Chapter 57 - CHAPTER 57

As even then I can grant anyone Absolute Potential for everything at least they didn't cross me in power. I do really have now the second-best day of my life, the first being born in marvel.  

Now let us how the underworld looks without its red skies and flames. And my next target is also there so both will be done in one swap…

As I step out of the boom tube I look around and yes it's not just in a single plane of existence that the red colour no longer exists but all the dimensions that exist in this universe. As the red sky and ground of the Underworld had turned green the same as the red moon and sun. In fact, half of the place is utterly destroyed just like earth but it seems their force fields are able to keep them alive from all the shock waves. But now when half of the place is lost they will not last long as even humans are gone. 

This whole place is intact because the one who resides I looked at in front of me and the house had also lost its red colour and the people who guard it. I was in front of the Base of operation of the Vali Team but it seems all the Khaos Brigade. 

So all its variants of the Khaos Brigade are here so the Vali Team, in which Vali is down, incapacitated lost in a tectonic state of being alive yet dead. 

As of now, Zelda must have taken control over the Sacred Gear system and the system of Heaven as we plan. 

Ophis, Old Satan Faction, Nilrem, Qlippoth Faction, Hidden Khaos Brigade, Vali Team 

Hero Faction most of them being down. Just like Vali. And the Nebiros Clan. They all came out of the house and looked at me with wide eyes. They knew what it meant. The Great Red is gone. 

They must have felt my presence as before I got all this power. I was scorching the very reality as laws here are very low level just like the world so my very presence breaks it. Marvel can take the full brunt force of my aura without breaking it. 

But when I am under this much charge with energy my presents break everything this still happens even after I had full control it's neutral this could be a problem as I could easily be tracked but if I didn't have.  

Tracking Evasion and with it I can't be tracked down, all the traces of my passing disappear or are ignored: fallen hair, blood, skin particles, etc. will dissipate into dust and no scent is given off. They do leave behind a trace such as broken sticks or disturbed leaves 

Nor the electronic trace either, and be unable to be found through a computer. Advanced, if not legendary, controllers of this are capable of evading any and every known possible way to track or discover a person.

And it comes with Aura Concealment and many other things so I have perfect invisibility. So in a way, I can become nothingness. 

As I looked at all of them I saw the primal fear of death on their faces. As they encircle me around Ophis must have known that she will be my next target so-called them here I knew this would be a fight I like to have but she is now no match for me I fought Great Red as with him I developed many ways to use my power but she is a peaceful creature so she can't fight even half as good as Great Red. So rather than having wasted my time on them. 

I pulled out the body of Cao Cao. That was inside the house while everyone just watched as they tried. I will ignore them. After he appeared in front of me. I looked at him. He holds one of the things I want. In fact, I want many things and this is just one of them. 

So I pulled his soul out, as the wispy, spectral, undying soul of Cao Cao floated above my hand in front of me, hovering. His body tried to resist my pool but where Great Red failed, how can he be successful from it? Then I separated his soul from a brightly glowing light.  

I turned my attention to the glowing soul, one which swirled with burning white holy energy and power, and completely outshined the entire place as if a small white dwarf star… 

I then summoned my own Spear. I don't know how I had it as no other Darkseid in the multiverse has ever used any weapon. Besides the live-action one. And this looked exactly the same. So I was shocked as I am not a live action one but I was more shocked to know that. 

The spear isn't exactly a regular off-the-shelf model. This is the weapon that is actually DC's Spear of Destiny. And even then it's not one time. The Original one, the spear used to pierce the side of Jesus Christ, is one of the most powerful magical artefact.

This immensely powerful weapon is capable of destroying even the Spectre. The Spear of Destiny is a weapon of unbelievable power, capable of killing the most powerful magic users of the DC Universe, including the Spectre. it as a tool of conquest.  

Spear's power to summon an army of Valkyries. Create force fields and many things and for shit the Darkseid who wielded this spear. When he got his hands on the Spear he re-made the spear with Element X, Tenth Metal, which is the purest form of creation itself. 

The only piece of Tenth Metal that I have as Zelda is more alive so she can't be counted as a piece. That's why I can change its shape and alternate physical form in accordance with my desires. Becoming mostly anything I can imagine be it weaponry, shielding or armour.

That's why the spear was easily able to cut through the scales and flesh of Great Red without me putting much strength. And now I had another weapon, similar to this one. Let's combine both of them as Tenth Metal works as it's manipulated by thought alone to achieve nearly anything, So this should be easy. 

While I was lost in my own thoughts I forgot about the Devils below me who had cooked alive from just the passive Aura of my Spear. After all, mine is real shit coming from a truly omnipotent God's son. And when I looked at them I saw most of the Devils, Vampire Werewolves, and all the dark creatures were turned into dust. While only truly able to remain alive such as a son of Lucifer and his right hand and a few others but they were not safe as they were cooked alive and others were sweating only one who was completely safe was Ophis. 

This is to be expected as this is just a passive aura, while the surface and sky were scorched from the aura alone after a Glance I ignored them. As I do not care who dies, of course, the women I am about to kill were supposed to be mine and I didn't suppose to hurt them. 

But it was just small guilt that was gone as fast as it came. As I saw my Spear was enthusiastic in my hands when it saw a glowing ball, yes the Spear of Destiny was also alive and sentient, and it knew what was in front of it and knew what had to be done just waiting for my command.  

But before I give it a command I erased the concept of Failure for the spear as I don't want anything going wrong with this process. Then I erased the Conservation of energy, the first law of thermodynamics, the Second law of thermodynamics, the third law of thermodynamics, Law of energy loss, then I created a special space around us a pocket dimension of pure possibility with Dreams. 

then I called upon pure nothingness shaking the whole world. 

After putting a huge huge so huge that I felt I was draining an amount of Nothingness in one place and creating a ball out of it I did the same with Omega Effect. I then pulled out all the Snakes that Ophis gave them from their bodies. After all, it's extra energy inside their bodies so finding it was easy. They were in a lot of pain but who cares? 

After that, I did the same with it, combing all the snakes and creating a ball out of it. So now one purple ball. Then I call up upon my own concept of Evil that I was born with also creating a black Ball out of it I did the same with 

Dreams and now there is a multicoloured ball. I also created balls for Absolute Potential, Endless Growth, Absolute Condition. And I then cut my hand with the spear and then let my pure black blood come out after collecting it in a ball. I put it with all the ingredients. Then I did the same with my essence as even I can't pull out a piece of my soul with the system attached to it. After everything was ready. 

Then I turned my spear shape into a ball itself. Now in this separated space, there are twelve balls of pure power, and concept eleven outshines the others but it was also expected. 

It was time to create my strongest weapons that could even be stronger than me at least in some except.  And an answer to any being in marvel Living Tribunal, beyonders, or anyone besides God himself. 

As I don't know how higher power will react when they see how strong I become and control so many concepts. I will rather be safe than sorry. 

With those thoughts, I then took a mediation position and cooled my eyes while creating a force field around me… as this also needs my full concentration as I am the one who controls the spear. And never underestimate your opponent even if it's a bug. And I have the power and if I was hurt this whole place would be swayed by Parademons and I have them in a space lock denying all possible ways they could run. Yeah, this is one hell of shit….

I then command my spear to devour all eleven of the balls, and as expected without all the concepts limiting my spear. And my content commands and firm control. 

Slowly the power output increased so much that the dimension became unstable cracks appeared everywhere so I put more energy into the space. While denying all possible ways that this could fail or the dimension could be destroyed.  As time flew by the pressure on my body was so much that I felt if we were human I could have sweated a county's worth of water. 

But after a very long time, I was done and floating in front of me. Now I was so drained that I felt like I was dying. Or someone just used devour on me but the results were a full success which is supposed to be as Failure doesn't exist. 

The Spear was now complete, to say I was very much excited about it like a kid receiving a new toy from Christmas, The true Spear of Destiny, Well don't think is Equal to anything like a necrosword, this Thing was A lot stronger than the Necrosword much stronger than any weapon, The Spear was made to immobilise Omnipotent or near Omnipotent level being too short, I made is to kill everything that seem to be a threat to me.

The currently The Spear has a twist in a Double Helical shape on its Head, It looks like the same as the Spear of Longinus in Evangelion But was has veins on it, and it was bulging out, oh The Spear was Sentient and alive, yes is also capable of thinking.

Now about its power. It was made to kill Near God power, like Beyonder, or an abstract entity, in my theory, the Spear can even kill The One Above All the All mighty God of Marvel.

It can shapeshift is self into anything and can grow as big as I want, it had the power when is to Absolute Completely Erase and rewrite everything, and can say to same to its Origin, for example, if I target Living Tribunal who is in reality, but the Original he was somewhere else when I "throw" is will Erase and rewriting everything, Like I mean literally everything, law Of Space, time, reality, matter, energy, basically Everything, until is reach is the target.

But here the most absolute of is Speed, when it throws, it will instantly erase and rewrite everything, making it also travel and reach its target instantly, no matter where Living Tribunal lives or hides, The Spear will immediately reach its target.

If Living Tribunal tries to block or shield himself or teleport the Spear Somewhere else, it will be completely useless, As the Spear is capable of Erase and rewriting everything even the entries of Omniversal law, the moment I target Living Tribunal he Disappear was already decided, also another Power of the Spear, is not "Killing" is the target, is completely obliterated and Erase the target from everything, from reality to dreams to Memories to Hypothetical to Perpetualness to everything. if I chose to remove Living Tribunal, even the Original was somewhere else.

The Spear will rewrite his power, connect every Clone of him with his Original, then reverse is Clone origin with the Original, if the Spear hit one of the Living Tribunal Clones, then it means every replica or clone, including the original him, will be hit, on everywhere in the Entire Omniverse, as I say no matter where are you or where you hide the moment, I "THROW" the Spear Your Disappear was already been decided, No Death or Reincarnated, Just Disappear from the Very Omniverse itself permanently, the moment I decided to remove Living Tribunal, his existence will completely erase like Living Tribunal was never existence, he never lives or exists, nobody absolutely nobody will never remember him. 

Yes, the Spear could exist in every dimension. It needs to be Omnipresent, let's say I target the Universe itself, what the Spear will do?

Very easily, the Spear will shapeshift itself until is deem is big enough to "pierce the Entire Universe" then it will connect every Universe that has similar to the Universe that the Spear Pierced, Then Is Reverse, is Like Clone and Original as I say, if I wanted to remove it, the Spear will erase is Universe along with Parallel Universe or counterpart or Replica, as long is held the similarly, it will be connected by the Spear and be erasure Nothingness, Nobody will remember it existed.

What happens if I target the Void instead, now that is difficult to explain, You see the Void is Something also Nothing, If I "Throw" the Spear it will Target all the Void, Including who has power connected to it, like Oblivion who is the abstract entity of Void.

The Spear will do the same function, As I say, it has the power to Absolute Erase and rewrite everything, yes which means including the Void, Oblivion will Disappear, and every Void entity will be Disappear, which Means the Spear does not Target "the Nothing" but is Target the "Part of Something" in the Void.

Of course, No need to say I am immune to it. 

The Spear was special existence, the law of Everything or anything does not apply to the Spear, Making a Completely alien in Nature, but that very nature of its making is also capable of harming any Being that alien in nature, like Frank the Beyonder, or the Beyonders, As I say The Spear capable of Absolute Erase Applying Nothingness on them an Omnipotent being or near Omnipotent being or just immobilise them, rendered they power useless as long as the Spear still on the Body.

Is an Absolute weapon, and that is just 1 of my Projects, the Armor was in its making phase, and I will only use this function of the Spear when Absolutely Necessary, The Spear Will definitely cause Chaos in the Entire Omniverse if I show it out.

Also, I can am bonded to it, connected to it, and nobody will able to break the Bond between me and the Spear, when I meant nobody, then I mean NOBODY will able to break it, the Spear was also connected to my mind, I can easily control is through my mind, I store is in my shadow, not even Oblivion will able to detect is.

Yup I was completely making A GOD Like weapon capable of Erase "Everything"

And it's not it's for signal beings it could be used in mass destruction, like Civilization, 

erasing them or simply removing them entirely. Anything that is represented by civilization will be erased, whether it's art, culture, society, economy, technology, tools, communications, etc.

Or entire Existences erasing the whole universe and it's can do much more than that 

I am so proud of myself, yup really proud of myself, The Cosmic Cube or Ultimate Nullifier or The Infinity Gauntlet is trash compared to this, Does this mean I am a better building than the One Above All. Yes, I am as I am Original. 

OK enough of self-praise self hypocrisy you had much to do for this can still grow as now it has absolute potential and you can find many weapons to devour so with those thoughts I gave final looks to my finest creation then I turned into a bracelet and it happens and now it was in my left hand.  

As of now, I am always carrying with me as in the worlds of absolute speed you never know how slow you are even if my call is instant. It will be good if it's with me after all as I said before better be safe than sorry and you never know what If. And it's just a "normal" weapon if I do not use it's Nothingness. 

As I looked around and again, much time had passed, maybe days as everyone was just standing there. With board eyes and eyes that had lost their colour. And Parademons and both Laura and Madelyne were here fighting devils on the other side of the Underworld. 

I am still feeling kind of drained of my energy, regeneration is fast but I also had too much storage but my energy is also kind of full. It's hard to explain but if I am in marvel or in my own dimension it could have been much faster. 

So without wasting any second I intently appeared in front of Ophis who looked so innocent that for a second I felt I do want to do this those eyes were the same as Laura's or Domino's or Madelyne but their eyes do a different Magic her eyes were same but nowhere near on their level maybe it's my obsession possessive ness with them as they are my women. Whatever it is it didn't stop me from reaching to her soul and then pulling out of her body. 

As with a thud, her body falls down. Her eyes lost their colour. She didn't reverse her Dragon form. Unlike the other Dragons that have large reptilian-like bodies, Ophis is a human-shaped Dragon. but she also is a true shapeshifter so she can take any form. 

While everyone's eyes were wide open. I looked at my hand the pure swirl of burning purple energy 

Her full power is theoretically unknown, as she represents infinity and is theoretically limitless. In sheer power but in truth she is not as she doesn't have any control over that law or if she even had any, no matter how huge or endless dreams might be seen they still are limited while she is Infinity she should be stronger yet she doesn't mean one thing she is not true infinity but near it for this place least. 

As she is nowhere near the level of infinity from my universe and what I am taking is just a universal one forget about multiversal one. 

But whatever its energy it's mine to absorb and with it I will get the concept of infinity again. And because the story didn't even start yet. So Her power was not stolen by Samael

And even then, she regained some of it through her snakes, and that time she has double the power of the two Heavenly Dragons in their prime.

So now her power is in its prime as so it's enough for people of this universe to call it infinity. Just like infinity stones as I am sure I am much higher than infinity in many universes but I know the truth. 

I had to put pressure on the soul as it was burning everything around it.  feeling the burning energy that was as pure as the Great Red one. But this time my cells were able to absorb its energy very slowly but they were able to do it. 

So I did not wait any longer and spoke my favourite magic words even If I do not need to. 


And in an instant, I felt the feeling again. The feeling I love as much as Women and Sex the feeling of Power the feeling of fulfillment that I can only feel when I gain the power to get women or had wild sex. I am truly becoming a beast of Nature only lost in its primal needs 

A Part of me feels that this little goal I've set for myself is wayyy fucking out there – but another part of me is whispering into my fucking ears that I had become A Pervert- With- No Personality a blunt man too lost in the world. 

But that's one of the reasons I want them all. I want to be able to love them and care for them as I do for Zelda, Laura, or Madelyne and Domino comes somewhere here.  I do care for them. Even if I hardly met them, let's forget it. 

Now I looked at my hand and nothing reminded me. I felt my control and power over endless and increased by many folds. While my energy capacity had increased by at least half a fold. Now I can apply endlessness to things even better. 

And her knowledge of infinity was much better than Great Red, so my comprehension of Infinity also increased. And because she had lived the last few thousand years in physical planes and travelling so she also had much usable knowledge. 


So I am planning to return my old work which one you should decide Zeus or Hollywood one and write alone in these days I get to know that it's good you only write one piece of fiction at a time as it gives you much freedom and big chapters to write so hope you got what I am saying so If I return to my old work this will stop until I get bored from that one and ask this question again. Bye, now it's on you. 

Come on, give me some power stones. And do some comments.  why comments are going down so much come on man show some appreciation by commenting few good line nothing more.

So how about this new way of writing? As I realized that if I throw all this in one time then I give females their own chapters it feels like fillers and we had to skip it this way and they even get boring fast. We got stories and love interests of females while the story is still going on. and this is how I am going to write all of my work....

- Jessica Drew (Ultimate Spider-Woman)

- Jessica Drew (Spider-Woman)

- Julia Carpenter (Spider-Woman)

- Charlotte Witter (Spider-Woman)

- Mary Jane Watson (Spider-Woman)

- Gwendolyne Maxine Stacy (Spider-Gwen)

- Cynthia "Cindy" Moon (Silk)

- Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow)

- Wanda Maximoff (Scarlet Witch)

- Carol Danvers (Captain Marvel)

- Jennifer Walters (She-Hulk)

- Felicia Sara Hardy (Black Cat)

- Silvija Sablinova (Silver Sable)

- Anna Marie D'Ancanto (Rogue)

- Gamora Zen Whoberi Ben Titan

- Nebula (maybe not)

- Hela

- Brunnhilde

- Elektra Natchios

- Death (maybe not)

- Jean Grey

- Katherine Anne "Kitty" Pryde

- Jane Foster

- Doreen Green (Squirrel Girl) (maybe not)

- Tamara Devoux (Captain Universe)

- Shuri (maybe not)

- Monica Rambeau (Spectrum)

- Neena Thurman (Domino)

- Susan Storm (The Invisible Woman)

- Emma Frost

- Crystalia Amaquelin (Crystal)

- Janet Van Dyne (Wasp)

- Daisy Johnson (Skye) (Quake)

- Jemma Simmons

- Barbara "Bobbi" Morse (Mockingbird)

- Maria Hill

- Sif

- Thena (Azura)

- Gwendolyn Poole (Gwenpool)

- Ororo Monroe (Storm)

- Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan)

- Laura Kynney (X-23)

- Jessica Jones

- Caiera

- Galacta

- Elizabeth "Betty" Ross (Red She-Hulk / She-Rulk)

- Cassandra Web

- Sersi

- Thena

- Ajak

- Selene

- Medusa

- Illyana Nikolaievna (Magik)

- Kwannon

- Elizabeth "Betsy" Braddock 

- Lorna (Polaris)

- Tessa (Sage)

- Ruby Summers

- Monet St. Croix, (M)

- Rachel Summers

- Clarice Ferguson

- Heather Cameron(Lifeguard)

- Amara in Disguise(Magma)

- Amelia Voght

- Meggan

- Regan Wyngarde (Lady Mastermind)

- Martinique Jason (Mastermind)

- Succubi

- Morgan le Fay

- Hisako Ichiki (Armor)

- Kara Kilgrave (Persuasion)

- Sooraya Qadir (Dust)

- Megan Gwynn (Pixie) FC

- Adrienne Frost

- Angela Jones (Firestar)

- Laynia Petrovna (Darkstar)

- Vanessa Carlysle (Copycat)

- Petra

- Sway

- Irene Adler (Destiny) Maybe not

- Eva Bell (Tempus) Maybe not

- Crystallia Amaquelin (Crystal)

- Patsy (HellCat)

- Greer Grant (Tigra)

- Yelena Belova

- Viper (Madame Hydra)

- Tandy Bowen (Cloak)

- Melissa Gold (Song Bird)

- Dr. Karla Sofen (Moonstone)

-Hope Summers(A summer how can he let go)

- Zarda ( Power Princess)

- Amora the Enchantress

- Angela Del Toro (Tiger)

- Shanna

- Thundra

- Elsa Bloodstone

- Satana

- Kate Bishop (Maybe not)

- Spitfire

- Clea


Please leave a comment with your thoughts, I enjoy those because they help me understand how people view the story as a whole. Also please think about leaving a nice rating. everything princess single circumstances



Thor's former secret identity was Dr. Donald Blake.

This man was created by Odin to be the host for Thor, to teach his son about the importance of humility. However, once he and Thor separated, Donald Blake gained life and sentience of his own.


That's it, folks, please comment and give some power stones

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