Chereads / What's wrong with my sytems?!?!? / Chapter 7 - Kids And Fire Don't Go Together? Who Could Have Guessed?!

Chapter 7 - Kids And Fire Don't Go Together? Who Could Have Guessed?!


The boy shifted, he was wrapped in something warm, it was comfortable. He didn't remember the last time he'd been this warm, had he ever been this warm? No, so why was he warm now? The boy shifted his arms, he couldn't, why can't I move my arms? Suddenly the warm wasn't comforting it was restricting he was burning, he was gonna burn. he started to struggle, twisting and turning desperate to get out because he was going to burn because his arms couldn't move because he'd been caught, he'd-

he screamed, it was hot it was too hot he was gonna burn, hands grabbed at him and pulled, No no he didn't want to die. He couldn't die now after everything, he'd gotten away he was supposed to be free he wasn't supposed to die, he-

"Calm down!"

The boy went stiff--it was cold, why was it cold?--he was pulled against something warm, was he going to be burned? He started to shake, the boy was scared, he was shifted again desperate to get away from warmth--it would start burning soon--he could hear something a beating?


It was calming in a way, it made the boy sleepy....No! he couldn't sleep now he had to get away. The boy hesitated it was warm, but it wasn't burning like a moment ago no it was at the beginning the nice warmth, maybe...maybe he could sleep with the sound and the nice warmth for a bit? Yeah he could do that for a bit.

The boy shut his eyes quickly being lulled to sleep by the safety the warmth provided, unaware of the panic he had left in his wake.


The kid had begun to calm down. Qin glanced at the cloak to his left, he had bashed it into the dirt a few times hoping to put the fire out, thankfully it had worked. he shifted the kid in his arms slightly before wincing, the kid had got him pretty good, three long scratches ran up his arm--it was bleeding slightly--nothing serious, not like the kid.

The flesh on his arm was discoloured, Qin stole a glance at the cloak thankfully it was still in usable shape. He reached out and grabbed it before shifting the kid in his arms so the wound was more accessible, Qin moved the cloak and began applying pressure. Honestly it was like this kid was trying to give him a heart attack.

(Qin! Is he...Is he ok? he's ok right?!)

"....Alright as he can be I guess"

{The hell is the kid senile or something?}

[What a concerning statement coming from you]

{The hell that supposed to mean b***h}

[I'm fairly certain we both know what I mean...Unless in the time since we last spoke you've somehow grown stupider?]

{Who you calling stupid?! If either of us is stupid then it's an uptight prick like you!}

[...Stupid? My you've gotten bold haven't you? Someone ought to put you in your place]

{Oh yeah? Try it and see what happens}

(For Prime's sake! Can't you two just be quite?! Don't you see we have more important things to deal with then your stupid argument!?)

For a full 5 seconds no one spoke. Fui had raised his voice and it wasn't like before, this time he was screaming--even Mammon paused--Fui hasn't raised his voice since I met them, honestly I didn't think he had it in him.

[Ahem. I apologise Fui your right we have more important things to deal with then this mu-Mammon]

He had no eyes but somehow even I could feel his glare, and apparently so could the arrogant Azrael, though Mammon on the other hand.....

{Who the f**k do you think you are to talk to me like that?!}

Fui went quite.....really quite.

{Ugh! You-You think I'm gonna get scared just cuz your trying to act tuff all of a sudden? Ha! Dream on runt!}

(You should be quite, you've done nothing since you got here, when we were helping the boy, You! wanted to leave him, You wanted Qin to ignore my quest and you! Wanted him to abandon us after we signed a contract!)

{So-So what?! It ain't my fault I'm better than you two losers! Plus we don't even know the kid!}

Mammon really has no self-awareness at all does he?

(Mammon let's...'talk')

Well, Mammon I can't say it was a pleasure knowing you but good luck