to come to the meeting.

President John of The United States of America, President Kavarov of The Federation of Russia, President Mingzhi of The People's Republic of China, Prime Minister Pace of The United Kingdom, and President Luman of France.

John started the meeting with a speech

"As we all know, this yesterday in American Time. The whole world was engulfed in darkness when our Sun suddenly vanished which also caused an anomaly to our electrical system that took it down for a mere one second.".

"Then after those events, then we were greeted with two pairs of suns in the place of our Sun and not only that we were also shown three pairs of moons, and so because of these events, we start this meeting to discuss the continuation of our countries and societies.".

John then allowed experts of science of each respective country that have veto rights to present their findings.

Doctor Bake the leader of the science experts then started his presentation

"According to the reports of our experts, we are not on Earth anymore but rather on another planet that is much bigger than Earth since the distance to the horizon has tripled from the average of 4.7 kilometers to a staggering 14.6 kilometers, there were also the reports of other countries suddenly finding themselves in the morning when they were just about to sleep.".

"We are also not in our Solar System anymore according to the star arrangements that are never seen before which also caused the constellations the once we know to disappear" all the countries' leader seems to be shocked by this truth most of them are worried while some are unfazed.

"It also seems that the world is now split between the one once known as The Pacific Ocean, to be exact it's exactly split in a straight line starting in between Diomede Island and Little Diomede Island. And not only that, but our North and South Pole is gone only leaving behind an open waters on our North and South.".

"Fortunately, planes that were traveling through The Pacific Ocean were able to be guided to land at their destination place and planes that were still on their way were able to be guided back to their respective airports the same happened to the ships.".

"The unfortunate events are that we have lost contact with all of our Satellites and we don't know where we are in The Universe."

John then started to speak

"With these circumstances in hand. I propose to the leaders that we join hands with each other and create one big federation so that we can work with each other much more efficiently considering the size of this planet."

Kavarov then replied "But then, who will be the leader?"

All the leaders fell into silence knowing that the formation of the federation is needed to provide the safest way for the countries to guarantee each other safety on this new big planet.

But this federation is not like any other things they have ever tried and it will be the biggest one and so when it comes to the leader of the federation they fell into silence until The President of The People's Republic of China Mingzhi started to speak.

"Why don't we take a vote right now, since all the country leaders are gathered here? And to prevent unhappy parties, all of the country leaders still have their territory so nothing changed except the one that will be in charge of managing The Federation will be the one that is voted now.".

"There will be five positions which are The President of The Federation, The Vice President of The Federation, The Defense Minister, The Foreign Affairs Minister, and The Internal Affairs Minister. These positions will be determined by the vote counts the most vote will be The President while the least vote will be The Internal Affairs Minister."

Pace and Luman who are the leaders of the UK and France also agree with those suggestions. Since there are no opposing parties and so the voting began.

The result is surprising but also not new. In the first place is The President of The United States of America, in the second is The President of The People's Republic of China, in the third is The President of Russia, in the fourth is The President of France, and in the fifth is The Prime Minister of UK.

So in conclusion The Federation of United Nations has the following leaders that manage it:

• Federation President John.

• Federation Vice President Mingzhi.

• Federation Defense Minister Kavarov.

• Federation Foreign Affairs Minister Luman.

• Federation Internal Affairs Minister Pace.

And so the voting ended with The Federation being named The Federation of United Nations then many policies are made starting with the removal of visas so they don't need visas to cross the border but they do need UNCIC (United Nation Citizen Identification Card).

Then the creation of one currency which is UNC (United Nations Currency). The currency is based on the value of 1 centigram of Gold rather than USD or EUR so 1 UNC is 1 centigram of Gold, this is to prevent the economy of the world to be unstable.

About how the government works, it works like a federation which are united in external affairs, but independent in internal affairs.

The President of The Federation will be in charge of the matters regarding the decision about The Federation but the President also need Congress for approval of certain matter which is consisted of all the countries which count up to 195 leaders.

The Vice President of The Federation will be in charge of helping the President regarding matters about The Federation and also overseeing The Federation Ministers.

The Defense Minister will be in charge of the defense of The Federation and to do this effectively under him are the generals of:

• UNAF (United Nations Air Force).

• UNNF (United Nations Naval Force).

• UNGF (United Nations Ground Force).

Below them are the continent high generals:

• CMHG (Continent America High General).

• CSHG (Continent Asia High General)

• CFHG (Continent Africa High General)

• CEHG (Continent Europe High General)

• COHG (Continent Oceania High General)

for each of UNAF, UNNF, and UNGF.

Each of the continent high generals will have their own:

• AF (Air Force)

• NF (Naval Force)

• GF (Ground Force)

and under them are generals based on their force types from all countries in the Federation.

The Foreign Affairs Minister will handle the Foreign matters of The Federation like their relation with other civilizations outside of The Federation, trade, deals, and other external and foreign matters.

The Foreign Ministry will act depending on the closest country to the civilization they are contacting with.

While Internal Affairs Minister will handle the internal matters in The Federation as a mediator in problems such as currency, border crossing, disputes, and other internal matters.

Both The Internal Affairs Department and The Foreign Affairs Department mostly have the same structure as The Defense Department just different names.

And so the formation of The Federation of United Nations is concluded. With the name and the structure set and the currency formed under the flag of the United Nations.

This event will be remembered in the history of humankind as "The Great Teleportation".