Chereads / Ascending to Keep a Forgotten Promise / Chapter 16 - Silver Rank?

Chapter 16 - Silver Rank?

Ian was barely awake after falling to the ground. His body had gone numb. He couldn't feel anything, he couldn't hear anything, and his vision had started to fade. The sound of his heartbeat mixed with the ringing in his ears filled his head. Everything became hazy, but even so, he could still see the faint outline of someone. He couldn't tell who it was, yet he knew they were there to help. Ian sped up into the void of unconsciousness until it all went dark.

Suddenly, Ian opened his eyes again and found himself in an unknown room. It was practically empty with nothing more than a small table with a lamp on it. The sun was shining through a window next to the bed he was in. He tried to look through it but was too weak to get up.

He tried to stay calm as he tried to remember what had happened last night. Everything was fuzzy for him and he wasn't quite sure of what had occurred.

However, Ian went on high alert when the door to the room he was in opened. Ian jumped at the sound of the door opening since he still didn't know where he was. But he calmed down when he saw who was entering.

From the other side of the door, Liam walked in to check on Ian. he was a bit surprised to see Ian awake though. He also saw that Ian was on high alert when he entered the room. Liam was relieved that Ian was ok now and so he stepped out of the room for a bit.

Ian wanted to say something but then it hit him. His throat was extremely dry. Even if he wanted to say something he could since both his mouth and throat were dry. Seeing this he decided to wait for Liam to come back.

After a few minutes, Liam walked back into the room carrying a large cup of water and a bowl of warm oatmeal. He placed them on the small table next to Ian then walked out again.

Ian almost immediately grabbed the cup of water and chugged it down. Soon after he grabbed the bowl of oatmeal and began to eat it. It wasn't anything special but at least it would satisfy his hunger.

Once he finished eating, Ian tried to get up again but his body was still very weak. Since he wasn't able to get out of bed, he opted to lay back down and wait for Liam to come back.

While laying there he tried again to remember what had happened before he passed out. However, the only thing that he could recall was that he had come over to Liam's shop to help him with something. As he continued to think while he lay down, he slowly started to slip into slumber once more.

As soon as he was about to fall asleep again, Liam burst into the room. Ian jolted up quickly and turned to face Liam.

"So, how are you feeling now? You were asleep for quite some time, but it is expected after what you went through." Liam spoke with a sigh of relief.

Ian cleared his throat before saying, "What happened? I can't seem to remember anything from yesterday."

Liam seemed confused when hearing this and went on to say, "What do you mean yesterday? You've been asleep for two days."

Ian gave Liam a face that said, "You're joking, right?" He stared at him hoping for him to say that it was a lie.

Liam shook his head to say no and went on to explain what happened before he passed out.

After hearing what Liam said, Ian began to remember the events slowly. When he got an idea of how the events occurred, he went on to ask Liam about the score that he got on the test.

Instead of saying what Ian got, Liam said, "Your energy is still in the orb so I can activate it if you want to see it for yourself."

Ian was confused by what Liam said. He thought that when a test ended that the energy inside of it would just disappear. He didn't think that the orb would keep his energy.

Liam understood why Ian would be confused and continued by saying, "The orb will keep your energy since it has nowhere to go. Usually when a test ends the energy would flow back into the person. However, since you let go of the orb after you passed out, the energy was trapped in the orb."

Once Liam was done explaining why the energy didn't disappear, he left the room to go get his desk chair which has wheels. Ian had trouble getting out of bed and onto the chair, but he managed to get on without falling. Once Ian was on the chair, Liam pushed him out of the room and into the main part of the workshop.

While Ian was being rolled to where the orb is, he looked around the massive warehouse. He saw many different things that were on the walls and that were suspended from the ceiling. Out of everything that was there, his gaze always went back to the huge object that was covered by a large tarp. It looked bigger than before. Ian was very curious about it but didn't bother asking Liam about it.

Once they reached the area the orb was, Ian saw that the orb did have his energy in it. His energy was just flowing around inside of it. It looked like a constant sandstorm was flying around inside the orb with nowhere to go.

Liam placed Ian near the orb so he could observe what was happening. Liam went up to the orb and pressed the rune that was on top of it. Immediately after, the rune began to glow which initiated the test once more.

The sandstorm inside the orb calmed down and began to compress and liquefy. It once more started to take on the form of a number. Ian couldn't tell what the number was, but he could make out that it was a three-digit number. A few seconds later, the number inside the orb made itself clear.

In the center of the orb, the number 489 was shown. Ian was astonished by the results, his eyes were wide open and his mind was filled with nothing but the number that was in front of him.

He couldn't wrap his head around what he was seeing. Ian turned to Liam to try and see if this was real. Liam didn't say anything but instead shook his head to confirm that what Ian saw was the real thing.

"I initiated the test multiple times while you were asleep and every time it gave me the same result," Liam said while eating a muffin.

Ian was now more surprised than when he saw the number for his base power. A score this high would place him in the top tier silver level. However, Ian knew that this couldn't be possible. For someone to reach this high of a score they'd have to control at least five or six elements.

When someone reaches silver tier they can start to wield elements. Most people would practice using only the element they are proficient in, but some try to learn how to use other elements besides their own. Just because someone has a proficiency with one element doesn't mean they can only use that element. Many people try to learn to use more than one element. This is because for every element one person wields their lifeforce score will increase.

However, some people focus only on one element to where they can increase their strength and talent far beyond the average person. These people can become masters of their element to the point that no one of the same level can compete with them.

Knowing this, both Ian and Liam had a hard time figuring out if everything they knew was a lie or not. But Ian was very certain that he was not a silver rank. He had only leveled up once in his whole life. Both of them were lost in thought for a while until Ian once again turned to face the orb.

The energy had returned to looking like a sandstorm after a few minutes. As Ian stared at it he said, "Hey Liam, since my energy is still in the orb I want to know what my proficiency is."

Liam snapped back to reality after hearing this and said, "I completely forgot about doing that. It never crossed my mind since you passed out and I had to take care of you. I was also too surprised by your score that everything else had flown out of my mind."

Ian asked Liam if he could check what his proficiency was since his energy was still in the orb. Liam told him that he could check but that afterward, he'd have to take back his energy.

Ian never planned to leave his energy in the orb forever, especially since others may want to take their test soon. He agreed with Liam and they both prepared to see what Ian's proficiency would be.