On a late evening night in the south of France, a solitary motel stood deafly in the middle of a Forest. One sole room was lit, one sole room was occupied. Eight men could be seen standing around a table, looking at a map of the surrounding area. Some tense with excitement for the upcoming events, others trembling anxiously for them. There were two visibly distinct from all the others, one an older gentleman standing assertively at the end of the table face lying firm and serious, eyes steady and unbothered by the upcoming events displaying a confidence that can only be obtained through experience. The other at the other of the table squatting in a chair somewhat awkwardly, body much too large to squat comfortably in the chair but he does it nonetheless, his golden eyes shining, not at all disguising his excitement for the upcoming play that is about to take place, an excitement for danger that can only come from naivety or youth.
"Oi, Grandpa let's get to it, I don't want to get to America sleep-deprived." Said a very statuesque young man with crimson-red hair, and glowing golden eyes, with a small mole falling to the left of his lower lip, features so feminine he would be mistaken for a very masculine woman, if not for his imposing body, and the malignant scar running down his chest from his neck.
Oh, why? Does the little princess need her beauty rest" Spoke the quite robust ginger, with a quite comically large cigar in his mouth, shotgun strapped to his back.
"Well yes, not all of us enjoy looking like ogres, actually never mind you might not enjoy it, it was just the unfortunate genetic tragedy of your birth," He said, pausing just to contain himself." now ain't that just sad." He continued providing the other ginger with a pitbull look, before turning to the others with a very satisfied smile, while they held in laughter.
"F*ck you say, you little.." He shouted
"Enough, Both of you. All you do is bicker, stop with these childish antiques, I grow tired of them, increasingly so. And I do apologize son, but you're bed's embrace shall have to wait for it shall be a long night, and a short life for the monster that lays ahead of us." He spoke forebodingly, eyes fierce and unshakeable, hands tracing the path through the forest moving the attention of his man to the map the map that lay flat on the table.
"That is quite so sir, but if you could re-enlighten us to the nature of the beastly creature we will have the pleasure of beheading, especially for the more pig-headed members of our little band." Said a slim and very well-fitted and heavily mustached Englishman with two revolvers by his side.
"Think he's talking about you, Finn" Spoke the fair young man addressing the Ogre(as he calls him).
"Hmm, how so? He asked, aloofly
"Really son?" The older gentleman spoke disappointingly." Emric my boy stop picking on Finn, and Charles must you add Fuel to an already ablaze fire? And must I really be put in a position where I have to scold a bunch of grown men as if you were a couple of schoolboys."
"I mean techn.." Em stopped short noticing his grandfather's serious expression." Never mind, my bad" He said giving his grandfather a sheepish look and a gentle nod in apology. The grandfather gave back an annoyed gaze.
"You're a man here, boy, how many times must I lecture you? Until it sinks in. Forget your schoolboy ways" He spoke in lower timber, speaking lowly and slowly as if addressing only him in a room full of people." And that goes for all of you, this is not a forgiving life you have chosen, your actions have dire consequences, that not only affect you but everyone around you. You do not carry the responsibilities of a boy no more, but those of a man. He said finally throwing a quick glance at his grandson.
"My apologies sir, won't happen again" Spoke Emric fixing his once relaxed posture and sitting straight on his chair. His eyes were now fixed and focused on his grandfather. Emric was many things, but a fool wasn't one of them he knew better than to joke around when his grandfather was this serious.
"As most of you know the Creature that we will be dispatching is called Lou Carcolh by the locals, terrorizing them through the nights, making them too scared to live outside their homes. This thing, the Lou Carcolh is a giant snail-like serpent not especially mobile but its far-reaching extractible tendrils more than make up for it, which will prove to be a challenge. Thankfully we are no amateurs, nor are we going in blind, with guns blazing." Gerard stated firmly
Finn, the burly hunter with the shotgun strapped to his back, folded his arms over his chest. "How do we keep its tendrils from overwhelming us?"
"Emric will be our point man. The boy can sense attacks before they come. He'll draw the Lou Carcolh's focus, forcing those tendrils to concentrate on him." He stated plainly
Emric kept a resolute expression—though a flicker of excitement lit his features. He was eager for the fight, a trait Gideon both admired and envied. But outwardly, Gerard projected nothing but calm leadership.
He looked at Lila, the team's sharp-eyed sniper perched on a boulder behind them. "You'll position yourself up in the trees with your rifle. If you see any opening—especially around its eyes or the neck base—take the shot. That shell is tougher than steel, so patience will be key."
She gave a curt nod adjusting her scope "Got it"
Gerard shifted his attention to Finn and Charles. Their specialty was flanking and disorienting targets with coordinated flash devices and sonic traps. "You two will sweep in from the sides once the creature commits to attacking Emric. Distract it, cut off its retreat, and try to tangle its tendrils. If possible, keep it away from the water—it's rumored these things can regenerate faster if they reach a swamp or river."
They gave a united "Yes sir"
Finally, he addressed the rest, who stood with weapons at the ready. "Stick together. This creature's main advantage is range. We can't allow it to pick us off one by one."
Emric straightened, adrenaline bright in his eyes. "I'll keep it busy. Just give me a signal when you're ready for a decisive strike."
Gerard allowed himself the faintest of smiles. "Remember, don't push too far. Your role is to provoke, not get caught. Understood?"
"Alright, gear up and head out." He said smacking the table firmly.
The forest was unnaturally still, the thick canopy above blotting out most of the moonlight. Mist clung to the ground like a living thing, wrapping around the hunters' boots. The stench of decay and salt was overpowering, announcing the presence of the Lou Carcolh long before it appeared.
"Stay sharp" Gerard muttered voice low but commanding. Eyes glinted faintly in the flittering flame, with his grip on the runed saber steady." Em, draw it out. Finn and Charles cover the flanks. Oscar, Lila keep to the tree focus fire when you see the core.
The hunters moved as one, discipline honed under Gerard's leadership.
A deep, wet hiss slithered through the air, followed by the unmistakable sound of tendrils scraping against the bark. The Lou Carcolh emerged, its enormous shell gleaming with slime, and jagged ridges that glinted like blades. Its serpentine body slithered into view, and its glowing eyes locked onto the group with malicious intent.
"Move" Gerard barked
Emric darted forward, movements like liquid lightning. A tendril lashed out in a flash, but Em slipped beneath with the ease of a leaf in the wind. Another tendril lashed out at him but he twisted mid-air landing on the trunk of a fallen tree, leaping once again his blades flashed as he severed the appendage from the beast.
Gerard's grip tightened on his saber. He barked orders. Keeping his focus on the battle his mind churred.'Look at him untouchable, perfect.' The thought was sharp and bitter. But he buried it deep.
The beast turned its attention to the others. A tendril whipped towards Finn. "Shit" he cursed blocking the attack with his stomach barreling him towards a tree.
"Charles Cover" Lila churned running quickly towards Finn as Charles provided cover fire, his shots striking the creature's shell, bouncing harmlessly off its armor.
"Are you okay?" She asked hastily. "I'm fine." He groaned. "But my internal organs."
"Em get under it" Gerard called, voice sharper than intended "Force it to expose its soft side!"
Without hesitation Emric darted through the underbrush, baiting the Lou Carcolh into longing at him. Its massive body shifted and in a flash, Emric was beneath it, his blades slicing through the vulnerable flesh near its base. The beast shrieked, its tendrils flaming widely.
"Charles now" Gerard roared.
A sharp crack echoed through the forest as Charles's bullet found its mark, shattering one of its glowing eyes. It reared back, disoriented, and just as swiftly as a leopard to its prey Gerard didn't miss the opportunity to charge forward, he leaped onto the creature's shell. His body protests to movement, joints aching, muscles straining all silenced by the singular desire to kill, and conquer his prey. With a roar, he drove his saber deep into the creature's neck. The runes on the saber flared, burning with arcane energy as the Lou Carcolh let out a final screech. Its Body collapses to the cold stiff ground.
Emric emerged from beneath breathing hard but grinning. "Nice work, old man." He said in a light tone. "Couldn't have waited like a second till I got out from under it."
Gerard smiled, with his hand lingering at the hilt of his blade, tightening his grip to keep his hand from trembling." Good teamwork everybody". He said through a shallow smile.
The forest grew quiet again, the tension dissipating from the previous battle. The hunters regrouped tending to their *wounds*. Gerard looked at the falling beast and then at his grandson's golden eyes gleaming with an otherworldly light illuminating whatever is in front of him. His grip tightens on his saber.
Back in the motel room, Emric could be seen packing his things clothes, weapons, and whatnot. "Wonder how Mom, and Dad, and she who shall not be named are doing, probably hopeless without me." He said with a snarky grin.