(Julius Argenti POV)
"Umm... Hello, there. I am Julius Argenti, well you already know that."
"Yeah and?"
James and Violet stared at me, confused. I was standing nervously in front of them, palm sweating and trembling. Even when killing someone for the first time, I wasn't this nervous.
To go back a couple of hours, during one of our classes, I told both of them that I wanted to talk to them after school. And now that we were here, I couldn't bring myself to speak.
"It's been a while, Howard and Mia."
(AN: These were their names back on Earth)
Those were the only words I was able to get out of my mouth.
James's eyes widened.
"Raymond! I knew it was you."
In my previous life, I was known as Raymond Jackson. Along with me Howard Rhodes and Mia Park were best friends who were practically inseparable. We had known each other since we were children and were also in that room when the terrorists attacked.
"Raymond? Is that really you?"
Violet was also surprised.
"Yeah, it is."
I replied sheepishly as I rubbed the back of my head with my hand.
"Though calling me Raymond feels foreign. I prefer to be called Julius."
"That's the same with us. Calling me Howard feels weird. I prefer being called James."
It seems our experiences were similar.
"We might not even be the same person as we were previously. Maybe the person named Violet somehow only inherited the memories of Mia."
Violet also chimed in.
"Don't think about it too hard. We may or may not have been reincarnated or this could be one massive coincidence, but let's just enjoy it."
We all started laughing. It was extremely smooth and I didn't know why I was even worried before.
"Well, are guys still dating?"
Back in our previous lives Mia and Howard were dating for nearly a year. I only found a month before our death when I caught them making out in the living room when I invited them over to my house.
Violet blushed profusely.
She meekly gave a response. James was red as a tomato.
"W-well what about Amina that you're always with."
James desperately tried to divert the conversation away from their relationship.
"Oh her, she a friend I've known for about 8 years. I'll introduce you guys to her. Anyways, have you guys done the deed? You told me you didn't make it to that stage in our previous life."
Violet's face turned an even brighter shade of red.
"S-Shut Up. You have no right to ask about that."
"Hahaha. Ok fine, I won't ask anymore."
She was technically correct. Though I loved their expressions and their reactions. I think some of Amina's sadistic tendencies have rubbed off on me. She is influencing me more than I thought.
"So anyways, how did you guys meet?"
The red on their faces slowly disappeared as they gave their backstories.
"So we met during Violet's birthday party. I think it was her 5th birthday. I recognised her and she reminded me of Mia. After going up to her and talking to her, I soon realised I wasn't the only one reincarnated."
"Yeah, because of this, our two families developed a deeper connection. I also think we saw Amina during those parties. Though she always seemed absentminded during them and rarely spoke to anyone. So talking about Amina, how did you meet her? I don't think come from a noble family."
I hesitated as Violet asked me that question. It brought back many unpleasant memories that I didn't want to dig up. I also couldn't reveal anything about SUITE either, so I had to choose my words carefully.
"Well, I met someone named Veronica. She helped me when I was alone. She was a disciple of Umbra Moria and he took me in. Veronica is like my older sister. I met Amina through her grandfather."
They both nodded. Violet's eyes also widened for a moment before returning to normal. I guess she understood the implications embedded in what I was saying, but she didn't comment on it.
Talking about Veronica, I wondered what she was currently doing. I hadn't seen her in nearly a year.
(Veronica Razum POV)
In the director's office at SUITE Headquarters
"Substitute Director Razum, are you ok? Do you have a cold?"
"No, I can't get a cold. Someone must be talking about me."
(Julius Argenti POV)
"Now it's your turn. What do think of Amina then? Do have any special relationship with her?"
Violet clearly wanted to discover any connection I had with Amina to exploit, as a form of payback from before. She was extremely petty, even in our previous lives.
"If I had one word to describe her, it would a hassle. Is very willful and can act spoiled in many aspects. She also loves teasing others and is a bit sadistic. If she dislikes you, she will make your life hell."
"She sounds like a nuisance and difficult to be around."
James gave his thoughts on her.
"She definitely is. But she a has kind and caring side to her. She will help others in need and will stand up for what she believes in. She's got her unique charm to her, despite all her flaws. But for your information, we are just friends and nothing more."
Violet inspected me, trying to detect any lies in my statements but found them now. Though if I was lying, she wouldn't be able to notice a thing, but in this case I said the complete truth.
"Ah, that's where you are Jules. I was looking for you. Hm? Who are you talking to."
Amina appeared behind us. I had detected her presence a couple of seconds ago, but forget to mention it to them.
"Are you talking to James and Violet? You seemed interested in talking to them before, but never actually did."
Amina walked to us and joined our conversation.
"Yeah, I'm asking them about the school trip to Ausburn that's going to happen soon."
"Oh yeah... I forget about it. That's occurring in a week, right? I haven't packed."
Violet slapped her forehead. We all stare at him in disbelief. It was mentioned today in class and he still forgets about it.
"Uh... what am I going do with you."
Violet shakes her head.
"I also have to warn you about something."
They turn and look at me.
"I think the trip to Ausburn is going to be dangerous. Your lives may be in danger."
"What? How do you know this information."
Violet was dubious of my claims. After all, never in previous years has there been any danger and attacks.
"I came to this conclusion based on information I've obtained from my source."
"Who is this source?"
"Unfortunately, that's classified."
"Well, have you told the government?"
"No, I haven't. I don't have the authority to do so, and even if I did, they don't have the manpower to act just based on a theory."
James believed me, but Violet was staring suspiciously attempting to ascertain if it this is true or just me being paranoid.
"You are not pranking me, right?"
"Oh, that's what you've been worried about Jules? I've noticed the changes too and I have a gut feeling that this trip is not going to be as peaceful as it seems."
"You noticed?"
"Of course. I'm not completely ignorant of matters dealing with SU... that organisation. Also, I have still been trained similarly to you. I can easily pick information as well."
"Wait, what organisation?"
"It doesn't concern you, James. Don't worry, it's nothing harmful to you."
He still looked suspicious but didn't ask any more questions.
I tried to gain information from the SUITE base here, but I barely got anything useful. I also relayed my suspicions to them, but I don't think they've taken it into consideration.
I would try to gain information at the Ausburn base, where the suspected attack would occur. Amina would try to observe the movements in the city while Violet and James would try to watch our fellow students.
Violet and James weren't trained like we were, so I didn't expect anything to come from them. Though it was still better to try to get something.