Leaning against his mustang he watched her release her mother from their hug. Gem smiled wiping her mother's tears with a soft kiss upon her forehead. Lightly brushing her mother's gray hair from her face, than walked out of the house. As the mid aged beauty hugged Gem lightly kissing her holding her chin nodding towards Sport. Sport stood up to his full height watching Gem approach him, willing to give him a hug. He shook his head no, holding up his hand to stop her.
"No, I'm only here to guide you on your way. To watch you leave with your Fiancée." Sport hissed under his breath.
"O' come on sportzy just a hug good bye? Don't be jealous big guy." Gem whispered teasingly reaching out to tap him. Catching her wrist in midair he spun her around with a gentle push towards the van. As her Fiancée jumped into the driver's seat with a yell of encouragement.
"Come on, Gem the clocks ticking we have to go. Your new boss won't be happy if we're late. The house is ready for us hurry up. Speed it up woman." Gem smiled waving good bye with a laugh.
"I'm coming, I can't wait I'm so excited!"
Sport looked towards the livingroom window with a deep frown. Observing her mother's wave of good bye, he glowered glaring at the van as they backed into the street disappearing from view. Sport slowly headed to the house glaring at the ground, hearing the door open.
Listening to Gem's mother crying, he felt a slight ache in his heart. He opened his arms as her mother ran into his embrace, wailing.
"Why didn't you stop her Sport. You should have stopped her, you should've stopped her!" Taking her mother's hits he sighed holding her close whispering softly,
"Margaret I couldn't have stopped her, her mind is set, you know she's stubborn." He closed his eyes as he felt the fight leave her, holding her weight he hugged her.
"He found out...my husband found out. She can never come back he refuses to talk to his daughter. Sport what do I do, what do I do?" Margaret sobbed hysterical.
"I'll talk to him man to man, when he gets a day off okay. You have my word Margaret." Sport whispered.
Taking a deep breath Margaret let go quietly walking back into the house her shoulders slumped in defeat.
She nodded in agreement shutting the door behind her. Heading back to his car, he massaged his temples hitting the button on his keys. He knew he had to come, Gem's father had asked him to watch his daughter leave. Even if he had to escort her out of town, her father had been furious. Finally calming him down he agreed and would talk to him later. Thankfully he had calmed Gem's father down, which it hadn't been as easy as he thought.
Hearing a soft melody off in the distance he held the handle of his car. Watching a silhouette figure slowly appear within sight. A slow smile touched his lips, than disappeared as he watched her come closer. A few bags in her hands a slight natural sway to her hips. The wind blew her dark hair gently as if caressing it in playful touches. Well look who arrived at the perfect timing, feeling a sense of warmth move through him. He dropped his hand crossing the street as he watched her adjust her headphones. No longer hearing the soft melody, changing his expression to a poker face. He headed right to her walking silently with a confident step. Hearing a gasp from her due to the surprise he had just given her, she quickly looked up. Removing her headphones looking straight at him as he drew closer.
"Hey Sport I see your woman headed out. I thought you would go with her?" Winter smiled relaxed, tucking her headphones into her pants pocket. He stood in front of her than moved beside her, walking side by side. He grabbed one of the bags willing to help with the weight.
Winter was taken aback by his strange behavior, a slight frown on her face she watched him quietly. His frown deepened, now she was officially watching him. Winter never missed a thing, one thing he had learned about her quickly from the first time they met. Was don't underestimate her observation of others, including himself. Meeting Winter had brightened his days he liked her, the one choice that he had admired Gem for.
A moment to be thankful for, meeting a good friend, silently thanking Gem for when she had officially introduced them. Sport could only greet her politely at the time, being concerned about upsetting his now ex-girlfriend. The first time he had met Gem he couldn't get her out of his mind. Even thrilled to have kept her as long as he had until a week ago. When he had met the new boyfriend, whom hadn't been male at all.
Gem's Fiancée was absolutely beautiful, though his heart dropped. At the sudden realization of what he was about to find out, it had been fun for about a month. Two years and eleven months later, he looked at Gem in a different way. Unlike his other friends he disliked being with her, she was always talking about her woman of six years.
He couldn't believe his ears, why hadn't he noticed it when they first started to date. At the reminder he felt like an absolute idiot, he had always thought it would never happen to him. He realized with salt on a wound he should've never dated Gem, at the time his interest had been in a different direction, and a different woman. Embarrassed by a bad choice he never spoke a word, until the fateful day his friend seen something crazy.
A friend who he had known for years, someone he knew he could trust especially with his girlfriends. There weren't many of them, yet this one had been his worse choice. Which had affected his self confidence after he had been dating her. Yet only a bump in the road, everyone had obstacles to pass through in their lives or completely avoid them. Unfortunately he didn't avoid Gem, when he honestly should have. That thought hit his pride and embarrassed him while thinking about it. So many men loved relationships like Gem's, he had thought he would to. Through his experiences he swore to never do it again, yeah women where everything to men. Yet this time it had been a horrible experience a lesson learned.
Swearing to himself he would never date another woman like Gem. He loved straight women, he felt truly grateful when he found one. One day he had been sitting on a bench watching everyone walk their dogs.
When a startled surprise hit him hard, upon the realization he couldn't pull his eyes off of the woman.
Who had caught his fancy, since that day he had been feeling his usual, natural side. Even the side he learned to accept years before when he had dated his first official crush Sally. A stunning platinum blonde who loved wearing stylish stripes and bright colors. He had been thirteen when he asked her out, hoping not to get girl germs. Shocked she had told him yes on being his girlfriend, when another side of him raised its head.
Unfortunately he had hurt her terribly losing the girl of his dreams. Ten years later he would see his first crush, he gaped at her as she walked down the street her arm hugging another man's arm. Watching his hopeful dream shatter at his feet like a mirror.
Remembering the story of The Glass Managerie in high school, she hadn't even given him a side glance. Since that day he had never felt the same way towards women, going into training kick boxing and martial arts.
Becoming a state Champion, receiving scholarships, and grants for college. His whole future set ahead of him, until he moved, seeing a woman off in the distance. A woman who held his dreams every night, watching the way her body moved. Feeling his heartbeat beat with every step she made as if in a silent dance. Who he had been watching that day in the park. Imagining he was the one stroking her hair, getting jealous of the wind. He couldn't pull his eyes from her, pressing his hand over his chest as if in heartbreak. He breathed her scent in deep as he passed her in silent observation.
That's when Gem suddenly came into the spot light before him, now he was ashamed of his choice. Remembering the day he had seen the other woman, as the wind caressed her. Closing his hands into a tight fist at the memory he glowered, jealous of the wind he thought to himself. Hearing the snap of plastic, he took a deep breath damn it. Snapping out of his memories as Winter tried to catch the bag from falling to the ground. She gasped covering her mouth missing it by a second, going to the ground she quickly picked up the dog toys and groceries. Sport kneeled down on the ground giving her a helping hand, knowing it had been his fault. Winter shoved his shoulder gently reprimanding him,
"Sport, what's gotten into you. Your so distracted did you hear anything I said. The answer would be no, can you pay attention?"
"Sh*t, Winter my apologies I was thinking about something. It's been a rough day." He admitted softly looking at her as he picked up the broken bag. Winter walked to the steps of her house as he followed quietly.
Unlocking the door quickly with a gentle turn of the nob the door opened. Winter looked at him concerned taking a step towards him. She brushed his hair out of his eyes frowning letting him inside.
"Come on in Sport. Now I am concerned, you never act like this."
Sport walked in flicking the light switch on, when he heard nails tapping the floor, bracing himself. A large Black German Shepard leaped up licking his face. Thankfully Knight hadn't knocked him on his a** with a loud thump. Putting the groceries on the table he kneeled hugging the large dog scratching behind her ears.
"Hello, sweet Knight. Missed me did ya?"