(Julius Argenti POV)
After setting our tents up, our class held a meeting. Mages with the solid attribute built a small campfire along with some benches to sit on.
The rations in the crate would barely last us the entire day, so we needed to hunt for our food. However, we didn't what kinds of creatures lurked in this forest.
Even though we would not encounter any B rank or higher animals, we were still in danger of being attacked by C ranks. Only Amina and I would be able to take them one on one.
Even James and Violet would struggle and could only defeat the weaker C ranks individually, not to mention the rest of the class. The hunting party would need to have a least 5 people to comfortably take down a C rank animal.
While sat down, we gave everyone their roles. I would be at the camp protecting it as high mana sensitivity would be able to detect threats. Amina would be placed as a scout thanks to her {Hawk Eyes}.
James, Violet, Lisa and a couple more students would become the hunting party. The others would either become scouts, secure the perimeter or scavenge for food.
I was satisfied with these arrangements. Even though our goal was to survive, this is supposed to be a learning experience. If Amina and I did everything, there would be no point in this exercise.
After getting our roles organised, I started expanding my sense to see if I could detect nearby threats. While doing so, I took a sip of my refilled bottle.
The reason I and other mages with the liquid attribute couldn't just create water was that creating objects wouldn't last permanently. It would cost us mana to continuously keep the water in existence. The water wasn't 'real' per se.
That's why mages prefer to use objects in nature since it was easy to manipulate.
(Violet Storm POV)
The atmosphere was extremely tense. I could hear my heart beating in my chest. I was terrified. I was never a big fan of forests in my previous life and hated camping.
But, I kept a neutral, unafraid look. I was the class president and leader. I had to keep a calm facade to placate my team's worries.
But it was still terrifying. Insects the size of cars roamed here and every part of my body wanted to leave this place. We were trying to hunt some animals for food.
We tried killing some small animals like rabbits, but they were too fast to catch. Some even could camouflage themselves and evade our senses. These mechanisms made it extremely difficult to catch them.
I quickly to turned the left where I saw a giant 7m long bear. It was also over 3m tall. It had black fur covering its body with dark red claws. Immediately after seeing us, it rushed towards us with astonishing speed.
Despite its size and weight, it could reach nearly 400km/h at top speed.
"Shit! It's a Flame Bear. We need the high ground."
We immediately climbed the nearby trees. We must have accidentally stepped into its territory. The bear roared again before setting its fur on fire. This bear was a C rank animal.
It was known for its heat attribute that let it set its fur on fire while its heat claws could easily rip bodies to shred. It had extremely high defence and getting hit by its attacks at our level was basically a death sentence.
Despite it moving at 400km/h, it was considered relatively slow by C rank standards. An average C rank mage could move at nearly 750km/h. My top speed without exceeding my maximum was around 500km/h.
I knew me and James could outrun the bear, but I was worried about our teammates. They could probably outrun the bear if they really tried, but they soon would run out of stamina. They were only D ranks.
If the bear caught up to us, we were probably dead. I heard from the upperclassmen that death in this exercise isn't uncommon and teachers won't help you out no matter what.
"We need to fight it. It will catch up to us eventually. I also heard that Flame Bear meat is extremely delicious as well."
I turned around, staring at the chasing bear. I threw one of my knives at the bear. The bear easily deflected it with its paws.
I sucked as much air as possible before dashing forward leaving a trail of purple sparks. I had the electromagnetism and gas attributes. I used my electromagnetism attribute to enhance my speed while using my gas attribute to reduce the air resistance, further increasing my speed.
Purple lightning was surrounding me as I ran. I spent more than a year training so that the lightning I produced was purple. It may seem vain to spend so long on aesthetics, but it was a good way to practice fine-tuning my mana control.
In a split second, I arrive in front of the bear. I grabbed another knife with my left hand and using the momentum I built, I cut through its body. I use my right hand to create a magnetic field to attract the other knife that was deflected previously.
'Too shallow.'
The cut was only a couple of centimetres deep. For such a large creature, it was nothing and the cut was healing visible.
But my teammates weren't standing around and doing nothing. Lisa followed up with her dual katanas, slicing the bear as many times as she could. It look like she was swinging madly yet each of those moves had some elegance to it.
She left more cuts on the bear, but they were all shallower than mine. Following that was James who came from the skies, landing a dropkick on the bear's head.
Christopher, another member of our hunting party slammed his palm on the bear while it was down. The other three members of our party, Simone, Rio and Aaron launched {Wind Blades}, {Water Whips} and {Icicles} respectively.
The ground was cracked after our barrage of attacks as the bear lay on the floor, half a metre deep into the earth. We retreated to assess the damage we dealt to the bear.