Exchanging seats to see your smile
As close as I can from every sight,
And cheering you up when you're feeling down
So that I can hold your hand.
Apologizing every second I peek,
Yet not really looking away;
Trying to speak up with the lenses that shine
Right after looking through your eyes.
Running all the way to steal your kite
And you're following me to take over mine;
After sprinting past three years with falling tears,
We've just wasted our precious time...
Waiting room was opened wide;
Should have stayed for a longer time.
Now suffering from the thirst of your rhymes
That you used to write in the letters
The unnoticed gem piece was lying by the road,
We could've picked it up and put it in the ring;
Yes, I was ready to walk with your clan,
But you were so focused on that one little thing.
Why would I stay when you were pushing me to strains?
Despite the desire, you lost the hope with the pen;
You threw my pen, you threw me away.
Now there's no turning back, someone else is in the place.
You & I have no end together in this night ever again...
[Dedicated to : The Crush's Wine]