They had just pulled out from underground, back into the castle when the warning bell of the kingdom went off, alarming everyone that they were under attack.
Mirabai pulled her daughter to the far end of the castle, with guards on their feet, rushing out of the palace to defend the kingdom.
"Mirabai!" The King sprung out from one of the rooms as soon as he sighted them, his eyes looking between his wife and daughter to make sure none of them were hurt, "Where have you been? Are you okay?"
Seeing her husband was a huge relief, "Take Raziah with you and hide."
Seeing the pandemonium going on around her, and the screams of the villagers that were getting more and more clearer as time went on had Raziah shaking on her feet, and she wrapped herself around her father's waist trying to cancel out any noise.
"Hide? I'm not doing that," William replied strongly.