["If it is that, all of us are, my Apostle. There is none who truly loves you that is happy with the development. But I have prayed secretly that if this is not the will of God, God should destroy it even if it gets to the edge of where you are called to exchange vows. If it is God's will, let it stand but if it is not, the wedding rings will not enter any of you two hands." ]


"Papa, I have been worried and have a few questions to ask sir."

"Please feel free to ask Pastor Donald. What is it that you want to know?" I asked adjusting my office chair to face him.

"Err, Papa, it's about your wedding with Betty. I don't feel alright about it sir. Secondly I feel this should have been quietly done if at all we were to go ahead with it." Pastor Donald spoke concerned

I smiled and sat erect.

"Pastor Donald!" I called in. "I know there are more than you can ask which you are not clear about, but I assure you that this is the leading of the Lord. I believe the meeting with the elders is well informed?" I changed the topic.

"Yes sir!" Pastor Donald answered

"Pastor Donald, I am more than blessed having you in my life and I want you to know that you are a blessing first of all to the body of Christ, to Eternal Revival Ministry and to me personally. I assure you that we are at the break of the day and soon, everyone would see the light. Please I want you to ensure that no one misses it to the meeting." I demanded

My meeting with all the executives of Eternal Revival Ministry was to take place that day by 4pm. Everyone was mandated to be in attendance.

I had personally spent two days in the office waiting upon the Lord to finalize his work in my life.

I was done with pastor Donald and he left for his home to bath and return before the scheduled time of the meeting.

Just then, I noticed Deaconess Felicia drove in with Abigail.

The two came to my office, greeted me and Deaconess Felicia asked that she excused us

"Deaconess, I hope everything is fine. Abigail don't seemed happy looking at her countenance."

"Yes Apostle, you see rightly. For the past few days, she has not been herself. Most often I passed her room in the house and over hears her praying and sobbing. I have asked her severally to tell me what is the problem but she has kept mute saying it is just a burden she has on her heart."

Hearing this, I smiled broadly, running my fingers on my desk unconsciously.

"Apostle, this is a serious matter. You are only smiling. Is there something that I should know which may be disturbing her? Please look into the spirit and speak to me man of God." She beckoned

"Deaconess, by now you should know that when I smile, it means I have seen a solution..."

"Amen!" She shouted not letting me finish.

"Please call Abigail in let me speak with her." I instructed jently

"Okay man of God." She said and hurried out

Soon my door rang and knowing it was Abigail, I asked her to come in.

As she walked in to sit, I noticed that my heart became a bit tensed and warm. So much was going through it and I sort carefully on how to initiate the conversation.

I knew what had been her problem. To be sincere, we had not really have time together since my release from cell and return from the mountain.

"Abigail," I started. "I know you are not happy about my consent to marry Betty."

I paused searching for a way I was going to make her understand without unleashing what I alone was supposed to know for the moment. I won't want the power of a woman to win me here

She was quiet with her head bent as I struggled to balance my words

"Err, I know you may find it difficult to understand but the truth of the matter is that God is working something which is unknown to anyone for now. I myself await him to perfect His will."

As I was speaking with Abigail, I noticed that she was glowing and my attachment for her was fast increasing

"mm, Abigail, Abigail."

"Sir,," She answered sheepishly

"The truth is that I have been pretending about somethings really, mm, nk, nk, but I don't want to loose what God has prepared for me..." I struggled with words

I couldn't find out the best time. I was not yet done with Betty and right before me I was surrounded with scandals left and right. I wanted to send Abigail out of the office but I didn't want to hurt myself and her. I just wanted to tell her the truth and have a relief. Thank God help came through for me.

For the first time, Abigail was bold enough to lift her head and look into my eyes

"Sir! I have been crying and praying because I felt I was failing in my ministry already. I know this is unusual sir. But I have been sent to you, and I won't let you fall. I know this is difficult. I know you have wondered how I will feel about it; what people will say. I know you have been careful not to raise another scandal. But I know what I saw and have been seeing sir. For months now I have not been myself, more so is now that you are about to make the fattest mistake of your life. I know who I am sir. Please tell me what the Lord has said to you about me."

O my God! I looked at Abigail and it was obvious she was not herself but the spirit of the Lord had taken over her. This was not usual but it was visible it was God.

I searched through my table and walls to ensure there was no camera fixed anywhere as I was being more careful not to be further exposed. After being satisfied, I motioned to speak, trusting God to help me.

"Abigail! Thank you for helping me have the courage to disclose to you what I have battled with for months. I am sorry that I couldn't wait for you enough to have indulged into all these which have posed a seemingly barrier between what the Lord has destined between I and you. There is nothing to hide anymore that you are the one chosen for me. I remember the encounters you told me of the man of God destined for you to marry. The Lord has shown and spoken to me same, but I couldn't muster the courage to let you know and as well I was watching to ensure that it was not my flesh leading me astray." I paused

There was a minute silence between the two of us.

"But I am not the right one for you sir. You know a little about me that I was a mes....."

"Abigail stop!" I cut her short. "Your pass is gone. This is the new you. This is from the Lord. We have nothing to say for or against than to yield to his total will." She nodded her head calmly as I spoke

I was now more at ease to speak to her seeing that we were on the same page.

"I have been asking the Lord if I'm going to be the second wife. I have been confused most as I am very sure of what the Lord has told me sir." She said worriedly.

"Abigail, you won't be a second wife to anybody. Of course I won't marry more than a wife. I want you to trust me but most especially trust God on what He is doing which I myself is still questions on my heart compare to what he has revealed to me. I don't want us to be here for too long. Please call your mom for me." I instructed and she broadened her smile then left to call Deaconess Felicia.

The smile, the dimples, O Jesus. "Abigail!" I shouted in my heart and threw a fist as I stood and adjusted my trousers.

This which has taken me long. This which I have been dying to bring to the notice of Abigail. All my worries were gone.

"But, man of God you must be careful. Don't allow your feelings to lead you otherwise the worse would happen." I cautioned myself and behaved in the manner of the Apostle I was."

"There is so much about this life. Sometimes it is confusing, difficult and challenging. Other times it is soft, tender and easy going even for those who are the apples of God's eyes. What matters in all is the deep and sincere love and commitment we have for the Lord. He would help us out in our inadequacies." I ministered these words to myself awaiting the arrival of Deaconess Felicia.

I was already playing the game with the gamers, only that I was invisible.

With Abigail, I felt absolutely blessed and favoured and secured.

I wish it was my wedding and hers that preparations were underway.

I Welcomed Deaconess Felicia back into the office and she was baffling and smiling as she could not contain what I had done to Abigail yet again.

"Apostle, hah, I can't understand." She said laughing.

"The Abigail that has refused to smile all this while is now the one who came to call smiling like she has eating yam with red oil. This your office, there is something about it Apostle. Please tell me."

I joined her and we laughed briefly then I told her that Abigail was only concerned about me getting married to Betty.

"If it is that, all of us are, my Apostle. There is none who truly loves you that is happy with the development. But I have prayed secretly that if this is not the will of God, God should destroy it even if it gets to the edge of where you are called to exchange vows. If it is God's will, let it stand but if it is not, the wedding rings will not enter any of you two hands."

"Amen!" I shouted finding it difficult to believe such a magnitude of prayer that was accurately carved. Only a person who truly loves you would pray such for you. I was so blessed to have the likes of Deaconess Felicia around my life

I spent sometimes discussing crucial ministry issues with her before we started hearing songs of opening prayer in the auditorium.

It was time for the meeting. Deaconess Felicia left and Pastor Donald walked in to remind me that it was time.