(6 months after Klada Disaster)
[Lynn's POV]
(Later that night, inside an inn)
"Urgh!..." I groaned out as I strecthed my back after entering our shared room.
"You tired?"
"Somewhat.... Meeting an old friend gives you lots of things to talk about you know?"
"Who was that old man anyway?"
"Who is he? He's a Spear Master, and a damned good fighter."
"...How did you know him?"
"He was a long time party member during the Great War.... Back then, there were 6 of us including me. Me and him were the only ones who made it out alive."
"I see... Can you tell me more about him?"
"Hmm, it's been so long since I met him so I can't say that much... Oh, he really likes to fight. I mean not in a fight-to-death sense, but more on fighting just for the sake of it."
"Ah, so he's a warrior huh?"
"Aha, that's the right word! He likes to duel with the other three melee fighters...."
How nostalgic... I remembered that back then I was jealous of him and Gilles because they seemed to have so much fun every time they fight.
"...Almost every morning, I'd be waken up by the clashes of their weapon. Gilles used a sword, one used two daggers, and another a shield and mace. I'd wake up to the metal sounds of their blocks and parries, it was annoying."
"I see... This Kentwood old man seems incredible."
"Incredible? Huhuhu..."
"What's so funny?"
"No... nothing."
"Is that so?"
It's ironic how Kentwood was a complete nobody who was destined to die in the war... and yet he survived. He was a hot headed young man back then when he joined me and Gilles.
Everytime we fight against monsters, I'd argue with him because he'd always get in the way of my magic spells. He was by no means an incredible person.
"Well, no matter. I have something to say to you Kyrie."
"....I wanted to apologize. I know we are so close to reaching the Centralia Continent and going back home, but-"
"I get it, it's about that giant rift up the sky right?"
"Yes.... I'll have to stay here to investigate it because this is not a matter to be taken lightly."
"Don't worry about me, the people here needs your help right? Besides, I'll even stay here to help you out!"
"You'll stay with me?.... Thanks, Kyrie."
"Dont worry about it, that's just what friends do. With that being said.... how are we going to investigate it?"
"To be honest, I don't know either.... I guess we can try to talk to the people already doing it, and analyze their research data. It shouldn't be anything you haven't learned how to do in that school."
"Of course! I'm the student council president you know?"
"Mhm.... For now, we should take our much needed rest. We'll worry about it tomorrow!"
(The next day....)
'Boom...!' As Kyrielle and I made our way to the city's townhall, a faint sound of an explosion was heard in the distance just over the city walls.
"What was that?"
"Likely a monster attack... From Kentwood I heard that these attacks are happening rather frequently these days."
"It should have something to do with that rift right?"
"Maybe... But maybe they are just attracted to cute girls in the city, like you. I've heard that monsters like to eat cute and pretty girls, after all."
"There's just no way that's true! Monsters can't smell girls you know?!"
"Hahaha, I was just joking!"
But still... What's actually going on with the rift up there?
Soon, we arrived at the front gate of the castle. Two demon soldiers blocked us from entering the castle
"(Halt! The town hall is closed to citizens and visitors due to the situation with the giant rift up above. What business do you two have in here?)"
"(I'm the Magic God Lynn, and she's my assistant. I'm here to help investigate the rift.)"
"(You can't just walk in here and tell us to let you in.)"
"(Obviously, that's why I have proof that King Hal and King Asmodeus sent me. Here.)"
I showed them the Royal Right of Passage as well as the letter that I got from Asmedea as proof for this mission.
"(Hmm.... Very well, you two may enter the town hall. I'll lead you two to the research room.)"
"(Thank you.)" (2x)
...We were led into the castle and towards the Research Room where we should find the other researchers working on the same thing.
"(Excuse me, are there any Saint ranked mages around here?)"
(AN : Saint Ranked Mages are said to be able to destroy a city by themselves.)
"(We Bostnians don't normally judge the rank of a mage like humans do... But yes, we do have about 2 mages that is saint ranked.)"
"(2 huh?... Back it 4 then.)"
"(I'm God ranked, and this girl besides me is also Saint ranked. That makes 4 powerful mages.)"
"(Oh, I see... We have arrived.)"
In front of the research room, two guards stood guard besides the door. The guard that let us in explained to the two :
"(Let them in, they are sent here by the King to help with the investigation. They should be granted full access to the room and also the archives inside.)"
"(Yes, officer!)" (2x)
"(Well then, here you are. Good luck in your research, Magic God.... Our people depends on you.)" After saying that, the guard decided to leave.
"(I'll keep that in mind.)"
Damn.... Why am I the one to always be saving the day? I've already ended Baal and saved the world, and also abolished slavery in the world... I can only wear so many hats at one time you know?
"What's wrong?"
"Well... I just don't like how much pressure is put on me... Come on, let's get to work."
(2 hours later...)
[Kyrielle's POV]
"Man, I'm beat!" Lynn groaned out as she flops down onto one of the chair in the research room.
"Hey, we have barely even found any clues about this thing! Don't slack off!" Geez, what is with this woman anyway?!....
For 2 hours straight, I have analyzed novel-worth of reports about the rift up there... And we still found no clues what exactly this thing is.
"(Here's more reports regarding the rift.)" A demon researcher said as he puts down another stack of papers onto the desk...
"(This many?!... Urgh...)"
"(Come on Lynn, those papers aren't reading themselves.)"
"(That's right, human. Don't go calling tired after just a while of working.)"
"(What?! I am here to help you out with your research and you're lecturing me?! No fair!)"
"(If you get so tired so easily, you aren't going to last days or months doing this.)"
"(Days or months?... How long have you been researching this?)"
"(Almost 2 months now.)"
"(I see...)"
I sure hope the investigation wouldn't be so lengthy though... I want to hurry back home after all.
As Lynn and that demon mage researcher talked more, I continued reading the reports.
These reports that we are analyzing is reports from other researchers that have observed the rifts, or asked the city's citizens for information, or studied prior books and records for any clues as to what this thing is.
It's full of multiple different studies, but most of them are worthless. All the conclusions came to the same point.... Nothing of note.
'-after asking around for information, nothing of note was found. That this rift isn't something that has appeared in the past at all, so no information was known even amongst the folks who live here.'
'-the rift seems to be changing it's color as days passes... Though it is slow, it noticeably cycles between the colors green, blue, purple and red. Nothing else of note was found.'
'-prior records has no mentions of said rift appearing. No instances where magic with effects similar to the rift was used... And no one that knows of any hints and clues as to what that rift is exactly. In conclusion, nothing of note was found.'
....All of this datas are as good as useless it seems.
I scrolled through countless other reports and it was then that something caught my eye.... A report with the title that says 'God ranked Spell Hypothesis.'
'-Chronos Ignis, a God ranked lightning spell known to be able to be fired across the concept of space... Baal, the former Supreme Demon King was the first and only user of said spell.
Since Baal's castle is located within Creimland itself, this theory states that the rift which occured on the sky may be directly or indirectly correlated to this spell that Baal has used countless times.
This report should be handed to a mage that has seen 'Chronos Ignis' before and let them analyze this. While the Great War happened 4 decades ago, one individual mage may still be alive and well enough to see this report and help out with the research of the rift.'
"You found something, Kyrie?"
"Yes! This one has important informa-"
'Boom...!' A faint explosion sound was heard, interrupting me mid speech.
"(Another monster attack? This is getting out of hand...)"
Hmm... I needed a break from this analyzing thing. Killing those monsters seem like a good rest.
"Lynn, take a look on this." I handed her the report book and then went out the balcony....
"Hmm... Interesting..."
"Lynn, I'll go take a break by beating up monsters.... I'll be back real quick."
After hearing Lynn's confirmation, I turned around and headed towards the balcony.
"(Little girl, the exit is over there.... Huh? What are you doing?)"
"(What am I doing? I'm climbing over the fence.)"
"(But this is the fourth floor! Are you high or what-)"
'Thud!' With a kick off I leapt out of the balcony's railings.
"(What in the world?!)"
While falling mid air... Two crests appeared behind my shoulders...
'Bwuom!' (2x)
I took flight with my thrusters and flew at cruise speed towards the city gate, towards the direction where the explosion happened.
"Hmm...." I see a lot of dust outside the wall, and many mages are standing on top of it firing off magic.
Flying for about a minute, I soon reached the castle wall where I stopped my thrusters and slowly lowered myself onto the wall.
"(Keep firing! Don't let the boars break the city gate!)" One of the guard was yelling that out on top of the walls.
A few guards was shooting their bow, and a number of mages are firing their spells into the area as well. Repeated sounds of explosions was heard, and the wall itself shook repeatedly without stop every time the explosions sounded.
'Groo!!! Groo!!!' (?x)
More importantly, loud groans of monsters was heard down below the walls... There are tens of giant boars down the wall ramming onto the gate trying to breach the city.
....They are Volcanic Boars.
"Oh fire, may your way be guided by me and set alight my enemies with destructive force. Fireball!"
One of the mages chanted the fire spell and then threw it down at one of the boars.
'Boom!' A small explosion happened when the ball was thrown by hand and hit the massive boar... But no damage was seen done to it.
"Damnit! Their furs are immune to fire!"
Hmm... How weak. Their fireball is slow and weak, it's no wonder they can't defend this city.
"I'll do it!"
I reached out my hand, and charged up two Mana Balls with two Fireballs inside it... Forming a giant ball of inferno, ready to explode.
Letting the vortex of the Mana Ball sucks out even more oxygen from the surroundings, the Forbidden Sun slowly turns it's color from red to orange, and then to pale orange, and finally to white color....
"(Oi oi oi! Everyone get back, that girl is doing something dangerous!)"
Quad Charged Forbidden Sun.
A bright flash was seen as my ball of inferno hits the ground and in the next moment...
'Boom!!!' A mushroom cloud forms from my explosion, evaporating everything caught inside the blast.
No matter how thick and fire resistant their fur is, they won't survive this. It's just not possible. Not even Lynn can come out unscathed after she was hit by this afterall.
'Fwuom....' A gush of winds blew at us because of the shockwave. A giant crater was left on the ground of where I aimed. No corpse or bodies of the boars was found, they are all fried into smithereens.
"You... Don't you think that explosion is a bit too excessive?"
"Haha... I go too far sometimes... Sorry."
"It's fine... Phew... At least I can rest easy now."
'Clap clap clap!' From behind, someone approached me while clapping their hand.
"Outstanding, little girl! You just annilated those giant volcano boars like they aren't even fire resistant!"
"Well, resistance doesn't mean immunity, right?"
"Hmm, fair point. Sadly, while I would like to reward you for this, you aren't registered as one of the adventurers that should guard this place, I have no rewards that could be given to you, sorry."
"That is not an issue. I didn't come here expecting to be paid any way, I just want to fight some monsters to kill time and rest."
"I see... A good fight can relieve some stress, am I right? As for your reward, you can take the furs of those boars. I heard that it's worth a lot of money."
"But I've burned everything?..."
"Look closely, miss."
I turned back to the crater and stood on my toes to peek over the wall... Inside the still smoking red crater are leftovers of the red furs of those boars.
"It's true! The furs are still fine!"
"See? Volcanic Boar's furs are worth a lot because of their resistance to fire, take it."
Highly fire resistant huh?... I can sell it for wealth but I have something better in mind. I want a coat made out of it so that I can use my fire spells without burning my own clothes.
"Hmm... If that is the case, then I'll help myself to it."
I jumped down the wall and collected an entire bag worth of furs inside the crater.... It was then that suddenly :
"Groo!!!" (2x)
From deeper inside the woods, two more volcanic boars rushed out towards the crater, about to ram me...
"Woah wait wait wait!"
'Stab!' But in a instant, someone dropped down from the sky right onto one of the boar's head...
"Gue!!!" The second boars saw that person, and charged at him preparing to attack...
'Thud!' He easily lept off the ground as the boar was about to ram him, jumping directly above it's head, and with a spear raised overhead....
'Slash!' He slammed the spear down right onto the head of the second boar, splitting it's head wide open with a single hit.
'Thud...' He landed back on the ground without even a scratch on his body...
"Hmpt... No more than brute animals after all."
"You are....?"
"Are you safe, little girl? Oh, it's you." As the man turns around, I instantly recognized the wrinkled face of his. It's the old man that's friends with Lynn!
"Kentwood old man!"
"Calling me an old man is a bit rude..."
"Then... Uncle Kentwood?"
"That isn't any better. Just call me Woods."
"Woods... Thank you for helping me."
'Fwoosh!' With a swing of his spear, he flung away all the blood that is dripping down from the large blade of it.
"Don't worry about it. It isn't safe here, we should get back into the city."
"You are correct... Hmpt!"
I fired off a thruster and flew back up onto the wall. Woods followed suit by easily jumping over the wall.
"I wanted to see your strength by myself since Lynn spoke so highly of you... I wasn't disappointed at least, even though you were almost attacked just now because you let your guard down."
"Haha.... Greed kills more often than not huh?" I said, while still hugging all the red furs that I picked from the crater.
"....." He remained silent as he states at my body... And I got shy again.
"C-come on! An adult like you shouldn't stare too intently at a young girl like this!"
"Hmm, sorry but was just looking at your body...."
"I don't mean it in a weird way of course... I was looking at your physique and your muscles. You don't seem like a talented warrior. While you do have a body structure made for althletic movements just like how you flew using that magic, your arms doesn't look like you've been using that sword much... So why do you have that eastern sword by your waist?"
"Oh this uchigatana?... Well, I just really liked it, that's all."
"A passing interest huh? They do say that passion matters more than talent, it's true even for an unskilled girl like you."
"I don't know if that's an insult or a praise...."
"Hahaha! Don't mind this old man's mumbling. Anyway, see you around little girl." He said as he turns around and walked away...
"Oh...." What a strange man...
Lynn's old friend... He's bound to know something about Lynn then.
...And there's something I'd like to ask him. It's been on my mind all this time ever since I've been with Lynn for the last 6 months.
"W-wait! Before you go, I have something to ask!"
"Um.... How was Lynn's dead lover like?"
"You are curious about Gilles huh?"
"Gilles... is that his name?"
"Yes... Gilles was our party leader, and he came from the same place as Lynn did when they were in an orphanage."
An orphanage?... Lynn was a child slave that got kidnapped to the Bostnia continent... Does that mean she lived as an orphan after she escaped back to the Centralia continent? At what age did she ran back anyway?
"....How was his personality?"
"His personality? Well, he is a lot like the Lynn right now. He is usually cheerful and jokes around a lot, he is also someone that is confident in himself and trusts his friends.... He trusted me to bring Lynn to safety after she ran out of Mana and fell unconscious that day... that day when we were ambushed and nearly all of us died to the demon's attack."
"I see... Does that mean Lynn is different now compared to back then? And how does she look like when she was still a human?"
"Back then Lynn was... She was a lot like you. She isn't as loud or lively as you are, but she seems quite eager to proof herself and experiment her magic on live target, just like you. But contrary to her facade, she easily gets scared and intimidated so she relied on Gilles quite a lot... As a result, she's rather easy to be influenced by others. Huhu... maybe that's why she was tricked into spreading her legs for a man like that guy..."
"Wait, Gilles conned her into having sex with him?!"
"It was just a figure of speech.... You are just like her in the past, easily missing metaphors and is inconsiderate to others. I guess that's the reason she finds you interesting, because you are just as annoying as she was."
"Hey!" Even if you two used to argue a lot, it's not nice to put me in the same position because you have scores with her in the past!
"....But they actually loved each other for real. They grew up together, and helped each other through their most difficult times, it's like they are two halves of the same person... I don't like her, we are just friends, but I do feel extremely bad for her after Gilles is dead."
"I see.... You talk just as weird as she does as well. Is this what old people like you and her do?"
"You see lots of things when you grow as old as us.... But you shouldn't call her old, because to an immortal person like her, age isn't relevant. With her as she is, she'll forever remain as a 17 year old girl. That is sad, somewhat...."
"I feel you as well.... if I had to choose, I honestly wouldn't want to live forever. She must've lost a lot of things because of her longevity. Not that I can actually say this to her face... There are things that no matter how close you are, you just can't say to one another."
"You got that right.... As for her appearance, she used to have long black hair and hazel eyes, entirely different from after the magic accident. Her face is just the same as when she was 17 back during the time of her transformation, that's why I recognized her easily when I saw her."
"So she's a normal pretty girl who turned into a Magically Omnipotent person huh?..."
"I see. Thank you for telling me so much about her past... She won't open up no matter how much I probe at her after all, and I was curious."
"....It must have been heavy for her, that's why she'd rather not talk about it. I suggest you don't push your luck with her, she still has a human side even after she became inhuman. Don't be a jerk, and think about her feelings."
"I don't want to hear that from you!" I said with a pouted face.
"And please... Help me take care of her. She may be experienced, but she's still emotionally a human. She has her feelings, and has been through a lot. I hope you will understand."
"I will... I will."
Of course I understand what he's saying... I have personally seen her sorrow face myself, and I feel bad for her... I'll never forget that night at the castle.
"...Anyway, I'll be going now, Woods!"
"Ah. Take care, little girl."
(Chapter end)