Chapter 33 - CHAPTER 33

So now all of them are hiding in the White House. Behind all this security, behind the military and its Heroes. Now humans were representing the worst of the worst while an AI looked at all this. 

As we Captain America moves forward trying to calm down people but no one is hearing him. 

Caption America: "CALM DOWN!" scream Captain America but no one hears him. 


Remember why people are here because some of them are turning against the Mutant population while all of them had turned against their rulers remember when it came to this whole thing what's been going on behind the scenes is that you have had the X-Men The Brotherhood and you've had the Avengers and all other heroes with the government forces and then turning against each other and so on and so forth. 

But the other big caveat here is that the picture has been painted that the mutants and the government are the reason or why this is all happening in the first place the other part of this is that Humanity has always had a fear of mutants and anger towards the society and its government and so as a result in this in this time of desperation people look to the mutants and Government as being the cause of the mutants as being the cause of the problem now the irony of all this Captain America is trying to talk everybody down and that's one of the things that we're told right. 

The world understands its Heroes cannot save them they must be their own Heroes now they 

they must be their own Heroes now they must decide what hero means and face the truth.  Captain America failed his test and praise others do not do likewise. So the man in the flag tries to inspire people to not bludgeon one another to death. 

There are riots in the streets, riots in cities, and in the countries, in the homes, riots in the hearts and Captain America can't be everywhere. Captain America is called him a failure because in reality, Captain America is 

heroes that people look up to he's just kind of the center of the superhero. 

And in Hero Community everybody respects him and the average person knows who he is but in times of desperation people will believe what they want to believe and logic will fly out the window in replace of emotional response. People are angry and they're scared and in their anger and fear they will become the worst versions of themselves. 

Captain America's speeches and talking to them and trying to get people to calm down it has no bearing whatsoever so much so that people actually turn against Captain America 

because their thought is not that Captain America is here trying to like talk reason into us and get us to you know get to get the day to calm down instead their Captain America is trying to stand in the way of us destroying the 

the thing that will fix everything. 

Captain America wants us to die and in turn, they turn on him because of that and that's the crazy thing because this is how Humanity behaves. 

As Light shone in the sky as everyone looked and then Darkness and silence descended down. 


In A Dark Empty Room. The hall was soundless and the atmosphere in the room was somber. There was no human noise as we saw many many large screens that were all over the room. As all the screens play videos of Darkseid in different angles and different zoom sides and different speeds and times

Some videos ended then they all started again. It seems videos were put in a loop. While there are many screens that showed all sides of Giant Sentinel Darkseid created and everything that the Government knows about it like it's weapons, what it could possibly be able to do and so on and so forth. 

In the center of the room, we see a couch and a table that had alcohol bottles stacked up, some empty, others were full as if someone is watching this since the videos were on the internet as we see a very beautiful woman sitting on the couch watching all this. 

She is very beautiful with brown hair and blue eyes. And a very attractive figure that a man could do anything to get it the woman. 

She seems to be lost in her thoughts while still watching the video. 

????? Pov. 

Who is he? Why didn't he show up in any of my previous lives and how is it possible that such a Mutant exists yet I don't know why he didn't come to save us when we all died like dogs killed by humans.  

How could such power remain hidden in all my past lives? I thought as I know there are only 3 Mutants that could lead the Mutants to a better future Max Eisenhardt (Magneto), Charles Xavier (Professor X), and En Sabah Nur (Apocalypse), and I try with three of them but failed miserably and Now he is in my tenth life here a power unheard of or never seen in my any previous lives.  

A power to put the real chance yet why he was not in my previous lives if he always existed where he was in those times of desperation. Can he really make some changes?   

Can He put some difference where three of them have proven to be failures? Even Apocalypse can really be able to face Master Mold, Mother Mold, Nimrod. After he created that thing even if humans can't see, I know that is beyond what humans could be able to build for next thousand years. 

Then the thing that flows him around he talks with it calling it Zelda seems to be a very smart techno organic life form in such small size sounds mind banding how could it be possible but I had lived 10 lives anything is possible especially when it comes to power. 

But could the Mutant future really be changed so that we all wouldn't be dying like ants behemoth human' feet? Can I really live a happy life with mutants? Can we ever be able to get the happiness we all want? 


3rd Person Pov. 

Elysium sprang out of Zelda and started to seep into Domino's body. The living metal quickly bonded with Domino's DNA and started to empower her abilities.


Domino Pov. 

As I felt how the liquid metal entered my body I felt the slightest itchiness but no pain I looked at his face and saw how much power has changed and not changed as it's not the right words it's altered him into this being of pure power that stands before me. 

The power that I can't even imagine powers that let him see more than anyone powers that let him see beyond what humans or any living being can see is the power that lets him see how existence works. The power that let him see beyond Good and Evil Hero and Villain Black and White power that let him know he is a God and they all were just some Ants that he can crush under his foot without care. 

Yet here he is taking them with them putting them on the right path he sees he doesn't need them yet he does it shows he cares about them on some level he told their origins and how everything is controlled by some power beyond them he wants them to move on to move her he is very powerful but he is still he as 

He is Melting just from some words and her biggest weapon is puppy Dog eyes as I can feel how metal is bounding with my body.  I know he is special to me. I can feel the new energy that is running through my body. 

This is power, the power to control my own destiny. I am very well aware of the power and what happens to those who lack that, after all, I am one of them. 

I am Neena Thurman, a top-secret government breeding program intended to develop the perfect weapon. the clandestine super-soldier program Project Armageddon. Yes, I am a Lab born like lab rats. I was born without knowing anything about my parents, not what I want to know. So I was born in a glass chamber. A weapon that they called failure yet did all they can do to make my life a living hell. 

So There I was subjected to tests by Dr. Rossini, which included at one point I was being given a cat she named "Christmas".

I was the only test subject to survive, but my "luck" power was deemed a failure to meet the project's goals. My kind of adopted mother broke me out of Hell. They named a science project and left me with Father Rudolpho Boschelli. 

Next place that I made my home also not so good either yes there we're less torture but it was at least something. So in the Church of the Sacred Heart in Chicago I lived for the next few years of my life. I eventually escaped from the Church and became a mercenary.

Later on in the line, I later became a mercenary for hire after all you need a purpose and money to live so while I was being a mercenary I did all kinds of things good or bad it didn't matter if they are ready to pay the right amount I was ready to do the dirty work. 

In those days I met many people encoder most people of person there could be someone who wants his wife dead for other love someone wants his parents dead for the money someone wants his child died because he doesn't want to take the responsibility and so on I did all if the right amount was paid no questions asked. 

In those times I get to know what humans truly are and I will not be a hypocrite and I am better after all I killed many children that were innocent just for the money So I will say I was like them. Just with the power to do what I want. and I will not say I like it or I dislike it I just did it all for myself. 

And in one of those missions, I was going to meet my client, and the next thing I knew I was in another prison being experimented on in the worst ways but it was nothing new for me. I kind of built an immunity to pain to jock in the face of pain. 

I got to know I was alone this time there were more than 300 mutants just like me who lost the power to control their lives. Here they were gin pigs for those in the power and one of them was him. He was the bright light in the darkest corner of my life, someone that had gone beyond the upper limits of the human capacity for pain. 

He still becomes what he was we met many times and with him, I learn to truly laugh and feel the emotions we bounded with time I learn to heal myself with him in the way I get to meet Laura second person that I can say I and can do anything for their shake but like before I was powerless in front of powerful. 

With time I grew to love him and that love was so deep that it can't be defined by words. And when he got powers I met a new body with the same mind just at an internally different level. 

When I first saw him, even though he had changed so much, I still knew it was him. I was shocked that someone who could not be 5'8 fragile that seemed to be hardly alive turned into a giant man made of pure mussels with red eyes. I didn't believe what I saw. 

But I will not say I hated it. He looked cool and awesome like a perfect guy and it's not like he was not handsome. He is with lite grey skin, that looks like rock hard yet so soft giant size, and red eyes like a tough man I love his new looks. 

As he talk to us I knew he didn't change until we made our exit when I ask him to save them all he said why which shocked me as I ask myself if he is the same man I loved after the man I love will save anyone if he could yet I still answer in return he laughed and said things that will not be said by the man I loved.  

I will not say he was wrong in any way. I care about them but they were mutants going through the same pain I once experienced. So I want them to be free if they were humans. I could have killed them so those words will never be spoken by the man I loved. 

So I was in a crisis and when I said he changed while tears came out my eyes. And he said. 

Maybe He was who knows after all power has a price. Maybe I have changed or Maybe I am truly awake from my dream of a hopeful kid, what every it is these powers showed me the true rule of the universe they showed me the true form of this universe and its power more you have it better it is and more you will be happy, maybe that changed me from a kid with too much hope to this what Human will call MONSTER maybe I lost my humanity or maybe I never had any, to begin with. But whatever it is now I have a new dream to achieve. I have new hopes but they were not waiting for a hero but doing it myself. But still, they are not the value of your tears"

Hearing what he said shocked me to the core yet it also made me realize that he was the same man I love as he still saw more value in my tears than his new ideologies as I look back and I knew I made a mistake as Laura remind standing beside him and I was behind them I knew I had questioned on my love for him.  Does it matter if he had changed after all he was still him? Why did I question him but he still freed them for me. As got out of the place in ways he showed his mind-blowing powers. 

While I was still lost after all, I did question the love that I have for him and why I did it for some people I don't even care about. Was it really me? 

These thoughts were running through my mind. Why did I do it? The same thoughts ran through my mind while I was looking at his face. He was standing the same height as me and just like Laura he was holding my hand even after knowing it would not hurt even the slightest.  

I can feel the warmth of his hand, his love I can see in his eyes, I can see how much he cares about me. I was sure I am one of those special people he doesn't see as an ant, and what I did for him or to deserve this I don't know but I love it. 

This was my love yet what I did I Question it without thinking twice about the consequences of such actions, whatever it is I am relieved that his love for me was still the same as before. And I will make up for it, I promise myself. I thought as I felt his forehead on my forehead as I looked up we looked into each other's eyes for some time. 

As I saw how beautiful his eyes looked at such a small distance I can see the redness in his Irises that seems glowing. These are the same eyes that fire those death beams yet I do not fear. As I know he will not hurt me even if he does I will happily accept it. Then the next second I heard his voice in my head. 

"Don't worry about such things Neena, this happens sometimes, sometimes emotions get the better of us.  

"And No, I am reading your mind. I know you. I don't need such things to know what you are thinking. Yes love, forget about such things I… 


Before he was even able to complete his sentence I waited no more and I pounced on his lips. After all, what I needed was all his words, and my wild emotions and young hormones got the better of me. I always wanted to do this, especially after the Madelyne girl and he did something. 

And I confirmed it when I looked at Laura as she had the same eyes as me then he and Laura shared how can I be left behind. As he seems to be shocked at such action or is he just pretending it after all if all this is put in logic I should be very slow or possibly still from his perspective or his powers work in different whatever it is I don't care as this was my chance as I slide my tongue into his mouth.  

As he started to kiss me this was my first kiss so I did not have much experience with it it turns out, when you are born in a lab they don't teach you those things and I was alone than being a mercenary you have to always hide run then another doesn't give you time to build a physical relationship whatever I am lady Luck and it does anything in my favor if I give my best. 

And believe me, I am doing my damm best. As I taste his lips the flavor was amazing as our tongues were dancing around like it was a damm orchestra. 

As I kissed him like a hungry wolf that wanted to eat him while my hands were behind his head he returned my kiss with the same possession and hunger. While his hands roamed all over my body stopping at my but ~Mmm~ I moaned as he gave my ass a squash then they started to play around feeling that I bite his lips.  

And his lips take the same of my bite yet he doesn't seem to be hurt so I ignored his hands and let his hands have the time of enjoyment, after all, I am sure I do have what could a man wants in a girl. As our wild kiss for long as I do not need to breathe for a long time.  

when his tongue pushed into my mouth. It only  

She nibbled on his lower lip, I was unable to believe that I was succumbing to this man who stole my heart when they met for the first time. I slowly sucked on his tongue, feeling the pleasure work over me. The two of us allowed our tongues to clash together in dominance and passion, our hands working over each other's bodies.

She slammed down onto the lips of her lover, future god her hands roamed his abs and chest as she sunk her nails into it. His hands roamed around her body as well. The two of them worked against each other. My tongue rapped his mouth exploring the secrets and pleasure of his mouth.


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So After looking for months I am asking any of you know so there is MTL name I am a Gao Fushuai Villain, I am a rich and handsome villain, I didn't found a site where I can compete the book and I already read until chapter 1269 after that I try to look many many sites but didn't work so if you know you can tell me please 

I already know about › but it's paid so no no.. 

jean grey, emma frost, kitty pryde, anna marie lebeau, alison Blaire, lauren strucker, Lorna Dane, Rebecca hoover, Neena Thurman, sooraya qadir, ororo munroe, Elizabeth Braddock, Kwannon, amara Juliana, wanda maximoff, laura Kinney, Megan Gwynn, inez temple, Danielle moonstar, noriko ashida, Tessa (sage), and Clarice Ferguson Mystique, Hope Summers,

Should I add Cessily kincaid, marrow (sarah), Sway,  Petra, Jubilee

Lots have gone down and all I want to say is nothing until the next chapter. 

Please leave a comment with your thoughts, I enjoy those because they help me understand how people view the story as a whole. Also please think about leaving a nice rating.



He Conquers Planets On A Daily Basis

Since Darkseid badly wants to dominate everyone but can't get his hands on the Anti-Life Equation yet, he mostly uses the old-fashioned way: invading a whole planet and turning it into his own hellscape. He apparently does this on a daily basis.

Each and every lieutenant he has is also tasked with their own quota of worlds. Steppenwolf, for example, owed Darkseid around 50,000 worlds to conquer presumably for some of his past failures. It's a miracle they haven't conquered the known universe yet


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