On a dark foggy night, a teen could be seen perched atop the roof of his house by the front of his bedroom window, eyes closed, breath steady as if in a state of meditation.
"Got it!" he suddenly opened his eyes and launched himself up enthusiastically from his sitting position, and just as swiftly jumped into a somersault to the backyard, landing seamlessly to the ground. Hitting a gymnast bow right after.
Clap-Clap-Clap "Wow" He suddenly heard from behind him, heart sinking realizing who was standing behind him.
He turned to see a woman with flowing brown hair, and tempered hazelnut eyes. Dressed in a simple yet elegant blouse."So, what did you get" She asked calmly, wearing a playful smile
"Ah-shi…ngles. Hi Mom, you almost scared the bejesus out of me" Grouened the Stiles, a teen with messy brown hair, and eyes, with sharp yet doughy features.
"I mean hello Mother, what are you doing out this fine cold evening?" He asks sheepishly
She raises an eyebrow ever so slightly " Shouldn't I be asking you that?" She retorted smile ever present.
A single bead of sweat rolls down the teen's face, eyes searching. "Hm… I… I was just going to Scott's place to help him out with some homework." He says tumbling through trying to find his words.
"Really now, here I thought you were listening in on your father's call from dispatch to go look for the other half of the body in the woods. But clearly, I was mistaken. Silly me." She said very sarcastically.
"Oh… Oh. What so do you mean Mother, I would never even… Go look for a dead body, That sounds… Completely crazy" Gulp Stiles tries to say convincingly.
"You can go," She says with a deadpan expression."You would've gone whether I told you to or not."
His eyes widen with shock" Really?"He asks. 'Though that's not very responsible parenting. Though I would have escaped if grounded' he thinks to himself.
"Yes, but if at any point you're in any danger and I mean any. You run, and if by some miracle you can't. Do not hesitate, even for a second, and deal with it." She says no trace of a smile was found on her face any longer.
"Thank you- Thank you- Thank you. I promise I'll run like the wind in the eye of a hurricane, you absolutely have nothing to worry about, Mom." He says excitedly. Deaf to the seriousness in her tone.
She sighs in a quiet surrender."Alright"
"K, going see you in a bit" He yelled zooming towards his car at in-human speeds
Also, remember kid tomorrow is feeding don't make any plans you won't keep."She says,not flinching an eye at such a feat. As if it was to be expected of things such as them.
"I know" He retorted. Turning the engine and speeding away.
"What a weird kid," she says under her breath.
"I heard that." He screamed a couple of hundred meters away. 'How rude' He thinks a bit bitter.
At the McCall residence, a young man could be seen wearing nothing but gym shorts, body toned from years of diligent exercise, watching his face before heading to bed.
Suddenly he hears a noise from outside. Promptly he looks around, searching for the origins of the noise. Picking up his hoodie lying in his bed beside him. He hurries downstairs, heads to the door, grabs a bat before carefully opening the door, and looks outside closing the door behind him.
Suddenly a human figure appears hanging from the roof.
"AHH, AHH." Both scream simultaneously. Scott takes a swing at the dark figure. "Yo Scott, it's me" Stiles screams, doing what seems to be a reverse sit-up to evade the swing.
"Stiles, what the hell are you doing" Scott groans in frustration.
"What the hell am I doing, what the hell are you doing" He retorts back. "What the hell are you doing with a bat."
Scott was visibly annoyed. "I thought you were a predator."
Stiles slightly annoyed by the implication veered the conversation.
"Look I know it's late, but you gotta hear this. I saw… well not really saw but heard, well anyway he got a call from dispatch, they're bringing in everyone from the department and some from the state police department" Stiles says gleefully.
"For what" Scott asks
"Two Joggers found a dead body in the woods" Stiles eagerly answers. Freeing himself from the terrils, somersaulting from that position to the ground. Jumping to the railing all in one swift motion. Looking Scott right in the eye's full of excitement, which makes him stagger back a bit, in surprise.
'Damm, that was impressive' Scott thinks. "Dude, personal space. Also a dead body?" He exclaims in disbelief.
"No a body of water."Stiles retorts. Making Scott roll his eyes."Yes, dumbass, a dead body."
"Wanna know the best part!" He pauses. "They only found half." He says with to much joy.
"We're going." Stile says excitedly.
'Damn it' Scott thinks bitterly.
At the edge of the Beacon Hills preserve, a light blue jeep pulls up. Stiles gets out flashlight in hand Jumping swiftly over the fence, Scott hurriedly follows behind him, jumping awkwardly over it.
"Are we really doing this?" Scott groans from behind. Trying to keep pace with Stile's." Weren't you the one that is always b!tching that nothing ever happens in Beacon Hills." Stiles retorts looking back. "I was trying to get a good night's sleep before practice tomorrow." Scott says huffing, taking out his inhaler from his back pocket."Right because sitting on the bench is such a grueling effort." Stiles says somewhat mockingly."No, I'm starting this year." Scott states firmly. Causing Stiles to look back in disbelief, before looking back, and giving Scott two thumbs-up."You can do it" Stiles says giving Scott a sarcastic smile. Making Scott roll his eyes.
Noticing noises nearby Stile stops to listen in. Signaling Scott to stop with his hand.
"What?" Scott asks taking a hit of his inhaler. "I think I hear something?" Stiles says. Closing his eyes focusing in on the noises.
"I don't hear anything." Scott says in a whisper.
"Let's go it's this way." Stiles says disregarding Scott's question. He runs to the source getting close so as not to be seen. Scott rushes behind him exasperated. His hoodie clung to his back with sweat, he crouched, his shoulders rose and fell in hard, and uneven breaths.
Beyond the clearing, the police muttered among themselves, their voices too low to make out. Stiles leaned forward, straining to hear, when a sharp sniff-sniff-sniff froze him in place.
Scott grabs Stiles's sleeve."Stiles-"
Suddenly a low growl cuts through the night.
Stiles turns slowly. Just a few feet away, a dark pair of eyes locked onto his, a police dog, sleek and trained had found them. It didn't bark, it didn't need to. It just let out a growl, a quiet warning before the real alarm.
"Shit" Scott whispered.
Stiles looks back at Scott, seeing his hands slightly shaking, breath jagged as if he just ran a marathon. Stiles could run, run out of there so fast that not even a whisper of his presence would be sensed for miles. But Scott would be the one getting caught. And he wouldn't let that happen.
The voice from the clearing sharpened. A cop shouted something. Making the dog's growl deepen.
Stiles exhaled and straightened up.
"Alright, alright. You got me," he said loud enough for the cops to hear, stepping into view with his hands up in mock surrender. He flashed his usual lopsided grin, the one that had gotten him out of trouble more times than he could count.
The officers turned toward him, flashlights snapping up, and sure enough—there was his dad, face already pulling into that mix of irritation and exhaustion reserved just for Stiles.
Stiles kept his posture relaxed, and casual, like this was just another one of his stunts. Like there wasn't another kid crouched in the shadows, holding his breath.
Stilinski sighs."Hold on. This little delinquent is mine."
"Hi, dad. How's it going?" He says trying to act as casually as possible, to not alert them of Scott's presence. "So do you listen in on all my calls? The Sheriffs says. "No, heh…" Stiles responds sheepishly. Making the Sheriff give his son a look. "Not the boring ones" Stiles finishes.
"You're gonna be the death of me kid" Stilinski sighs. "So where is your usual partner in crime?"
"Who Scott? He's home and said he wanted to get a good night's sleep before school tomorrow. It's just little old me, in the woods by myself at night"
Stilinski not believing what he's saying, lifts his flashlight, and looks around to find Scott, who's hiding behind a tree." Scott, are you out there? Scott?" After a moment, not seeing Scott he reluctantly determines that Scott isn't with Stiles after all. "Well young man I am going to walk you to you're car and you and I are going to have a conversation about invasion of privacy." Says Stilinski Hitting the back of Stiles head, moving him forward a little bit.
As Stiles and the Sheriff leave, Scott hits the tree he's hiding behind with The back of his head. "Damn." he groans realizing he just lost his way to get home. As he lifts his head to move forward the woods stretched in front of him, suddenly feel darker than before, as if the headlights that had briefly cut through the trees were the only thing holding back the night. Now, without them, the darkness folded in. Thick. Unfamiliar.
Stiles swallowed and rubbed his arms against the sudden chill creeping in. The road was empty, and if he wanted to get home before his mom lost her mind, his only option was to cut through the woods.
He'd walked this way before. In daylight. But now, with the moon barely cutting through the canopy, the trees felt taller, more suffocating, their gnarled branches stretching like fingers, grasping for something unseen.
A rustle.
Scott froze.
Leaves shifting. Maybe the wind. Maybe not.
His pulse quickened, and he started walking faster, the twigs snapping under his feet too loud, too sharp. His ears strained for sounds beyond his own—something moving, breathing, watching.
Another rustle. This time to his right.
Scott spun, heart hammering. "Hello?"
He pulls his inhaler out of his hoodie and shakes it intending to take a hit to calm his nerves when suddenly, a herd of deer begging to frantically stampede towards him, trembling him over causing his inhaler to fly several meters away.
Once the deer have cleared out, Scott, still in shock, gets to his feet and starts looking for his inhaler using his cell phone as a light source. He's about to search through a pile of dead leaves when he's startled when he instead uncovers the top half of the body that Stiles had told him about-- young, white, with dark hair and very clearly bisected at the waist. The shock of this sight stuns him so badly that he loses his balance and tumbles down the hill behind him and into a ravine.
Scott, shaken, stands to his feet with a groan, using a fallen tree trunk to help himself up due to the aches and pains caused by his fall. He makes his way quickly through the woods, wanting nothing more than to get out of there as soon as possible, when all of a sudden, a growl heard behind him causes him to freeze in fear. He slowly turns around, only to find a large, bestial wolf with glowing red eyes standing before him.
Scott barely has time to gasp before the beast leaps toward him, causing him to fall backward onto the ground. Though Scott attempts to crawl away, the wolf grabs him by the ankles and pulls him backward before viciously biting him on his right hip, causing Scott to roar in pain.
Panicked, Scott scrambles through the woods, tripping and tumbling all the way as he desperately tries to evade whatever bit him. trips him and pulls him backward before biting him on his right hip. When Scott finally makes it to the nearest road, he stops just before being hit by someone driving a burgundy SUV, who manages to swerve away from him just in the nick of time. Finally more or less safe, Scott takes a moment to lift the hem of his hoodie up, examining the large bite wound on his hip with horror as the rain continues to pour down around him. Suddenly, a loud wolf howl is heard from in the woods, which only makes Scott more concerned.