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(21+ CERITA INI MENGANDUNG UNSUR DEWASA, MOHON BIJAK DALAM MEMILIH DAN MEMBACA, PASTIKAN ANDA SUDAH DEWASA DAN TAU RESIKONYA) Hola Semua! Setelah hampir 10 tahun hanya jadi silent reader di forum tercinta ini, akhirnya saya beranikan diri untuk membagikan pengalaman hidup pribadi dalam bentuk tulisan ini lewat perantara dari akun ini, mungkin thread ini tidak akan sebagus thread dari suhu suhu lainnya, tapi saya coba buat sebisa dan sebagus yang saya mampu. Kisah ini merupakan pengalaman pribadi saya ditambah bumbu - bumbu agar lebih terasa nikmatnya (60% Real Story + 40% Penyedap Rasa) Nama tokoh - tokoh dalam cerita ini sudah pasti disamarkan, namun sebenarnya hanya diplesetkan sedikit saja dari nama aslinya agar lebih menantang (Ada juga yang menggunakan nama asli) Ataupun saya ambil dari nama belakangnya, bukan nama panggilan yang banyak orang tau. Untuk barbuk atau mulustrasi saya tidak berjanji ada, namun akan saya cari sampai saya menemukan yang kemiripannya minimal 60% baru akan saya cantumkan. Begitupun dengan timeline cerita ini akan disamarkan mengikuti alur cerita, tetapi semua kejadiaannya dalam garis besar berdasarkan kisah nyata saya. Jika ada dari suhu - suhu yang mengetahui siapa sebenarnya saya, atau mengenali salah satu tokoh dicerita saya, dimohon untuk PM aja hu, jangan sampai ada pikiran untuk menjadi PK! Ayo Berlangganan Cukup Dengan Paket Professional Rp. 100,000 Kalian Sudah Bisa Mengakses Semua Konten Saya Dalam Karyakarsa Mulai Dari Konten Cerita, Doujin, Manga, Manhwa, Dan Hentai Dll. Dukung dan Support Supaya Saya Bisa Meluaskan Bakat Saya Ini... Jangan Lupa Follow Semua Sosial Media Saya
Widasu · 513 Views

Nach ihrer Scheidung wurde sie von ihrer mächtigen Geburtsfamilie willkommen geheißen!

Nachdem Tan Ming schwanger geworden war, übergab ihr Mann ihr die Scheidungspapiere. Vor dreiundzwanzig Jahren war Tan Ming noch ein Waisenkind, das niemand wollte. Ihre Adoptiveltern hatten sie aus einem Waisenhaus adoptiert, weil sie sich keine eigenen Kinder leisten konnten. Tan Mings unglückliches Schicksal änderte sich dadurch jedoch nicht. Innerhalb eines Monats wurde ihre Adoptivmutter schwanger. Nach der Geburt ihrer jüngeren Schwester, Tan Si, wurde Tan Ming zur unbeliebtesten Person in der Familie. Seit sie ein Kind war, musste sie Tan Si in allem den Vortritt lassen. Ihre Eltern mochten Tan Si nur, weil Tan Ming nicht ihr leibliches Kind war. Vor drei Jahren wurde sie von der Familie Tan gezwungen, einen komatösen Mann zu heiraten, um ihre Geschäfte zu sichern. Zwei ganze Jahre lang lebte Tan Ming als Witwe. Bis vor einem Jahr, als ihr komatöser Mann unerwartet aufwachte, verliebte sich Tan Si auf den ersten Blick in ihn. Dieses Mal beschloss Tan Ming, nicht mehr nachzugeben. Sie versuchte entschlossen, die Verbindung zur Familie Tan zu lösen. Sie rechnete jedoch nicht damit, dass ihr am Ende die Scheidungspapiere zugestellt würden. Um der Kinder in ihrem Bauch willen wurde Tan Ming von ihrem Mann gezwungen, die Papiere zu unterschreiben. Als die Kinder geboren wurden, begleitete ihr leiblicher Vater eine andere Frau zu ihrem Schwangerschaftstest. Gerade als Tan Mings Welt am dunkelsten war, tauchten ihre echten Verwandten auf. Sie waren eine so wohlhabende Familie, dass sogar die Familie Tan zu ihnen aufschaute, und sie hießen sie zu Hause willkommen! Als sie nach Hause kam, war sie kein unerwünschtes Kind mehr. Sie hatte nicht nur Eltern, die sich um sie kümmerten, sondern auch drei Brüder, die sie sehr verwöhnten! Später bereute ihr Ex-Mann seine Entscheidung und kam, um sich persönlich zu entschuldigen. "Halt dich aus meinem Leben raus", sagte Tan Ming.
JQK · 96.3K Views

Meine geliebte Super Fierce Wife

"Das neue Buch 'Gescholten wie der Stern des Todes - Alle Großen der Hauptstadt wollen mich verderben' ist jetzt erhältlich!" Auch bekannt als "Reborn Era: Reich werden mit dem Check-In-System". [Ein körperlich starkes weibliches Kraftpaket gegen einen rachsüchtigen, sarkastischen und eleganten männlichen Protagonisten] Nach einer Laborexplosion kehrt Lin Tang in diese verarmte Ära zurück und ist an ein Check-in-System gebunden. Bevor sie das Geschenkpaket für die Neuankömmlinge in Empfang nehmen kann, kommt ihr Verlobter, der sich selbstbewusst gibt, um die Verlobung zu lösen. Der Grund: Er ist dabei, sich einen festen Job zu sichern. Lin Tang sieht den einfachen, aber selbstsicheren Mann an, spitzt leicht ihre roten Lippen und sagt: "...Schluss machen!" Weniger als einen Monat später wurde ihr Ex-Verlobter aus irgendeinem Grund gefeuert. Lin Tang machte einen Spaziergang durch den Bezirk und wurde leitender Angestellter der Rundfunkstation in der Textilfabrik. Interne OS des Ex-Verlobten: Ist es jetzt zu spät, sich zu versöhnen? - Diese Zeiten waren hart! Obwohl sie von ihren drei großen Brüdern und ihren Eltern sehr geschätzt wurde, brauchte man für alles, von Lebensmitteln über Kleidung bis hin zu Seife, Gutscheine... Selbst ein sparsamer Lebenswandel konnte die miserable Lage nicht lindern. Beim Anblick des schwarzen Breis in der Schüssel verstummte Lin Tang: "......". Zum Glück hatte sie ein System! Brauchen Sie etwas? Einfach einchecken, um es zu bekommen. - Viele Jahre später. Ein gut aussehender Mann schaute seine zierliche Frau mit dem hellen Teint an und schaffte es, sein Gesicht nicht zu verziehen, als er sagte: "Ich habe gehört, du kannst ein Wildschwein mit nur zwei Schlägen ausschalten?" Lin Tangs Augen funkelten, ihre Finger übten sanft Kraft aus, und der Emaillekrug in ihrer Hand verformte sich. Sie antwortete streng: "Unsinn! Glauben Sie nicht an diese Gerüchte. Wir sind zivilisierte Menschen und können nicht so barbarisch sein!"
a visitor from South Flight · 26.5K Views

The Eminent Divine Spirit

Em um universo onde os limites entre o divino e o mortal se desvanecem, Midoki, um ser de poder incalculável, desperta para um destino que desafia o próprio tecido da realidade. Dotado da Habilidade Espiritual Shinrei, uma energia que lhe confere controle absoluto sobre as leis do cosmos, ele é um guerreiro cuja existência se equilibra entre criação e destruição. No entanto, após despertar, Midoki sacrifica seu próprio corpo para pôr fim a uma batalha e dar origem a todo o universo. Mais tarde, ele reencarna como humano, embora ainda retenha seus poderes, embora em uma escala reduzida. Agora, ele precisa enfrentar sua nova realidade e recuperar as memórias de seu passado, enquanto reúne aliados para impedir os planos de Lúcifer de reviver o Caos, uma força que, há muito tempo, trouxe dor e sofrimento a todas as raças quando estava sob o domínio de Arthur Pendragon. No entanto, um destino trágico o aguarda ao final de sua jornada. Conforme as peças do destino se encaixam, Midoki se vê diante de uma escolha inevitável, uma que transcende sua própria existência. Para enfrentar a ameaça definitiva e impedir que o Caos consuma toda a criação, ele deverá ascender além de sua humanidade e se tornar um Divino Espírito Eminente. Ao abandonar o que ainda restava de sua humanidade, Midoki abraçará um novo propósito, tornando-se uma entidade absoluta, capaz de reescrever as leis da realidade. Contudo, essa ascensão pode ter um preço que nem mesmo ele está preparado para pagar… Wiki: Main Theme:
Metacrome · 140.2K Views

Fallen General's Omega (BL)

I watch him, his green eyes brimming with concern as he gently massages my scarred leg. The sensation is both soothing and a stark reminder of my own inadequacy. The once-feared Crimson General, a symbol of power and invincibility, is now nothing but a frail shadow of his former self. I’ve been abandoned, left to decay in this forsaken place, my family and comrades long forgotten. Darkness had become my only solace, and I had resigned myself to it. Then he arrived, a beacon of light in my endless night. His presence, his care—it’s more than I ever deserved. Yet, I find myself clinging to him with an intensity that borders on madness. I hate that I need him so desperately, that his every action and word have become my lifeline. It consumes me, a torment I can't escape. "You don't have to do this. Please, don’t do this. I’m nothing. You deserve better. Leave. Please," I beg, my voice trembling with raw anguish, the very words tearing me apart. He continues his work, seemingly unaffected by my pleas. "Why are you here? Look at me! I’m nothing." Desperation and anger swell within me, mixing into a maelstrom of anxiety. I can’t comprehend the emotions coursing through me. "You're my alpha, where else would I be?" he responds softly, his gaze unwavering, as if my pleas were mere background noise. My heart races, torn between overwhelming relief and paralyzing dread. In that moment, I realize the truth: you would have to tear him from my cold, lifeless arms. I’m never letting go. - General Thorne, betrayed and broken, finds new life and love with Omega Noelle, who nurses him back to health. Their deepening bond reveals Thorne’s softer side, offering a chance at happiness. Unfortunately, Thorne’s past soon catches up with them, threatening their newfound peace. **** STOP!!!! HERE IS 9 REASONS YOU SHOULD GIVE THIS A SHOT 1. Omegaverse 2. The Alpha is a greenflag. 3. Fluff, and cheesey cliche romance. 4. Faceslapping and revenge. 5. Smut, with no dubcon or noncon. 6. OP husband. 7. Really cliche plot honestly. Those historical manhwas but make it gay. 8. The omega/bot is not a pushover. 9. I'm asking you give it a shot please.
Sofie_Vert01 · 1M Views

Die Mietfrau des Milliardärs ist ein heißer Feger

"Ich lasse dich von heute Abend an oben sein, bitte lass dich nicht scheiden, Liebling!" ----- Evelyns märchenhaftes Leben gerät ins Wanken, als ein Fremder hereinkommt und behauptet, die echte Tochter der Familie Wright zu sein. Ihre beneidenswerten Privilegien? Weggefegt. Ihr makelloser Ruf? Beschmutzt. Ihre vierjährige Verlobung? Abrupt annulliert. Aber der schlimmste Verrat kam von ihrem einst so geliebten Vater, der sie verheiraten wollte, um eine geschäftliche Rechnung zu begleichen - mit einem Mann, der doppelt so alt war wie sie! Alle im Kreis waren bei dieser skandalösen Hochzeit dabei und wollten den Untergang der vermeintlichen Scheinerbin miterleben. Doch der Höhepunkt war nicht das, was selbst Evelyn erwartet hatte! Zevian Reign, der reichste Tycoon der Nation, bekannt dafür, der Traum jeder Frau und der Albtraum aller seiner Rivalen zu sein, hatte einen dramatischen Auftritt. Seine Ankunft verblüffte die Gäste, aber sein unverschämter Wunsch war noch verblüffender! Er forderte lässig, den Bräutigam zu ersetzen und die schöne Braut zu heiraten. Niemand wagte es, ihn herauszufordern, und niemand hatte den Mut, ihm nicht zu gehorchen. Es blieb ihnen nichts anderes übrig, als die Hochzeit zu beobachten. Und es war Evelyns Zeit, zu lächeln, denn sie war jetzt die Frau des Teufels. Und alle, die sie ruiniert hatten, würden es ihr zehnfach heimzahlen! ++++ [Auszug] "Warum sollte ich meinen Mann für einen Versager sitzen lassen?" Evelyn gluckste und verschränkte trotzig die Arme. "Er ist in allen Belangen besser als er." Ihr Blick wanderte zu ihrem Ex-Verlobten in der Nähe, und sie fuhr schmunzelnd fort: "Im Bett sogar viel besser." Als Annabelles Gesicht vor Verachtung errötete, klopfte Evelyn ihr auf den Rücken und beugte sich vor, um ihr eine weitere Ohrfeige zu geben. "Also, viel Glück beim Lecken meiner Reste, liebe Stiefschwester. Er ist eine perfekte Partie für dich."
Zelra · 31.5K Views

The vampire girl, who don't give a shit.

note: i was going to go for "new life, who dis" for the title. but didn't cause . . . it tells nothing. also i am shit at Synopsis p.s this is not going to be serious at all. writing serious scene's aint my style. its like a half crack fic. ### oh no, i have died. oh no, i have been reincarnated into a fantasy world. oh no, i am a vampire . . . do i care? abso-fucking-lutely not. i may be a "monster" but that wont stop me from my goal what that goal might be you ask? getting laid. ### Our MC, a lazy, perverted high school girl (who might i add, is hella into Yuri), meets an untimely end after making a joke that the universe deem too shitty for her too live. (or maybe because she was too lazy? too mean? idk The universe works in mysterious ways) as her eye's flash before her eye's she had one complaint about it "damn, why was i bitchless" and that was it as her life was snuffed out due to her injuries, now only a dark void filled with nothing remained . . . . . . . . . light erupted into her vision as their eye's fluttered open once again. and they regret that instantly as the sun burns there eye's Disoriented, the mc realises that this is not earth. Why? Because a rabbit with a club the fucking size of that mother fucking comically large spoon, is charging straight at them, aiming to snuff that once re-lit flame out. the mc is definitely not going to die again . . . no, not just yet, a certain overpowered being needed some entertainment from her. but that doesn't mean she will get an easy life though, no . . . the entity's gotta make it an entertaining story to watch. so on her second death bed (a literal patch of grass in the middle of a forest in the middle of another world) time stops and a very familiar semi-transparent screen formed infront of her eye's (think of the screen from ORV or Solo levelling. something like htat) well done for being the host to the ULTIMATE DELUXE SUPER FABULICE VAMPIRE SYSTEM "is this a fucking joke? Am i a joke to you?" Yes "ah, i see" since the host is in danger and has not fucking clue how to fight "hey, i took karate when i was 10!" . . . noted . . . since the host has a fighting ability THAT IS NOT ON THE LEVEL to combat the enemy at this very moment. the system will take over host body temporally. "wait what!?!?" :) ### Warnings i am not, a good writer. perverted mc maybe harem (i dislike harem cause usually any time there is a harem, each member is bland as fuck, so most is gonna be 3 other people) do not take this seriously, this might as well be a crack fic with no fic and toned down a couple levels. OP mc the mc will get item's/powers of characters from different anime's/show's/movie's. no characters though. took ideas from some manwha (cough cough solo leveling) and a few others for the world. but atleast it isn't a carbon copy like most . . . all manhwa (like every single one has something from solo levelling in it.) (the world will be orignal, characters too. but the powers wont)
spider_lover · 3.4K Views

Thriller Trainee | Pt-Br

O desanimado mágico Zong Jiu transmigrou para dentro de um livro. Ele foi parar em um rascunho de um romance de terror e fluxo infinito, tornando-se o figurante frágil que morria tragicamente na primeira rodada da competição. Esse rascunho era bem interessante: entre dezenas de milhares de pessoas, apenas cem podiam sobreviver, e o mais forte do grupo poderia até ganhar um bilhete de desejo universal. Se fosse outra pessoa, provavelmente ficaria apavorada. Mas ninguém esperava que Zong Jiu, além de não ter medo, ainda conseguisse seguir até o fim, exibindo seus truques descaradamente o tempo todo. Quando ele parava de brincar e sua vida parecia segura, acabava se metendo em uma rivalidade com o grande vilão do romance. Hoje você tenta me pegar, amanhã sou eu quem te pega. Um vai e vem bem divertido, heh. No fim, o que era apenas uma provocação acabou saindo do controle, e os dois realmente terminaram na cama. Olhando para o inimigo que o prensava contra o chão, Zong Jiu ergueu o olhar preguiçosamente. — Se vai me matar, então mata logo. Para de falar besteira. Mesmo em desvantagem, ele não demonstrava medo algum e ainda continuava a provocá-lo. O outro deslizou um dedo gelado por sua orelha, indo em direção à artéria, mas, de repente, parou. — Que pena. Mudei de ideia. Antes, ele ansiava por matar Zong Jiu com as próprias mãos. Todos os dias, se arrependia de não ter arrancado sua carne, de não ter quebrado seu pescoço. Mas agora que finalmente o tinha em suas mãos, um desejo ainda mais urgente crescia dentro dele como ervas daninhas. Mais do que vencer ou perder, ele queria vê-lo chorando e ofegante, com os olhos vermelhos, implorando por misericórdia.
xiehua · 250 Views

O Reino Tribal [PT-BR]

Estou fazendo um rework na obra, pretendo continua-lá! Logo mais terá novos capítulos. [24/11/2024] [Português: Sinopse] Reencarnado como Khargas, um jovem órfão em uma humilde vila tribal, ele carrega dentro de si as memórias de sua vida passada como Selermonis, o lendário rei mais poderoso que o mundo já conheceu. Agora, em um corpo juvenil e cercado por um mundo selvagem e espiritualmente conectado ao Éter, Khargas se depara com novos desafios que testarão não apenas sua força, mas também sua sabedoria. Sob a orientação de Judith, uma enigmática xamã, ele descobre que o Éter — a energia vital que permeia todas as coisas — é a chave para moldar sua nova existência. Contudo, em meio a feras implacáveis, conflitos tribais e uma força sombria que ameaça tudo ao seu redor, Khargas terá de encontrar um equilíbrio entre o imenso poder de sua antiga vida e a pureza de sua nova jornada. Será que ele conseguirá enfrentar os espectros de seu passado para reescrever seu destino e alcançar o verdadeiro potencial de sua reencarnação? "O Reino Tribal" é uma jornada épica de redenção, magia, batalhas e autodescoberta em um universo repleto de mistérios ancestrais. [English: Synopsis] Reincarnated as Khargas, a young orphan in a humble tribal village, he carries within him the memories of his past life as Selermonis, the legendary most powerful king the world has ever known. Now, in a youthful body and surrounded by a wild world and spiritually connected to the Aether, Khargas faces new challenges that will test not only his strength, but also his wisdom. Under the guidance of Judith, an enigmatic shaman, he discovers that the Aether — a life-giving energy that permeates all things — holds the key to shaping his new existence. But amidst relentless beasts, tribal conflicts, and a dark force that threatens everything around him, Khargas will have to find a balance between the immense power of his former life and the purity of his new journey. Can he face the specters of his past to rewrite his destiny and reach the true potential of his reincarnation? "The Tribal Kingdom" is an epic journey of redemption, magic, battles and self-discovery in a universe filled with ancient mysteries. (Warnings! The novel Contains Violence, Death, Heavy Themes, And Blood!) [Sorry For The English, I Used Google Translate] =============================== Os Nomes E Pessoas São Todas Fictícias Para Fazer A Trama Da História. (Avisos: A Novel Contém, Violência, Morte, Temas Pesados, E Sangue!) {Novel Totalmente Criada Por Mim: A Obra Está Em Construção} Conta Oficial Do Instagram: @SichaBrother ===============================
Sousicha · 37.4K Views

Three Phase Saga

This story follows jurney of 'Yukihiro Shinuchi ' (MC) A normal and 'average' High school student,who encounters an unexpected turn of events with his friends on a trip. The discovery of unheard and Unimaginable existance, which changes his entire life...... ____________________________________ Overview of story This story will consist of total 3 volume/saga. first 2 book being completely different from eachother and with 3rd book everything comming into a circle. with the explanation and answers of all the unexplained mysteries and unanswered questions I would request to atleast stick around till the end of volume 1 and if you find it wast of time or not your tast you should drop it. But... Book 2 will be entirely different from Book 1 in every aspects _____________________________________ AUTHOR'S NOTE: It's my first time writing a fictional story with this being my first web novel. I'm stepping into the world of web novel writing """THIS STORY WILL ALWAYS BE COST FREE""" I don't plan on making any type of contract with 'webnovel' Please support me by READING AND FAIR RATING and giving me feedback on comments """ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST LANGUAGE""" I might make some mistakes in chapter please do not rate it down due to grammatical mistakes It might not be upto your standards and you might find it similar to many other stories. I got inspired by many anime, manga, manhwa, light novels and web novels. I cannot write down all the 20 to 25 names that I got inspired from.
Aether_Fantacy · 424 Views
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