"What about Samantha" I asked worried. Sin jaw clenched and unclenched before giving me an answer.
"She is fine, Luca took her back to the hotel" I let out a relived sigh. We drove
back to the hotel in silence, Sin kept staring me, checking to see if there was any other injuries.
He packed at the entrance of the hotel,
handing his key over to one of men before walking toward the passenger side and lift me up into his arms, carrying straight to our hotel room. He placed me on the bed then walked into the bathroom for some minutes before coming out. He carried me into the bathroom, unzipping my jumpsuit along with my thong and bra and i was positioned into the bathtub. Sin got naked and sat behind me, gently washing away the man's touch from my body.we stayed in there till the water turned cold.
I was dressed in a shirt and shorts, my forehead was treated. I stood waiting for
Sin to come out of the bathroom. I reached over to his side, wrapping my arms round his neck.
"Thank you" I said, nuzzling into his shoulders.
Sin was as stiff as a rock, clearly not expecting this. Eventually, the tension left
his body and he held on to me tightly.we stayed in each others embrace for quite some time before pulling apart. I walked towards the bed and laid on it with Sin beside me.
He pulled me close to him, placing a light kiss on my head.
"As long as am alive and breathing, there's nobody on earth that would fuck with you and get away with it .Nobody" he whispered.
Sin was giving me the silient treatment,
he is still pissed at the fact that I went out to a club which happens to be his without informing him or getting protection and mostly at the fact that i almost got raped. He won't even look at me and just kept himself busy with his phone and laptop. It was kind of frustrating, i don't want him to be angry at me. Sin booked me a private home service makeup artist and hairstylist since i was his escort to some business get together of some sort, he won't give me more details. I took a quick shower not wanting to keep the glam squad waiting.
I hastily blow dried my hair and slipped on a fluppy robe over my black Victoria
Secret bra and panties before walking out the room where the transformation was going to take place.
Two gorgeous women anda man were
working simultaneously, one of ladies was occupied with my hair trying to turn it
into perfection. The other lady was busy with the French manicure nails, making them Iook spectacular while the man was in charge with my face, probably doing wonders to it. It took close to an hour and a half before I was completely done with my makeover.
"Ready to see how beautifully transformed you are. Not that you needed it since you are a natural beauty" The man said with excitement, giving me a mirror while the two women looked at me in awe, I nodded eagerly grabbing the mirror, equally excited to see how I looked.
"Oh my God "I gasped in utter shock not recognizing the person starting back at me. My hair was opt in a loose wavy side patten flick. The makeup on my face enhance the features I didnt even know existed which was paired with a pretty pink lipstick and my nails complimented my makeup.
"I love it" I touched my face to make su
reI was real. " Thank you"
They smiled and said their goodbyes,Ieaving mw alone to get ready. The dress was created from a sheer over-layer for unique features with a gold zig-zagging design flares from the knee, creating an hourlike look. The flare skirt facilitate easy movement and also keeps up a formal look. The dress could easily sweep across the dance floor with its breathtaking gold design. I matched it up with white heels and clutch. I looked absolutely beautiful.
I stared into my reflection when the door opened and walked in Sin. My breath was knocked out my chest. I have only seen him wear causal all the time, so seeing him in suit kept me captivated. He wasn't wearing any tie and his top three buttons of his white shirt are open, revealing his inked chest. The black coat and trouser fits him so well, his hair was perfectly gelled and combed to the side.
He stared at me for some time before
approaching me. He gave an appreciative look at my appearance, before wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his chin on my shoulder.
"You look beautiful, my love." He said softly then placed a kiss at the crook of
my neck. "This doesn't change the fact that my still mad at you."
I wanted to apologize but was cut off by
the sound of his phone. Sin picked the
call and went out of the room leaving me feeling dejected. I walked out of the room to find him done with his call and was doing the cuff of his left hand.
"Ready" Sin asked and I nodded.
Wrapping his arm around my waist, heled me our to his car and like a gentleman, he opened the door for me. We buckled in and he took off. I looked out of the window to the city bathed in light.
When the car stopped, I got down at all building that screamed wealth. Sin wrapped his arms around me and led us inside. I was awe-struck by how beautiful the inside looked. The room was filed with men and women of high prestige. There were high table lined up across the floors outer part for people to converse freely.
At the far end was a long table with different kinds of food, ranging from sushi to cheese and crackers. Beautiful chandeliers were hang low, magnifying the beauty of the room as classic music were lowly played at the background.
Sin walked among them, capturing everyones attention. Men greeted him with respect and envy while some looked aw
ay in fear. The ladies sent me a hard glare as they tried everything to get Sin's attention, sending him a flirtatious smile
making me want to poke out their eyes. Some group of men in suit walked towards us to greet Sin, they laughed and talked for a while and i stood picking at my nails, untill they caught my attention when they nodded their heads at me and talked to Sin.
"chi è la bellezza accanto a te?(Who is this beauty beside you?)" A man asked, looking directly at me. I dont know what he said but all the pair of eyes turned to look at me, taking in my form which made me nervous.
"Èlei l'unica?(Is she the one?)" another man asked.
lei è l'unica. Mia piccola tentatrice, non
sono niente senza di lei.(She is the only one. My little temptress. I can't do without her)," Sin answered after a few seconds calmly. They looked at me, giving me their best smiles.
I looked away from them and Sin took
my hand, bidding them goodbye and waIked to the other side of the room to a group of people drinking. Once their eyes
settled on us, it twinkle with happiness
and greeted Sin. Sin nodded his head and led us to the table, were I saw familiar faces of Luca, Samantha and...Jason. I stiffen when Jason eyes landed on me and he gave me a sinister smile. I held my head high when his eyes racked all over my body, not backing down.
"Hey man" Luca stood up to hug Sin, the
n we sat opposite Samantha and Jason.
"How is it that you always tend to look
beautiful every single time" Luca hushed voice came from my side. I smiled at him, almost blushing.
"I will be back, don't do anything stupid.
This placed is filled with a lot of dangerous people so stay with Jason and Samantha," Sin whispered in my ear before getting up from his seat along with Luca and they walked toward the hall with some men.
Samantha took the empty seat beside
me, giving me a guilty look.
"I heard about what happened yesterday" she voiced out. "I'm so sorry, i should
not have let go to the restroom alone."
"It's not your fault, you didn't know that
was going to happen."
"You probably seduced the poor guy, sin
ce you are nothing but a slut"' Jason sneered out. I twitched a little, hurt by his word.
"Really Jason, can you stop being a fucking dick for once in your life" Samantha spat at him, certainly angry at his choice of words.
"Don't listen to him Mani.. I coerced you
into going to the club with me, I should
have taken proper care of you" she replied unsettled.
"I'm a big girl Samantha and you don't need to look out for me, I can take care of myself. So why blame yourself when I don't blame you" I told her trying hard to
assure her even though I was still scared at the thought of what could have happened last night.
"So much for being a big girl when all you do is cause problem for Sin, I'm sure
he is just going to use you and dump you like a whore" I stared at Jason furious at his comments, i get that he doesn't like me. I should be the one angry, seeing as he cheated on me with my cousin but I couldn't careless. I choose to ignore him not sparing him any glance.
"che diavolo c'è che non va in te amico,
lo dirò a Sin se non ti fermi. Sai come s
i arrabbia quando è arrabbiato, special
mente se coinvolge lei. Quindi scegli le
tue parole con molta attenzione. dick. (what the hell is wrong with you man, I'm going to tell Sin about this if u don't stop. You know how he gets when he is angry especially when it involves her, so choose your words very carefully. dick.)"
I didn't know what she said but that clearly shut him up, he stood and walked out of the table. I sent Samantha a greatful smile. "Thank you Samantha Thou, Sin is beyond pissed at me" we both sighed together. Samantha turned to look at me surprised, probably wondering what made me sigh.
"What's got you sighing" she inquired, taking a sip of her drink.
"Nikolai is also angry at me" I subconsciously say, paying to heed to the words coming out my mouth. Samantha choked on drink, eyes wide staring at me like I had grown two heads.
"What" I spoke up, staring back at her.
"He lets you call him Nikolai" She asked stunned.
l inwardly scolded myselff for making such a mistake and let out a sheepish laugh not sure what to do. So i gave her an honest response. ''Yes, he does." Samantha let out a loud squeak, before
gawking at me like I done something impossible.
"Wow, I'm short of words. WoW."
"Why are you behaving like it's a big deaI" I said not really sure why she would react that way. I get that he likes being called Sin but I doubt I'm the only one he lets call him by his name.
"This is a big deal, girl" she mumbled. "No one, I mean no one calls him by his name."
"Not even his family?" I asked astonished.
"Not even his family, Sin hates it. Girl. You gave got him wrapped around that finger of yours.
"I doubt that, seeing how angry he is at
me" I sighed.
"Seduce him, its has simple as that"
"what.." My face turned scarlet red. "I don't know how to do that" I whispered.
"Wow. You really are so innocent, it's cute" her pinched my cheeks, petting me like I was a baby.
"What should I do"