Chereads / Parallel Cosmos / Chapter 64 - Last Checkpoint

Chapter 64 - Last Checkpoint

(6 months and 2 days after Klada Disaster)

[Kyrielle's POV]

We stayed at the city for 2 days after our little spar, but we continued on our journey once again. Heading towards the East, the scenery starts to grow ever so slightly greener as it gets less dry from the humidity of the sea.

We walked on the highway and as we got closer and closer to the port city, we started encountering more travellers passing by us. Many of them are merchants carrying goods to or from Creimland, and we started to encounter humans once again.


(3 days later...)

On the highway we passed by a man... a human male. He seems to be a mage as well, as he carried no weapons with him for self defense.

"Good afternoon." (2x) Both Lynn and I greeted him as we passes by.

"Good afternoon. Are you two young ladies travellers?" The man said,

"Umm... yes, sort of."

"I see.... I'm actually going to travel around the Bostnia Continent."

"But why?" I replied to him.

"For sight seeing, what else?"


"So, are you two siblings? Mother and daughter? Why are you travelling when you are so young, little miss?"

"Ah... haha, it's a long story. And no, Lynn and I aren't blood related."

"I see.... well then, I won't be bothering you two for any longer. Farewell."

"Farewell." (2x)

We continued walking towards Creimland....

"....You know, it's been such a long time since I've meet another human besides you, Lynn. It's kind of refreshing, actually."

"Haha, now that you mention it! We've been with each other for so long that I'm starting to turn lesbian-"

"Sorry, but I don't swing that way. I'll blast you with Forbidden Suns if you try to lay a hand on me."

"Haha, I was just joking! But it's good to see that you are still as dangerous as ever."



After yet another 3 days, we arrived at the outskirts of the city, where we see countless farmlands and also the giant port city itself.

"Woah!... That is a really beautiful city!"


We stood above one of the many hills surrounding the the massive port city that lies exactly between two mountains... It's full of multiple Renaissance-era double storied buildings, far more advanced than the likes of the run down cities deeper inside Bostnia Continent.

"Creimland, the capital city of the Nine's Republic.... a port city that connects the demon race with the rest of the world. The last time I've been here, it wasn't because of traveling."

"That's right... I've read about your duel with Baal in a story book. It was legendary!"

"Haha, it's not! This city look different compared to the past... it looked much more advanced. It was rebuilt after we (Lynn and Baal) destroyed it in collateral damage. See that part of the mountain?"

Lynn pointed to one of the mountains, where one chunk of it was shaved off....

"Yeah, what of it?"

"That part was shaved off when I used 'Reversal' on Baal's God Ranked Spell. This is the reason why this dirty trick is considered as powerful as Black Blade End, because it nullifies all magic."

"I see.... it'd be almost impossible for a mage to harm you."

"Correct. There is one way to counter Reversal though... it's another magic technique called 'Distortion Flash'."

"Distortion Flash?"

"It's basically a punch... but what's different is that you gather Mana and condenses them into your fist. When you throw it out, if you can manage to transfer all the Mana out within just a fraction of a split second, a distortion in reality itself will happen."

"So that's where it got it's name."

"Reversal can't reflect that. The punch itself will also be powerful.... extremely powerful. Using it is difficult, but once you are able to activate it just once, your Mana control and Magic Power would skyrocket. That is what separates true Magic Saints from people like you."

"I see.... I'll practice to see if I can do it then!"

"You can try, but it won't be easy. It's next to almost impossible if you don't have good enough Magic Power and Control, but if it's you I'm sure you'd find a way one or another."

"I see... thank you. If Lynn say I can do it, then I'll believe in myself!"

"Hmm.... You can be sweet sometimes with your words huh?"

"I take it back...." I said as I continued to observe the city....

Creimland looks so big that it's dazzling to even comprehend the scale of it. This port city's size could give even modern cities a run for their money, seeing as how it spans at least a hundred kilometers wide, and with a big wall big enough to actually cover the entire valley that it is built inside.

Off at the furthest end of city are quite a few beaches, as well as a giant dock where I could see 20 to 30 sail ships docked at. It is no doubt a city full of travellers, merchants and opportunities.

Inside the city itself is a mixture of elaborate concrete and run down wooden buildings, most two storied as usual for the buildings of this era... Right in the center of it is a giant government hall, where a local Lord of sort is located in.

We are inside the territory of the East Monproximus, that means we're in the ministry's territory. The Lord there might actually be an elected minister that's responsible for this city.

And finally to my surprise, a giant church could be seen as well inside the city. I thought demons were atheists? Or was it built for the humans there instead?

"Keep your pants on and don't get too excited, we'll have to walk all the way over there still."

"Yeah, but...." I pointed my finger at the sky above the city.... A dark and giant crack could be seen right above, giving a ominous feeling as an aura full of changing colors surrounds the crack itself.

"I know.... I'll have to investigate it."

"Still, it shouldn't be anything that you can't handle right?"

"Funny you say that, because this rift looks very familiar... Extremely familiar."

I felt the same way about it... It's like I've seen it some where before, but I can't exactly pinpoint when and where.

Both of us has so many questions that is unanswered... And it is now the time to find the answers for ourselves now that we reached the city.

"...Let's go."



6 months has passed already since I was teleported here to this continent. I've been here for just six months, but I'm starting to get used to the life of constant travelling. Not just that, I've become so accustomed to the traditions of these so called demons that I no longer feel out of place in here....

I was teleported here during the late spring of the year 39.... That means right now would be just about early winter back at Klada. Ataraxia is a big country, and it spans almost the entirety of Earth's Europe... The Northern part of the place is especially cold during winter.

Ah, how I miss the cold northern winds of home... Just wait for me, Mom and Marielle, I'm already half way home now!

We continued on our walk towards the city. Soon, we had reached the city's main gate after about 3 hours of walking.

What's really surprising is that the guard in the city are humans.... A young man who looks like he is in his 20's is one of the guard who stood at the front gate.

"(Next!)" Not too long after, it was our turn to enter the city. We approached the checkpoint, and the guard talked with us as a few guards inspected our equipment.

"A mother and daughter? That's rare, people don't usually venture out of Creimland in the first place."

Once again, someons thought we are a family....

"Well, we just some business, that's all."

"Hmm.... You really shouldn't make a girl her age to travel so far away because that's hard on her! A good parent wouldn't do that you know?"

"Sorry but it won't happen a second time."

"I hope so... That face and that hair, you look rather familiar...."

"You must've mistaken me for someone else."

"Hmm... Oh well, I can't remember. Anyway, you two passed the inspection, you may enter the city."

"....Hey little girl, why are you carrying a sword?"

"Umm, can't I?"

"No... not really. It's just that I have a daughter your age back in Centralia Continent, I couldn't imagine her carrying a sword around like you. Here, have a candy!"

This guy seriously treated me like an actual 11 year old girl when I've single handedly defeated a bandit squad... what a joke. But regardless, he did it out of good will so I accepted the candy.

"Thank you."

We continued into the city....

"Man... it'd be troublesome if the people here recognized my identity."


"Well, let's just say I'm tired of being bothered by my so called 'fans'...."

She's like a Kpop idol or something.... Which I actually kind of feel bad about her.

"Well, you are a famous hero around these parts, Lynn. I guess even being famous has it's own demerits huh?"

"You are damned right it does. Anyway, let's head to the adventurer guild first. You ever been to the adventurer's guild?"

"Once.... with my mom. She was an adventurer, and I guess she still is, but just retired."

"I see. Let's go."

Walking in the streets of the city, I saw that many humans roamed the streets alongside demons. It's been too long since I last saw humans, so it feels kind of weird....

After asking around for directions, we soon arrive in front of the guild.

"By the way Kyrie.... do you want to become an adventurer as well?"

"An adventurer? I have no reason to."

A suddenly thought crossed my mind... I remembered my promise with Michael, Gerdur and Richard to become adventurers once we grow up.... Maybe I should at least register as one right?

"....Well, maybe signing up isn't so bad."

"We can accept quests once we are in the Centralia Continent and we can adventure together as a duo party as I bring your butt back to Klada. Isn't that good? It pays a bit better with two person as well."

"Interesting... I'll register later then. Are you an adventurer too?"

Lynn looked at me in the eye for a moment after she heard my question....

"Pfft hahaha! What are you asking?!"

"W-what, is that a weird question?"

"Well, not really hahaha.... it's just really stupid."

"I see?"

"I'm the S ranked adventurer, Magic Pioneer Lynn. My title as a Magic Pioneer is granted by the guild, and I'm the strongest adventurer on the world!"

"....Okay, bragger."

"Uo, annoyed are you?"

"Let's just head in."

'Cha chank.'

We opened the door to the guild and went inside with our luggage still in hand. There were numerous amount of people inside, eating and drinking at the bar of the guild. Most of the tables is occupied and full of people chatting happily. It's a lively scene, one that you'd recall from one or two fantasy cartoons or isekai films.

We entered the guild and headed to the counter of the bar.... Wait a minute.... This woman here just wants to drink!

"Hey you... You just want to drink instead of finding an inn aren't you?"

"Haha, you saw through me! But we are going to have lunch anyway right? Let's just eat here!"


"Come on, don't be mad! I'll even treat you to a meal!"

"....Good enough."

We walked to the counter of the bar and sat on the chair there. The lady at the counter welcomed us.

"Welcome! Here is the menu, see what you'd like to eat, you two."

"Thank you, give me a mug of beer and a grilled fish and chips set." Lynn already knew what she wants....

"....I'll have the same as her. I want milk instead of beer." I couldn't be bothered to select out of the meals so I picked the same as her.

"Orders received...."

The lady wrote our order on a piece of paper, and left it at the window to the kitchen. As I watched her did all that, a sound of a middle aged man sounded behind me.

"Hmm.... wait, is that you Lynn?!"

"Who are you, don't just randomly call out my true identity- wait, Kentwood?!"

...Who? I turned around and saw a middle aged man carrying a spear...

"Haha, it's nice to meet you again!"

"Uwaa.... old man Kentwood!"

"...Is it really that bad? Actually, you are the one who's odd because you didn't age at all?"

"Well, it's a long story... take a seat first!"

The old man who appears to be called Kentwood sat down right next to me, in between me and Kynn.

"So, who's this girl? Your daughter?"

"She's Kyrielle, my travel partner."

"Hello, grandpa."

"A grandpa.... and a travel partner? How come you are traveling with such a young girl?"

"...You might've heard of it, the Klada Disaster. It's a long story...."

"Well, we have time."

"Hmm, fair enough. Hey counter lady, get this man a mug of beer as well, and put it on my tab."


(half an hour later...)

Lynn chatted happily with the old man. It seems that the teleportation amulet she has before was actually a gift from this man....

But anyway, I was bored I decided to head to the registry counter alone. As I walked there, a few other people inside the guild noticed me.

"Hey little girl, what are you doing here?"

"Me? I'm just going to register as an adventurer."

"Are you serious? Becoming an adventurer is dangerous you know? Did your mom know of this-"

" mom's at Centralia Continent."

"....I see. I won't bother you, but if you need a party to adventure with, you can always join us."

He points to one of the table where 3 other person sits on.

"It's much safer with a group after all."

"I guess, thank you but no thanks. I already have a party."

I continue to walk to the counter before I arrived there. The counter lady there was surprised when she saw me.

"Umm... Can I help you?"

"Yes. I want to register as an adventurer."

"...Okay? But you are underaged, and you might even meet dangerous people outside you know?"

"Im underaged but I'm more than capable of handling my own."

"I see.... I'll get you the paper."

She pulled out a form from the counter and handed it to me.

"You can write in Ataraxian right?"


'Given Name : Kyrielle

Date of birth : 28th of the Armored Titan's Calendar

Role : '

"Umm, excuse me lady?"


"What does 'role' means?"

"Ah, your role is as it's name suggests, your role in combat. There is Mage, Warrior, Rear Guard, Healer and Hybrid."


"Hybrid means someone who can fulfill two or more roles at the same time."

"I see..."

Now that I have a sword by my side which I fight with rather frequently, I should be a mix of Warrior and Mage right?

I wrote 'Hybrid Mage Warrior' and then handed the paper to the lady.


"Let's see here.... A mage warrior hybrid?"

She looked at me more closely, I got a bit shy when she stared at me intensely, and started to play with my hair once again....

"A katana from the Moonfall Continent...? Do you know magic as well?"

"Yes, my mentor is that girl." I pointed over to the bar, where Lynn is happily chatting away.

"The Magic Pioneer and Spear Saint?! You really are more than qualified enough then!"

Umm... I didn't specify that Kentwood was my mentor but whatever.


"Anyway, we will have your adventurer card be forged by tomorrow. Can you come back to retrieve it tomorrow?"


I returned to the table... and Lynn is still happily chatting away with that old man.

"Lynn, I'll go explore the city around. I'll come back here half an hour later to meet with you."

"Very well, I'll wait for you here. Anyway as I was saying-"

I headed out of the guild and looked around the streets....

Walking down the street, crowds of people walked by the sides and a diverse range of shops could be seen.

On one of the shops, I saw the sign on top of the shop says 'Telepathy Post Service' written in both Ataraxian and Bostnian.

"A telepathy post office?..." Does that mean I can send letters back to Klada? Maybe I should check out what it is.

I opened the door and entered the shop....

"Can I help you?"

"Yes. I want to ask something about your service..."

"What would you like to know?"

"So, how fast do you deliver letters?"

"Usually it takes about one week. We will send the content of the letter towards a selected station where the people there will copy the words received and send it to the address that you select."

"I see... Do you have a station at Klada, a mountainous city inside the Holy Kingdom of Ataraxia?"

"Let me check here.... Yes. Our station was destroyed not too long ago, but our couriers have since rebuilt it."

"Hmm..." That means I can send letters now huh?

"Wait, are you perhaps one of the victims of the teleportation accident?"

"The teleportation accident?"

"Yes. Were you teleported all the way to the Bostnia Continent?"

"Yes.... It took 6 months, but I've finally made it through the entire Bostnia Continent. What happened to the city?"

"A large part of the city was burned down due to almost all the buildings there being made out of wood. Last I heard the city is still intact because of a random rain that appeared out of no where which helped put out the fire. It is currently being rebuilt with newer technology using concrete as building materials to ensure that no fire disaster can happen if another Fire Wraith attacked."

As I thought, Klada is being rebuilt... It may be even more technologically advanced than before after the attack by Aamon.

Klada was quite old and left-behind in terms of technology after all, many of the major cities that I've visited here are better than it in some ways. It was like a city from the Rome period, rather than the Renaissance which is almost a thousand years later.

"You were lucky to make it here alive, this continent is full of dangerous monsters and demons that might kill you. It's the second most dangerous continent for a reason, especially for a little girl like you."

"I see.... But there is a continent even more deadly than the Demon Continent?"

"That would be the Moonfall Continent, also called the Eastern World."

"The Eastern World?"

"Yes, the continent to the very East. Your sword should have been made there, right?"

".... I have heard of it, but honestly I don't know a lot about the Moonfall Continent. Can you tell me more about it?"

"It's a continent full of dangerous creatures. But by far the most dangerous part about it is not the monsters, but the people there. The entire continent is ruled by one emperor, with it's name as 'Yamato', but they are constantly at war with themselves."

Yamato is the old name of Japan... but the timeline doesn't match here. If it is indeed Renaissance right now, then it'd have been called 'Japan' for a long few hundred years now since the name 'Yamato' for Japan is very old, ancient even.

"As a feudal country, local war lords are constantly waging civil wars at each other, with the last one ending maybe about 5 years ago."

So I can pretty much assume that it is in fact just Japan huh?

"I see.... Anyway, can I write a letter back to Klada?"

"Very well. Do you know your house's address, or the place where you want to write to?"

"Yeah, but my home is burned down during the attack...."

"I see.... Then you can write down who ever relatives you might have over there and our courier will try their best to find out who to deliver the letter to. I'll give you a piece of paper and you can write down all the information, as well as the content of your letter. You can write properly right?"

"Yes, I can write just fine."

"Very well... Here is a pencil and also a piece of paper. Please write cleanly so that we can understand the words and copy it out."

"I'll keep that in mind."

On the piece of paper, I wrote down the names of my relatives....

'Relatives : Katherine Buffet, Marielle Buffet, Ghyse Durand.'

'To whom this may concern,

This letter is here to give news about my current well being, as well as my current location.

At the time of the creation of this letter, I am in Bostnia Continent, inside the United States of Monproximus, Creimland. I was teleported here six more the ago, and I am now making my way back home as soon as possible.

If the receiver of the letter is NOT of my family, please assist me in passing the letter to either Katherine Buffet, or Marielle Buffet, if they can be found.

My sincerest gratitude,

Kyrielle Buffet.'

(Chapter end)