Chereads / My Dreams And Thoughts As A Story / Chapter 13 - New Las Vegas

Chapter 13 - New Las Vegas

It was odd, though kind of nice to be here again.

With it having been several years since my father was kicked out of the church, causing the rest of my family to leave, it felt strange to walk these halls again.

Though seeing the building it self felt odd on its own, it was the people that made the feeling jump out more.

The main hall turned to the left, the right leading through a double door, to the main meeting room, usually used for sacrament meetings, though in the case of events such as this, it was mainly used as a staging area.

Turning left, I let out a sigh of relief, the hallway was empty, while I did technically come here to visit with people, the conversations that usually happen with the members of this branch of the LDS church, tend to follow the same lines no matter who it is.

"Takashi! its so good to see you here again"

"You've grown up so much since I last saw you. "

"Are you going to start attending?"

"Are you going to university?"

"What are your plans for the future?"

And so on and so forth. Except for the questions about my plans for the future, (Its none of their business), the rest are what I would expect and answer, but when you have had nearly the exact same conversation with 10 people, it starts getting more and more annoying.

As my mental complaints finished, I reached a T section, both of which led to glass doors going outside.

Turning left, after a few meters, I got to a door which I opened, what greeted my eyes was a large room with chairs stacked up along the closest wall, a large piano and a couple of people talking.

The room had two splitters, to divide it into 3 rooms when needed, though only one was closed right now.

This room was full of memory's as it was not only where all the kids met for the last lesson on Sunday, but also where a lot of the child activities took place for events, such as Halloween or Christmas.

Walking in I made my way over to the group of people, of the three in the room, one was a taller middle aged man who's first name I can't remember (Side effect of calling all older people Brother "Last Name", and Sister "Last Name"), Brother Tolis, he had been to parent of one of my friends as well as playing a part in our boy scout program.

The two other people I did not recognize, though one of them was holding a large bow.

Not knowing what to expect, I walked over and joined the discussion for a few minutes before I remembered something about the bow guy!

{I remember the dude playing it chill just like this, but after a while he started attacking me! At first I thought I would be fine, but then a bunch of other guys ran in and surrounded me.}

Quickly I slammed my elbow into his skull nocking him out cold, before grabbing his bow and inspecting it.

"Why did you do that?!" Brother Tolis Asked, surprisingly calm.

"He was going to attack us" I quickly replied as I went to the wall next to the doorway"The rest of his team should be here soon"

And right on queue(wtf English? you really think doubling the letters suddenly makes a new word?? wouldn't "que" make way more sense?? its literally spelled like its pronounced Que~ue) anyways.

Right one queue, a group of men burst into the room, weapons drawn, using swords and bows. As the last walked through the doorway I hit him across the back of the neck with the bow, causing him to fall unconscious, surprised that it worked I almost gave up my element of surprise, and with a blink....

I was standing in the room with a few friends I had when I was younger, they helped me beat the attackers who were now all on the ground knocked out. Walking out we left the room, and went outside.

To my surprise, rather then the church being where I remembered it, it was on top of a large hill against a cliff wall, and with a cliff going all around the hill, dropping down what had to be a few thousand meters. All around, rather then the suburban area I expected, we were in a small and open futuristic city, with a dozen or so skyscrapers, that definitely were not made of concrete or steel as they had a blueish or purple glow, rather then the silver glow steel put off.

Walking to through the city we made our way to the edge of the cliff, and looked out around us, to our surprise we could see another city, this one much larger, along the same cliff as us, and what looked like a sci-fi elevator going down into the land below us.

After a quick discussion we decided to find a way down the cliff and over to the elevator to go to the large city, as we wanted to check it out, non of us remembering ever seeing it before, with me only having the vague(va~gue? are Americans secretly french??) sense that it was familiar.

After a quick search around the edge we found a large metal circle , and after pushing a silver button on it, half of it slid open, revealing a platform in the center, surrounded by glass walls, and an up and down button.

Getting in, and hitting the down button we waited as the elevator started taking us down, within a minute, the elevator had pasted what looked to be a hangover. With the mountain opening up, the cliff to our backs, we could see the entire valley below us, as well as the other elevator.

Looking down, I couldn't help but feel nervous as while the platform was made of metal, and having the glass walls letting us see everything was cool, at the same time, being able to see everything made me agitated, I may not have a fear of heights, but, being so high up on -Glass- made me less trusting of the elevator.

I woke up.