Why'd I agree to this again?
Qin couldn't help the sigh that escaped as he glanced to his left, for what felt like the hundredth time.
Main Object: Escort the boy out of the woods
Rewards: Passive skill calming gaze, 30 EXP)
Qin watched the boy by his side--he still hasn't gotten his name--he was drinking from a cup Qin had found in his inventory, apparently it was part of the beginner's feature, the cup had been inside a messenger bag, in a case like this one would think it would be a survival package but no, instead we get two cups a set of clothes and a sleeping bag...that's it.
Thankfully the clothes came with a jacket so Qin wasn't going to freeze to death at least.
(Qin! Qinnnn QinQinQinQinQin-)
The boy in question turned slightly to glare at the system, hissing to make sure the child by his side didn't hear him, or think that his new traveling companion was insane
(We should get him some food! Look at him, he's so skinny! He needs meat to grown big and strong!)
"Fui….I'm going to feed him when I find something to feed him with!"
Qin could hear Fui pouting from here and honestly? He didn't care! Not at all, after all this was Fui's fault, literally!
"Hey so I know you're not gonna give me your name but, I was hoping you'd let me give you a nickname? How's that sound?"
The boy stiffened quickly turning to look Qin, clearly distress by being spoken to so suddenly
….did I hit a nerve?
"It's just a bit strange to keep calling you kid, you know?"
The boy just stared at him not knowing what to do Qin just stared back, is he....is he mute?
No, no, no, the kid spoke to him before.....selective mutism then? If that's the case.....maybe...?
"You don't have to talk if it makes you uncomfortable, just nod or shake your head"
After a moment the kid gave Qin a hesitant nod, with a smile Qin clapped his hands together quitely, not wanting to startle the already spooked kid.
"That's great! Now we've got a way to talk, now, are you alright with me giving you a nickname?"
The kid bit his lip, glancing at the fire in front of them for a moment before slowly nodding, seeing the boy's agreement Qin couldn't help it when his smile grew wider, Ah, this dream is so interactive!
"Alright well let's see...hmm, you've got black hair and purple eyes.....Murasaki"
(Eh? What's that mean Qin? Ah! Is it another weird angel like Azrael?!)
Huh? What's weird about angels?
Ignoring Fui, Qin turned towards the kid, it wasn't very original but this was a dream anyway, so what did it matter?
"Well what do you think? Yes or no?"
The two stared at each other, Qin smiling down at the boy while the kid glanced up at him from where he was curled around his knees.
...Did he not hear me?
Just as Qin was debating repeating his question the boy nodded, only to be forced to look away as Qin sent him a blinding smile.
"Hurray! I didn't think the first name would stick, I'm glad you like the name I picked out Mura!"
The boy sent him a questioning look at that, to which Qin could only laugh.
"The names a bit long right? So, I figured we could use Mura as a nickname, cute right?"
The now named, Murasaki and Qin stared at each other for a beat, and then two and three. Sweat dripped down Qin's back as he debated taking what he said back. Murasaki wasn't even that long, who needs nicknames anyway?
Just as Qin was about to speak the kid turned away, now watching a one-horn hop by at the other end of the clearing.
I can't get a read on this kid at all.....
With a sigh Qin turned away, it's not like I really need to talk to him, just get him out of the woods, drop his off at an orphanage and we can part ways! Easy peasy.
Now then....what to do about this?
[Name: Qin]
[Titles: {Hidden: One from another world}
[Race: one tailed fox]
[Age: 12]
[Level 2]
[EXP: 10/100]
[HP: 100/100]
[Mana: 10]
[Strength: 8]
[Stamina: 9]
[Agility: 10]
(Skill points to allocate: 3)
Ugh, now I kinda wished I'd played those games Kenji was always bugging me about
"Ah! Qin you're working again?"
"Hmmm, you need something Kenj?"
The younger boy huffed, before pulling out a chair and dropping his head into his older brothers lap, forcing Qin away from the paperwork he was filling out, glancing down Qin couldn't resist smiling at the pout on the boys face.
"What's up kiddo?"
"I wanted to play a game, but your working, so your gonna say 'Oh, maybe later Kenji' and then your gonna say it again the next time I bring it up!"
Ah! He caught me
"You know I'm no good at those games you like Kenj"
Qin watched the boy resting on his lap pout as he curled into himself, with a sigh Qin resigned himself to his fate, reaching out a hand to ruffle the youngers hair he spoke.
"Ok how about this? I'm busy right now but I should be free this weekend, we can play that game of yours all you like then, deal?"
"Eh?" The younger boy pushed himself up, almost bashing Qin in the chin with his skull, before looking at his brother with a smile "You mean it? Really? No take-backsies ok?!"
"No take backsies, I swear on mama kelly's chocolate ice-cream"
"Ah! Hurray!"
"Yes, yes hurray, now go play your dumb game somewhere else"
"It's not dumb!"
"Well, we'll just have to see about that this weekend won't we?"
Qin stared at the screen in front of him for a moment, right, we were supposed to play that game tomorrow.....is that why I'm dreaming about this now? Shaking his head Qin brought his hands up to smack his cheeks twice, no point in thinking about that now, the sooner I wake up the sooner I can play that dumb game and the guilt can stop making me go insane.
Because really at this point, what other explanation is there?
[What troubles you Master?]
"You calling me Master for one"
[No problems then]
"No, there's a pretty big problem you're just ignoring it, but whatever can you tell me what I'm supposed to do with....these?"
[Your skill points'? My, I didn't expect you to be so....]
[No nothing, it's none of my concern]
.....why do I feel like this guy was thinking something rude?
[Your skill points are used to enhance your stats]
"The agility and stamina things?"
[Precisely that]
Qin turned back to the his statues screen, in the past Qin himself had never been interested in video games even as a child he'd never seen the appeal of spending hour glued to a screen when he could of been outside hanging out with friends or doing something productive with his time, of course Kenji was more or less the opposite, preferring to spend all of his time playing games till Qin was forced to literally drag him away from his console.
[Master, if I may, I'd advise you to focus on stamina and Mana if I were you]
[The one-tailed foxes have a high affinity for elemental magic]
"Oh....wait how do you know that?"
[I am a protection system Master, in order to complete my mission properly I require extensive knowledge of many different types of races to properly execute my functions]
"Oh, that makes sense" Qin muttered hesitantly "In that case....I'll put two in mana-"
Qin flinched from the sound as a red text box screen appeared before him, Murasaki glanced his way tilting his head to the side in confusion, Qin could only smile nervously as he waved him away.
[What exactly is your problem this time mutt?]
{You-No, forget that! Hey dumb***! What's the point in dropping all your points into mana?! You wanna be a f**king mage?!}
{Mages are dumb! There always stuck in the background! No! Put your points in strength! That way we can crush all our enemies! Muwahahahaha!}
Should.....should I be worried about this?
[What nonsens are you spouting now? Mages are clearly superior to you dam brute types]
{The hell did you call me?! It's better than your dam prissy mage types!}
And.....there they go again....great
(I don't get it....)
"You and me both Fui...."
(Hey Qin can't you just do em all?)
(You have three points, why not put them one in each?)
Fui.....this guy, is he a genius?
[You really think that-]
(3 Skill points have been consumed)
{What did you do?!]
"I put one skill point in stamina, mana and strength"
[Shut it, I guess this is acceptable for now]
Qin sighed before standing up and stretching, his ears twitched making the boy pause.
Qin turned towards where the noise was coming from only to jump back in surprise
(New Quest!
Main Objective -Survive four rounds of the wolf's kings attack
Reward- 550 EXP, access to destruction system store)
{F**k yes!}