Chapter 31 - CHAPTER 31

S.H.I.E.L.D base

The Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistics Division, better known by its acronym S.H.I.E.L.D., is an American extra-governmental military counter-terrorism and intelligence agency, tasked with maintaining both national and global security. Founded in the wake of the Allied victory over the Axis powers and HYDRA in World War II, S.H.I.E.L.D. was organized to protect the United States from all possible threats. With its advanced weapons and extraordinary agents, S.H.I.E.L.D. was maybe the greatest military power on Earth.

Peggy Carter was the former director of S.H.I.E.L.D. and one of its founding members, now the current Director of SHIELD Nicholas Joseph Fury is not having a good day like everyone in the world. He was now under a lot of stress. The reason for this stress was that of a New beyond Omega level threat, a being that seems to play with celestial bodies like toys to control life, and Death center singularities break them like nothing. He was more akin to a true God than anything.

Right now Furry is in a meeting with other founding members and all the agents that were level 7 or up that work in fields that were not on some kind of mission.

Barton: "No as we had lost most of the connections, most of the satellites plus his freedom and budget we can't find him he seems to be hiding somewhere I am sure he is doing nothing good with his blood and GOVT. Know this yet their desperation is getting the better of them I know Ross will do nothing against the USA but what is the USA without its people and there is no saying if will do nothing to anyone he will inject the blood Dr. Banner will also have the same thought process, especially after the power and rage that comes with it." Clint shared his views on the topic and how GOVT. Had become so desperate that they had put a bounty on the man that seems to be more of a God than a man.

They had even contacted AIM, Stark, Reed, Oscorp, and even Doom to find some solution on taking him down they provide every last drop of his blood to them now his blood was everywhere in the market while Frost's industry instantly decline even when they were threatened to be Banned from all the markers of USA and this was the same for Shawn industries or anyone who comes in Hellfire Club's Inner Circle.

Fury: "I know all this you don't need to feel me that agent and we can't do a shit. I talked with Mr president personally and he said we shouldn't interfere with it and I was able to hear desperation and anger with a great amount of fear in his Voice. Now What happened to the teams who try to go near that huge robot shell he built from our things and did anyone try to enter Xavier School." said Nick Fury who looks very as if he still remembers the call he received.


Now at this moment, the telephone rang. Fury his phone not many people had this number so if this rang something must had happen as he lifts the receiver and starts the call.

" I am a good Mr. President, I am Sorry, for what happened to the first lady. "

" How do you know about that?"

" WHAT??? "

" Sir, please he dared to strike us. And they are not famous for any good deeds"

" Sir, just give us a chance. "

" Ok, sir. "

" I will be there. "

End Past.

Hill: Yes Sir anyone who tries to enter within hundred meters of the Machine fries bullets that seem doesn't have any shells nor do they work on any type of explosive that knows to man or our scientist can get what the bullets were made out of or how they work no matter what we fired at force field they didn't move an inch and the robot will shoot back killing anyone who fired at him no matter how far are we that's who we lost 2 of the west and 1 south base as we try to play long can't game but we get to know the machine will fire back and no matter how far you are it always hit on the right place and even the missile didn't look that big it packs explosive more powerful than fusion bomb.

And When Mr. Pym tries to enter in the force field by going subatomic we get to know the force field is surrounded by a field of electricity that seems to be charging every atom in the force field while killing any microorganism that tries to enter in the field so Mr. Pym escaped just dying because of the suit's in a build safety system that keeps him alive but don't worry after inspection we get to know he just had some minor injuries but his suit was fried like a toast.

Before leaving he warned us not to try anything against the machine as he said it was beyond his understanding. And his mental state seems to become worse with time as when he left he was screaming at everyone around him. While we didn't get any answers from Mr. Stark. Mr. Reed. and Doctor Doom who try to scan the force field but get to know that their scans can't pass through the force field. It seems to be blocking any type of wave entering inside. So if my hunch is right they also didn't know anything and this was like an axe on their EGOs"

As for Xavier School, the military did go there but to their surprise, the whole place was in full lockdown mode, and anyone who try to enter forcefully had their bodies filled with red-hot lead that was also fired from the giant machine so after losing nearly 200 people and many battle tanks and jets Govt had stopped trying to get in." Said a very mature woman who had small black hair, brown eyes, she is wearing full back agent clothing with guns around her she has large breasts and ass with smooth white thighs and an hourglass athletic body with perfect assets. Her costume emphasizes all her features. This is Maria Hill, a level nine agent in SHIELD. She seems to be stressed out.

Alexander Pierce: "Fuck how this is happening that even the smartest men on this planet can't understand it what about the broken piece of Hammer and Caption Shield. And any data about the man" Said Pierce, he is the calmest man in the room yet at such odds he was more stressed out than anyone while he was sweating like hell even after the air conditioners went on as he knew he was on the hit list with many of his friends and leaders of that monster so he has pressures on his head.

Coulson: "Sir the Hammer piece had been taken away by Asgard just a few hours later after the man just disappeared. while we had found 5 pieces of Captain's shield and still looking for the remaining ones that will be found in 3 days Sir. as for looking at the data sir thing was obliterated by the man and when we look inside the sea we only things that remind intact was marvel size pieces of adamantium so even this metal wasn't able to take a kick from the man while who's Island seems to be atomized and only some adamantium remind. So there is no possibility of recovering the Data."


As the world is in chaos and the worst of them all is the USA whose people are now forced to watch videos of how mutant children were getting tortured in the name of the experiment as if they didn't watch those videos their screens didn't work now it became torture for they as in every home there is someone who's now unstable and depressed while watching those atrocities. And being forced to watch daily doesn't do good for them either.

So now even its people are now going against the country while other countries are asking themselves why they had to watch all this or did their country do the same. Is this what humanity is? Why? normal who do nothing but watch and complain now on roads as we're angry with everyone who sits above As cities have been burned by them while even the superhero community was receiving full backlash from them.

As when Darkseid release the Black Womb project he also released the video of him coming out of his prison after more then 30 years how heroes stopped him how a giant carrier have all its' weapons came out how they declared him a world terrorist and then attacked him how he warn them then how they forced him to do the extreme and pull the fucking moon and mutant was the one to stop him.

So all this was because of these superheroes as like every mortal that needs to blame somebody a higher power that they can control to some extent as they knew there is no point in blaming a man that didn't think them more than bugs and heroes were to control this and when Media jumped in all this the USA was on fire.

Whit lines like The Untold Truth Of Heroes, A Side America That Never Seen Before, Are Heroes Do Right, What More They Hiding From You, and so on and these lines are putting gas in blazing fire.

And from all these few the companies are getting the most out of them like HellFire Club Inner Circle companies like Frost International, Shaw Industries, then Rand Corporation, Pym Technologies, Hammer industry, Daily Beagle, Damage Control, Essex Clinic, General Electronics, Olympus Group, Damage Control, Roxx News, Oscorp Von Doom Industries and so on. And any company that showed any connection with heroes now getting worse out of those like Stark Industry had to face worse as now people once again started to use him as one of the merchants of death.


[United Nations Headquarters Manhattan, New York City,]

Inside a large, wide, and green carpeted hall, numerous brownish rectangular desks with similar colored chairs filled the room in triangular-shaped rows.

Presidents and leaders of all the nations of the world sat behind those tables in either a suit or their country's traditional garb with a miniature flag of their respective countries in front of them.

There still some countries that are still missing like Wakanda, Nova Roma, Genosha, Sokovia, Symkaria, Transia, Atlantis, Latveria, Sin-Cong, Bagalia, Vorozheika, Symkaria, and so on so there Kings Queen rules just didn't come nor they send any invoker as some just didn't come as no point in this while others still established his threat level while others knew he will come after their heads so they are now trying to find some good reason even if it's useless even for them.

The hall was soundless and the atmosphere in the room was somber. Now they were crying tears of blood while glaring at each other as world powers had lost their powers. No one made a noise as they all gazed at the two large screens that were on the two pillars at the end of the room. Everyone had different facial expressions as they watched the screen that showed how easily man controls the massive gravity around the Blackhole so it doesn't affect any city nearby and how he crushed something that shouldn't exist that was not even a physical thing. A concept that humans could only think of.

Was created and destroyed by a man that seems to be no less than a God in between Mortals. They had seen Gods like Thor and Loki Heroes and Villains like Doom Iron Man Invisible Woman, Hulk, Human Torch, Magneto, and Unstoppable Juggernaut, yet he was unlike any of them he was like a True God and they were not even Ants in front of him.

The video ended with Man flying at speeds that can't even be calculated if he doesn't have anything that protects him from anyone getting affected by his speed. They were sure the atmosphere was already blazing as Cameras zoomed in on the destruction left behind the man. Nothing remained alive, not even micro bacteria, even air around the city was sucked by the Blackhole so earth was now hardly sustained life and with every new born that sustainability became hard as now trees were on overtime just to refill the oxygen lost by those 2 accidents while the atmosphere is now imbalanced. so much damage whole city was gone leaving a giant crater that was nearly one kilometers deep.

As exclusive photos showed, because of the giant crater nearby cities become unstable. How can any building bigger than 10 floors fall like a domino?

So a huge loss of life. as everything ends. drenching the whole hall in silence again.

"As you all know, just yesterday's attack had enough chaos, a huge loss of life and damage can't can't be repaired by normal means. And it's not like USA is alone in this we all going through the same its just USA facing worst. This impromptu meeting has been called to discuss the growing threat and find solutions to this imminent problem."

The UN president; Mis. Kofi Annan said. Standing on the podium as he faced the leaders.

Hearing this, the room exploded into discussions as most of the leaders looked beside them and spoke with the ones close to them.

"What has been done about the videos?"

The King of England asked grimly, making the room quiet as they all were still watching that

torture video so they can use their screens but this didn't affect them but its entirely different when to their children as they all gave him a momentary glance. At the US president who had his head down.

Regarding the video, everyone who was present at the meeting was heavily affected, even the North Koreans that had no connections to the outside world still had their TVs play the same thing.

There were constant demonstrations, boycotts, protests, etc all over the globe with some people even taking it upon themselves and going to social media platforms to supposedly encourage everyone to come with them, and with so many people being homeless and all that they do they come out on roads.

Some cults have been created in the name of Darkseid after all power attracts people like insects are drawn to burning light; we all are compelled to jump into beautiful things, even if they have the potential to set us on fire." And this was especially for Women. after all there saying "women are always attracted to power. I do not think there could ever be a conqueror so bloody that most women would not willingly lie with him in the hope of bearing a son who would be every bit as ferocious as the father."

While other Humans had come on roads to look for Mutants trying to burn them in the name of God.

But among those present, he was one of the most affected by the video. Rumors regarding a supposed coup had been springing up all over the country in especially Ireland, showing how weak his monarchy was.

Mrs. Kofi Annan: "Everything has been done to erase from the web but no matter what, like a virus, it's still spreading. No matter how much you do the video doesn't get destroyed, even new screens that were manufactured are coming with the video. And even turning off the web doesn't show any results. We know the USA did it. That's why the stock market crashed there. There is nothing that can be done regarding the video so we'd best ignore it and focus on the immediate problem."

Mrs. Kofi Annan replied in a similar tone, making the King's expression harden.

?: "I think the best option is to just start the rebuilding process again as we all know we can't do shit not before people stop burning things."

The President of China remarked calmly.

?: "That won't do anything right now. It's obvious people now are on fire more than anything now they are becoming a liabilitythann anything. Let's all be realistic."

The President of Ukraine said plainly, drenching the whole room in silence.

?: "So you're suggesting that we just sit and wait to let him go away with what he had done.?"

The Saudi Arabian King questioned in a dark tone as he glanced at him from the next column.

"Yes. Statistically, speakingof what we can do against him he revived millions just wa ith few words broke a singularity with bare hands now imagine he could punch with half of the force of he taken to broke a fucking Blackhole earth will be no more and who can say even if we kill him he can't revive himself. And who is stopping him to pull some asteroids and throw at our countries? After all, it will be a child's play if he can do this moon. Some asteroids are nothing ending all life in the country and we shouldn't forget about those red beams that killing more than 2000 people.

And we all know he was one firing them as we saw him killing a man with it then he can control minds of all people in the world at the same time he knows our secrets he knows more about us then we know ourself. He know our deals with Vampire Werewolf aliens and all the secrets we think that will go with us in our graves if they were out what we will do. Seventy percent of the world has already is in a shortage of food and in few months everyone will going to experience extreme poverty

And in near future The man will control All Mutants Good bad and believe me how we behave with them now going to come bite us

We have lost more than thirty percent of the global economy, meaning if he decides to pull something like this again he will cripple the countries of a lot of people here. He is well now believed to be God by most normal people and feared by everyone and with the video out, it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say everyone now had something to fear. Additionally, he had power. How much we don't know that giant Robot he created without doing anything had far more advanced weapons than we can even imagine it alone could count as beyond omega level thread now imagine if he let lose that thing to the world how many of can say will stand even first day or he created unlimited about of them. Forget his power. Let's face it, there is nothing we can do to him."

He calmly explained as he looked at the Monarch, effectively silencing him and everyone in the room.

?: "I don't know why you guys are all behaving like this, he is just one man. I say we should just declare a global war and just bombard him and his countries with nuclear weapons, I don't believe he can survive the full power of 193 countries."

The North Korean President commented seriously.

?: "You want to throw nuclear weapons at a man who can demolish entire island mostly made of fucking adamantium and play with a fucking moon? Didn't you heard he know about nuclear launch codes why didn't do because he doesn't needed and for fuck sake he cratered a fucking start broke a fucking Blackhole like glass how energy do you think that need how much heat it can release it should had fired the whole planet yet didn't it the pull of gravity should had sucked the whole US in it whole

the atmosphere should have been damaged yet it didn't and the intense radiation should have had everyone's DNA broken like glass yet it didn't and so many things should have happen yet it didn't earth should not be here we shouldn't be here yet we are it so many things should have gone wrong it was a Blackhole in the surface of this planet. Yet it didn't means he is controlling it like a child to its remote control toy and you want to nuke him, Why am I not surprised?"

The South Korean President sneered.

"What do you propose then? Let me guess, you will submit to him if he asked to rule like the Ukrainian."

The North were Korean president mocked with anger.

"I'm sure if your citizens were not getting killed by you, you wouldn't be here right now."

The South Korean President casually retorted with a smile, making the North Korean President stand up in anger.

"Let's all calm down, nothing will change if we fight ourselves. Anyone knows what he wants to do.

The Russian President advised calmly, making The North Korean President glance at his neighbouring country's President one last time and sat down with a frown on his chubby face.

Now hearing this everyone had big question marks on their faces as they didn't know what his true purpose is or what his personality is. Is he a Good or Bad after all he killed then revived them which created more problems now they had more stomachs to fill. After all even for them he pulled the moon because the U.S. Heroes forced him to show his power and Blackhole incident happen because Black Womb so even if he is a Mutant Messiah and can after them after all they were no less inside this manhole than USA even if he is ready to kill what is too much for him. Is he ready to kill Mutants they knew nothing as he doesn't seem to be acting in revenge even if there is one less city in the US As they all looked at each other then the US president who looked back at them he also knew nothing.

?: "But... I agree with him. We can't do shit and if he wants to rule we can't possibly let one man rule the world, that is too much power in the hands of one person. I propose we threaten him with nuclear weapons and if he still insists, we attack him with whatever we got. After all, even if we lose what more could happen after all if he wants to rule we already lost, so let's put best losing fight in the face of a God of Evil

And if we won we still die so to kill him we are already killing the whole planet."

The Russian President continued calmly, making some of the leaders nod their heads in agreement, especially The President of North Korea and USA who can feel the Death scythe on his neck the coldness of Death.

The room became filled with arguments as they started arguing about whether or not they should do nothing and concentrate on recovering or put him with nuclear actions.

"Let's take a vote. If you agree to take a diplomatic approach, please raise your hand. Those who want to take military actions should remain seated."

Mrs. Kofi announced, making the room still.

Minutes later."


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So After looking for months I am asking any of you know so there is MTL name I am a Gao Fushuai Villain, I am a rich and handsome villain, I didn't found a site where I can compete the book and I already read until chapter 1269 after that I try to look many many sites but didn't work so if you know you can tell me please

I already know about › but it's paid so no no..

jean grey, emma frost, kitty pryde, anna marie lebeau, alison Blaire, lauren strucker, Lorna Dane, Rebecca hoover, Neena Thurman, sooraya qadir, ororo munroe, Elizabeth Braddock, Kwannon, amara Juliana, wanda maximoff, laura Kinney, Megan Gwynn, inez temple, Danielle moonstar, noriko ashida, Tessa (sage), and Clarice Ferguson Mystique, Hope Summers,

Should I add Cessily kincaid, marrow (sarah), Sway,

Petra, Jubilee

Lots have gone down and all I want to say is nothing until the next chapter.

Please leave a comment with your thoughts, I enjoy those because they help me understand how people view the story as a whole. Also please think about leaving a nice rating.



Wolverine was supposed to be an actual wolverine.

Back in 1977 when the story group was brainstorming ideas for Wolverine's origins, one particularly strange idea was placed on the table. It was originally planned for the character to start as a wolverine who would later mutate into a human being.

However, after much debate and discussions, the idea was eventually scrapped and never used. Now that's one for weirder Marvel facts.


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