Chereads / Color Of You (Original Copy) / Chapter 14 - 12: The First Term

Chapter 14 - 12: The First Term

"Shit! I'm gonna be late!"

Overcoat. Tie. Pants. Where's my shirt??

"MOM!" Where's my shirt!"

"Check the closet, I hung it up when you were out the other day."

Where is it? Where… AH!

"THANK YOU!" I shouted through the wall.

"Make sure you're not late!"

"Yes ma'am."

I sprinted down the stairs ruffling my hair while throwing on my overcoat. Our school may be "public" but it does have a uniform and on top of that, you have to apply to the school. I think the only reason it's even considered public school is because it's funded by the government. Grabbing a banana from the kitchen, I grab my bag, swing it over my shoulder, and check my phone for the time.

""7:55 AM""

"I'm heading out!"

"See you later, LOVE YOU!"

I sprinted out the door, grabbed my bike and started my way down the road. I passed the train tracks and got stopped by a passing train. Just my luck. I got off my bike to rest my legs while it crossed and stood next to it, kicking out the stand. The train was loud, whirring past me, bringing along wind with it and kicking up the leaves from the ground. My overcoat blew in the wind and my hair waved in the direction of the train. I felt like time slowed as I stood there. Through the fazed blur of the passing train, I could see a person on the other side. They seemed to be wearing our school uniform. I put back up my bike stand and got ready to get on as the train had now fully passed. For a second I thought that the girl in front of me was a ghost but when she called out my name I realized she must be real.



"Ready for school?"

I stood there and looked at her for a second. I was genuinely confused as to how she was up and walking when only 2 days ago she was lying in a hospital bed with an IV and heart rate monitor connected.

"Pinch me, please."

"Huh! What are you, some masochist? A pervert!?"

"No! I am not."

It was clear from how annoying she was that this was clearly not a dream.

"Walk and talk, Nate."

"Yeah, yeah."

I let her put her bag on the steering wheel and we started to walk to the school.

"What time is it?"

"Ermmm… 8:05."

"Okay, we have 15 minutes to get to the homeroom."

An awkward silence lingered in the air for only a second before Emma skipped up and started to walk ahead of me. I asked her how she felt about the uniform.

"Well… I feel like it's weird. Like why do we have to wear this?"

"I thought that much would be obvious to you. It's to identify their students by class and school. We–– boys–– wear ties since it's summer and you–– girls–– wear a ribbon. That tie or ribbon shows what class you are in. If you have a Blue colored ribbon or tie, you are a freshman. If you have a Green ribbon or tie, you are a sophomore. Purple goes to Juniors. And black to us–– seniors."

"Yeah… I guess that makes sense but why do they need to know what class we are in."

How did you even get into this school? This is on the entrance exam…

"It's because we have to show it for any school assembly, event, game, and so it's easier to find friends your age. This black ribbon you have will help you make female friends outside of your classroom."

"Uhm… I guess?"

"Look… Emma… level with me. Do you want friends?"

"What type of question is that? Of course, I want friends."

"Then you need to put yourself out there more. Instead of finding girls to meet on your way to school, you ended up walking with me on the first day." Ironic coming from a dude who has been introverted for years and never becomes friends with people unless they confront me first.

"Yeah… but I kinda wanted to walk with you. Believe me, I would've left if I didn't want to be with you. I have better places to be."

"Like where?"


"Whatever, let's just hurry up and get to class. What homeroom are you in, since it's the first day we report there before the assembly. I might be able to show you to class before the bell."

"Oh, you didn't know?"

"Know what?"

"We are in the same homeroom. It was in a large mass email. You could see everyones home room."

Just my luck. I say that but… it might not be that bad…

"Oh, that's cool…"

"Why do you look so glum!?"

"Sorry, sorry…"

The truth is, I don't know why I felt so sad knowing she was going to be in my class. I mean, anyone should be thrilled to have a runner up for YWC hottest girl in their class, and be friends with her. I was incredibly lucky… the only trouble is that unlike the people voting on that form, I know who she is so it's not as easy for me to say she's the hottest when I think about how annoying she is.

"Here we are."

Students rushed in from both sides of the street, pushing through all the doors, praying they weren't late. It seemed like half the school woke up late. I walked into the school with Emma after locking up my bike and I heard speaking and murmurs around me. "Did you see her?" "Yeah man, she's drop dead!" "Look at her!" "Oh my god she's so pretty, I wish my hair looked like hers." Hearing all this talk I could also hear some people say things about me like "who's that guy with her?" "Isn't that the senior with no friends? What's he doing with a total babe?" It made me sick. Y'know how I said I wasn't bullied? Well… that's not a lie–– just a stretch of the truth. It's not like anyone avidly went out of their way to make fun of and bully me, but it's not like I am some sort of chad type who's friends with everyone.

"Nate, do people always stare at you like this?"

Clearly she didn't realize people were looking at her.

"They are looking at you."

She got really embarrassed for some reason, I think that Emma must've thought they were talking bad about her from how she was treated at the old school. We walked into class and looked at the attendance sheet.

N. James

E. Jones

I found it odd that our teacher didn't use our first names. Considering my middle name and first name are both N's, it makes a little sense, but not much.

"Nate look! We are next to each other."

"I saw. I look forward to a good year."

"Me as well."

As we all were seated by the bell, a tall figure emerged from beyond the frosted glass wall near the door. What walked in was a large white male who looked to be around 25. He had loose hair, not unkempt but not slicked. He had a large aura that followed him as he walked toward the teacher podium, it screamed–– demanding attention. He looked so young, but behind his eyes was a man with years beyond his age.

"Hello Class. I am Mr. Vince Smith, I won't be your friend, but I will be there whenever you are in need. Respect me, and I will respect you. If you have any problems with that, feel free to see your way to the dean."

A girl in the back of the room in the other corner near a closet raised her hand, almost bouncing out of her seat.

"Yes, you in the back."

"Uhm, Hello. I had 2 questions for you."


"1: Why do you speak so formally? And 2: How old are you? You look awfully young to be a highschool teacher."

"In regards to your first question, It is up to my personal belief that there is a set chain of respect and command in society. I feel that as students, I should treat you as such, and not talk to you in such a friendly manner as some of the lesser respected teachers amongst the staff. And, to answer your second question–– I am thirty eight years of age, I was born in Nineteen eighty-four on April Twenty-Third."

"Oh… Thank you."

A short pause was taken.

"Any more questions"

Man, what a drag. This guy really seemed like he had a major stick up his ass. Even then, he seemed to be a good teacher, relatively.

"Okay then class, We are going to go around the class and share our name and… let's say–– 'What is one thing you did over the summer?'"

Shit. I had just realized that I never actually told Emma my real name. It completely slipped my mind since none of my friends or family usually refer to me by any name. The only person who really calls me by a name is Emma, and even then, I just told her my middle name, not my first. In my defense, I lied to her because I thought I would never meet her again. That and the fact that I don't really like my name all too much. Well, that would be a lie, I don't like the memories that come with my name.

Y'see the thing is, I have the same name as my father. "Nick". I hate that name. Every time I hear it, all I can remember is the disgusting feeling of the blood from my father. I do have some good memories of it though. But typically, when I say my name, I cannot hear the sound of it. I've blocked it out of my mind with so many layers that it's less of a collection of the letters N, I, C, and K, and looks more like ****. In my memories, I tend to block out things, and in that, I've essentially removed the sound and look of my name. An existence erased.

"Okay… Nice to meet you, Hailey. Next is…"

"H––Hello, My name is Emma Jones. I'm new to the school this year. Something I did over the summer was… OH! I met this guy right here," Emma put her hand on my shoulder and smiled, "and now we are friends."

"That's nice to hear that things here are starting off well. I hope that he treats you well."

"Thank you, and thank you for having me, and being so welcoming." Emma sat down and there was a little bit of murmuring through the class complimenting her.

I stood up and started to introduce myself.

"Hello, My name is Nick James. I go by Nate, so if you want to, call me that name that'd be okay." I took a pause and looked at Emma who looked like she had seen a ghost. Why was she so stunned? I continued, "Erm… Something I did over the summer… I guess I'll say the same thing she did–– I met the girl next to me, Emma." I took my seat and people stared at me blankly.

Emma whispered to me as the rest of the class said their names.

"Psst–– Nate. What's with this Nick business? Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"Well, when I first met you, I never thought I'd see you again so I figured it didn't matter…"

"Of course it matters!"

"Keep your voice down."


"Of course it matters!"

"You really wanna know why?"


"I don't like being called Nick. It brings up bad memories, and I just… you know the ordeal."




"Meet me during lunch. I'll go to the courtyard."

"Okay, see you then.

After the introductions, the homeroom concluded, all students attended an assembly, and then went to first, second and third period. Fourth period was my lunch, so I headed out to the courtyard and texted Emma to remind her. Sure enough, she was late.

Typical. Rich coming from a kid who was late to school. Shut up.

"Hey Emma! Over here."

"Hi Nate! So, what did you want to talk about?"

"Well, I was thinking of some ideas. How about you try to make friends with that girl who did her introduction before you… what was her name?"

"You mean Hailey?"

"Yeah, the blonde girl with the glasses."

"Why her?"

"Well, I saw her throughout the day and it seemed like she didn't talk to much of anyone. She also seemed to be kind, like you, so I felt you might get along well."

"Okay… Oh there she is."

Emma pointed out Hailey, who was walking through the courtyard holding a lunch bag and bottle of tea. She looked lost, or like she was looking for something.

"Hey! Hailey! Over here."

Hailey looked around like she thought Emma wasn't calling out to us so I decided to stand up and go to her. Me and Emma left our lunches next to each other on the bench we took.

"Hey, Hailey right?" I asked–– rhetorically but still.

"Y––yeah? You're that weird guy with two names right?"


"Hey Hailey, my name's Emma. I wanted to know if you'd like to sit with me and Nick while we eat lunch."

"I–– You'd really want someone like me?"

"Of course I would! You've never done anything bad to me, why would I not like you?"

"Oh… no reason." She tugged on her sleeve covering her wrists completely. While the school does require girls to wear a blouse as part of their uniform, it isn't regulated that they wear the sleeves all the way down. Especially during the hot weather it's encouraged to pull up the sleeves.

"Let's go!"

Man… Emma really was outgoing. Even with such a shy girl like Hailey she completely drove the conversation and even made her come with us. Every time I think of it, I cannot help but get angry that the people at her school would bully her just because she had a disease.

I know it was my idea, but I really feel like an odd man out here. I looked at Hailey while Emma and her got to know each other. Y'know, Hailey was really cute. I mean, she wasn't some bombshell supermodel, but she sure as hell wasn't below average. She had soft clear skin, black glasses that rested on a slim nose that had a slight indentation from wearing them for so long. She had blonde hair and wore her ribbon tied around her ponytail.

I decided to butt into thor conversation, "Hey Hailey."


"How would you like to go to the Amusement Park with Emma and I?"


"Yeah, I was thinking about doing something to help us all bond and figured that we could go to the amusement park and ride some roller coasters. I've always said that you never truly know someone until you've seen them scream to the point of tears on a rollercoaster."

I had never said that before.

"I'd love that!" She smiled brightly.

"Hey… Nate?" Emma pulled my arm toward her and gestured away.

"Just one minute Hailey."


Me and Emma walked behind the tree near the bench and she started whispering in my ear.

"Nate… why the amusement park?"

"Isn't it obvious? I wanna see you and Hailey get super scared on rides."

"Sure… but Nate, picture a rollercoaster cart. How many seats are in a pairing. 2. We can't go as a group of 3."

"Don't worry, I already ran this by my friend Marc and he said he will come too." I hadn't but knowing Marc, he would be down for anything.

"Well… I guess."

"Yeah, see, it's no big deal."

"You're… You're right."

We walked back to Hailey who was messing around with her juice box straw trying to get it into the hole.

"Here you go." I grabbed the juice box and put the straw through the hole first try. I felt like some chump from a cheesy highschool movie or something.

"Let's exchange numbers and we can work out the date and time over a group chat."

Me and Hailey traded phones and started to enter each other's contact info. When I put mine on Hailey's phone, I couldn't help but notice that she had no one but her parents and siblings imputed. I felt a slight hint of sadness roll onto my back as I gave her phone to Emma. She may not have had any friends before but at least now she has us.

At first it seemed like I was going to have to help Emma make friends, but it looks like the one who might really be in trouble is Hailey…

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