Juro: " It has been a full 4 year since I have been out of my mother's womb her name is Amelia marek and my father's name is Val Shan recently I have been learning languages from my mother so far I have learnt the galactic basic and the daithim language as well as the Kadri'Ra language. as such I can understand what my parents are speaking about and recently they have taken my midiclorian test and apparently my mother past out from the numbers and honestly I can't really blame since it's 2 or 4 times larger than most Jedi since they have around 10k to 20k so apparently I'm being dropped off at the jedi temple."
Amelia: " As much as I don't want to admit it the only place capable to teach the force to Juro is the jedi temple Also because of the Force presence that was unleashed both the Jedi and Sith plus any dark Jedi that wants an apprentice will be coming to seek him out and the only place in comfortable with is the jedi Order because he will be able to learn and be safe at the same time."
Val: " *Sigh* You're right I suppose we should take him to the jedi temple before any dark Jedi come here so go an start up the ship while I pack for the 2 year trip there alright."
Amelia: " alright baby. "
Juro:[Recently I have been trying to figure out how to physically enhance yourself with the force so far I've learnt how to do force senses as such I'm able to hear, smell, touch, see and taste much better than before and I can be selective on what sense I want as such I'm constantly using force hearing as for my stats
( Status )
( Name - Juro Shan Age - 4 year old)
( Level - 5 Job - none Title - None )
( Midiclorian Count - 43,956 )
( Health - 100 Force - 1000 )
( Abilities )
( Str - 4 Vit - 12 Agi - 3 Int - 12 Wis - 10 Luck - 10 )
( Ability points - 0 )
( Force abilities)
( Force Sense lv 3 )
( Force Senses lv 4 {can enhance hearing, seeing, touching, smelling and tasting} )
( Force enhancement {enhances str and agi) )
( Martial arts )
( Teräs Käsi lv 1 )
( Credits - 1000 Shop points - 1900 )
Juro: [ As of right now I am listening in to my Parents because I am going to be going to the Jedi temple on Coruscant and I'm far too happy to be going]
_________Time Skip from Dooku himself_______
Juro: [ Right now we are on the ship going through hyperspace and it looks so good with the blue light and streaks of white neon in it and I'm in my room reading up on basic engineering books so I can build a droid later on and later on in my life I may go to corellia for a few years to learn more about engineering for droids and ships and who knows what comes after that ha ha....]
Juro: [ Well either way I'm going to be practicing with the force and try and get Force TK as well as Force Push and maybe even start exercising with some push ups, sit ups and some light jogging around the training area on the ship.]
Juro: " ken open the shop in the system so i can see what i can get in it."
Ken: ( Very well Juro however you will not be able to afford a good 74% of the stuff in there alright)
Juro: "alright alright I get it I'm poor."
( Shop - Weapons - Armor - Ships - Combat Forms - Droids - Food & Drinks ) ( Technology - Holocrons )
( Weapons - Ranged - SSB-1 Static Pistol 375 points - Energy Slingshot 300 points - 411 Holdout 648 points - DH-17c Short Carbine 785 points - 12 Defender 602 points - CDEF Pistol 294 points - Holdout Blaster 564 points - SE-14C Pistol 345 points -Mon Calamari Battle Baton 658 points - Light Blaster Pistol 479 points - Lucky Blaster 346 points - DL-19C Pistol 234 points - X-30 Lancer Precision Pistol 640 points - A95 Stingbeam 374 points - Spukami Pocket Pistol 185 points - Model Q4 Quickfire Holdout Pistol 285 points - CS14 "Ghost" Light Pistol 286 points - ATA Pulse-Wave Pistol 284 points - Defender Pistol 204 points - HL-27 Light Pistol 258 points - IR-5 "Intimidator" Pistol 246 points - XL-2 "Flashfire" Light Pistol 300 points - Heartwood Blaster 483 points - ELG-3A Pistol 345 points - Wrist Blaster 267 points - Military Holdout Blaster 649 points - Boonta Blaster 453 points- Site-145 Replica Pistol 198 points - Liquidsilver L7 Light Pistol 345 points - Droid Disruptor 270 points - ST-M40 Heavy Repeating Pistol 540 points - PB08 Heavy Blaster Pistol 400 points - ACP Array Gun 400 points - Blaster Pistol 200 points )
( Weapons - Melee - Vibroblade 1000 points - stun baton 593 points - Cryogen whip 800 points - Ashla Staff 1300 points - Cortosis Sword 980 points - Double Bladed VibroSword 1403 points - Cortosis Staff 1020 points - Beskad 1600 points - ElectroStaff 1700 points - Training stick 100 points - Ancient Sword 2100 points -
( Weapons - LightSabers - Shoto 2300 points - Guard Shoto 2340 points - Training LightSaber 1968 points - Lightsaber Pike 2400 points - Cross Guard LightSaber 2350 points - Double bladed LightSaber 2500 points )
( Combat Moves - Hand to Hand - Alderaanian martial arts 1300 points - Bakuuni Hand 1200 points - Echani 1500 points - Nar Kanji 1450 points - Teräs Käsi 1900 points - Kage Warriors martial art 1470 points - Black Sun martial art 1300 points )
( Combat Moves - LightSaber to LightSaber - Form 1 - 7 moves 2300 points each form )
Juro: " Ken can you buy the Teräs Käsi martial arts please "
Ken: ( Will do )
Afterwards Juro started to get familiar with the Teräs Käsi martial arts going through the kata's and force techniques for a year.