Map of the Gunnulf Kingdom in a bit more detail:
Main characters:
Erik Gunnulf: The MC. Born a lord child with 3 divine scrolls, three gold scrolls and 1 silver scroll.
Estrid Havard: Sister of the MC. Born as a lord child with unknown scrolls as of now.
Royal Family:
Ase Gunnulf: The lord of the family. She is along the 5th step of her path and is by many considered, from both inside and outside the kingdom, as one of the strongest people in the world.
Of her seven scrolls she had at least 1 divine scroll that she used on Gunhilf. The other scrolls are unknown as of now.
Gunhilf Gunnulf: The ace of the Gunnulf family and its second strongest fighter. She is along the 5th step of her path, but her path is unknown. Though judging by the greatsword she uses, it is likely a physical one.
Astrid Gunnulf: The anchor of the Gunnulf family and the most temperate one of them. She is also the grand marshal of the kingdom and responsible for troop movement, resource allocation and promotion within the army.
Along the 5th step of her path, path is unknown.
Thyra Gunnulf: The sword of the Gunnulf family. She is responsible for the training of the army and is the 3rd strongest fighter of the Gunnulf Family. Though there is an immense gap between Thyra and the top two fighters, she is nevertheless a force to be reckoned with.
Along the 5th step of her path. Path is unknown.
Adina Gunnulf: The heart of the Gunnulf Family. Due to her attire, it can be surmised she is the healer of the Family.
Along the 5th step of her path. Path is unknown.
Hui-Ying: The unknown of the Gunnulf family. Due to her attire, it can be surmised her path is something relating to archery.
Along the 5th step of her path. Path is unknown.
Svend Havard: The unknown of the Gunnulf Family. Joined the family at a later date than the rest of them. He is also the weakest of the family alongside his wife Bodil.
Along the 5th step of his path. Path is unknown
Bodil Havard: The unknown of the Gunnulf Family. Joined the family at a later date than the rest of them.
Along the 5th step of her path. Path is unknown
The Odhinkar family: where 'Odinn' means 'god' and 'karr' means 'strong.'
Asger (Spear of god) son of Birger and Eira.
Birger (one who helps) Father of Asger. 4th step of unknown path
Eira (merciful) mother of Asger. 4th step of unknown path
The ing family:
Inghardsson the third
Inghard (Strength of Ing) father of Inghardsson the third 4th step of unknown path
Tove (love) mother of inghardsson. 4th step of unknown path
Tryg family (Trustworthy/faithful):
Signe Tryg (latest victory)
Orm Father of Signe. 4th step of unknown path
Yrsa Mother of Signe. 4th step of unknown path
Cities and town:
Birka: Capital of the Gunnulf Kingdom. Is closely situated around the castle of the family.
Ing: Large city under control of the Inghard family.
sofavǫllr: Town where the Tryg family lives. Recently had a good harvest of a certain kind of fruit. Fruit that is being sent for the festival after the great hunt.
Sundsvall: Large city under control of the Odhinkar family.
Nidaros: Large city.