Chereads / Supernatural Hunters: Team 4 United Kingdom / Chapter 80 - The Book - Part 5

Chapter 80 - The Book - Part 5


      Later, the ghost of Brighton, who has checked the security footage of the Jubilee Library, has come back. The ghost was floated toward the base as fast as he could to alert Navylian about the dangers he observed on the security footage of that library.

      "I've found something!" yells Lucian going through the wall of the base, and floating toward where Navylian is sitting on the couch and waits for his people to come back.

      "What did you find?" asks Navylian who seems to be not so agitated as Lucian is.

      "T-T-The person who has taken the pages, m-m-might be… A-A-"

      "Al?" asks Navylian to the ghost.

      The ghost was speechless after Navylian has said the name of this hunter. 

      "He did?" asks the ghost scared.

      "Yes." responds Navylian. "He told me he is the one who has taken the missing pages of the book. But did not told what he is planning with them."

      "What do you think he will do?"

      "Hopefully not something bad." says Navylian, and he sighs after he has taken a glass of whiskey from the table he poured for himself. "That hunter never fail to seize me."

      "Shouldn't we call Alexia and Louis to tell them this?" asks Lucian.

      "No." says Navylian. "Let them continue their search. Who knows, they may be knowing what are pages missing confronting Al."

      "How can you say his name sounding so chill?" asks Lucian looking at Navylian.

      "You are in this team for so long, how come you don't go know my past with Al."

      "Because you never mentioned to all of us." says the ghost.

      "That is because most of the hunters are afraid of him. Even I would be afraid if I never saw his ability as often as I did back in my young supernatural hunter days."

      There is a pause on his room. Navylian continues to drink his whiskey from his glass, while the ghost, not having anything to do, he levitates toward the chair of this room, and he stays on it like a normal human.

      "So… The campaign was tough?" asks Lucian to Navylian, feeling a little awkward.

      "It was." responds Navylian looking at the ghost. "For some it was, but for me… It was a normal day in Scotland."

      "I see." responds the ghost.

      "How was the weekend in here?" asks Navylian.

      "Nothing… A quiet weekend."

      "I see." says Navylian to Lucian.

      The two are sitting in quiet on this room for a few more minutes, until the badge of Navylian is blinking. A sign that says he is getting a call from someone who is using the Supernatural Hunter badge. 

      "Boss." says a female voice coming from the badge, a familiar voice, one resembling Alexia. "We found something."

      "What did you find?" asks Navylian holding the badge near his mouth.

      "We've found this book theory of bringing people back from the dead require something strange. Unlike other stuff written in all of the necromancy books, this book requires a certain ingredient from someone."

      "You don't mean?" asks Navylian sounding concerned.

      "Yes. Someone we know."

      "I see." says Navylian. "Bring the findings to the base. And tell Sarah we will be brining them back after we are done with our findings."

      "I understand, sir. Connection over." and she closes the call on the badge.

      Navylian closes the call of the badge, and he is looking at the ghost of Lucian, who is looking at Navylian. Then the ghost asks Navylian.

      "It is Carmen?" asks the ghost.

      "Yes." says Navylian to Lucian. "We will have a serious discussion with Al about this theme."