Chapter 3 - #3

A week after the last dream, Snow found Silvercrown Pack and asked for permission to enter. Alpha Kenyan met him at the pack house and gave a polite smile. "How may I be of service?"

"I need your second. I have a situation I'd like to discuss with him."

Kenyan blinked and then said, "Is there something I can help you with?"

"No. I need your second."

Kenyan nodded and it was silent for a long time before an older male walked to them, a wary look in his eyes. "Alpha? How can I help?"

"This young pup would like to speak with you about something."

The male looked Snow up and down, narrowed his eyes. "Of course."

"Would you mind if I joined?" Kenyan asked, giving Snow a smile.

Snow looked at the older man who seemed to be shaking in fear. He didn't know if it was because of Snow himself or of something else. "If your pack mate is fine with it. Although, it is personal and I don't know how much he wants to share."

The older male looked at Snow now, a knowing look in his eyes that Snow confirmed with a nod. The male looked to his Alpha and bowed his head. "If I need you, I will call."

Snow caught a glimpse of rage in the Alpha's eyes before it disappeared. "As you wish, you can use anything you need."

"Thank you, Alpha."

The older male led Snow into the pack house and through some halls as Snow got his phone and texted his father.

Snow: What do you know about Alpha Kenyan?

Turk: He is feared by many. He is charming to the females and knows it, uses it to his advantage. Let me do some more research.

Snow entered a room that was bare of anything except for a cot, a desk and chair, a closet, and a drab rug. "This is the only room without cameras. The only room that is sound proof."

"Your alpha would listen in?"

"His techs would and report to him." The male sat on the cot and rubbed his face with both hands. When he looked at Snow again, he gave him a smile. "My name is Richard."

"Snow. I'm here about Sable."

Richard blinked. "Where is she? Is she okay? Is she hurt? Is she alive?"

Snow waited until the torrent of questions ended before he began. "I've been having dreams about a female who is hurt and I believe she is dying. In my dreams, she is communicating with me. She tells me you know who her captors are and what they look like."

Richard tilts his head to one side and hums to himself. "You must be her Wolf."

Snow blinked. "Sorry?"

"I'm sorry, but she dreamt of a wolf that came to her in her dreams from the moment she could speak. She calls you her White Wolf."

Snow grunted, unsure what to make of the information.

Richard then said, "Star Prowlers. They are a group of Rogues who roam the forest, killing and raping. The only female they've taken is Sable." The old male's face turned furious. "All because of my alpha."

"What do you mean?"

One hour later, Snow got the information Richard had to give and was leaving the pack when his phone pinged.

Turk: Come home.

Snow: Why?

Turk: I have something to tell you that cannot be done over the phone. Come home.

Sighing, Snow shifted and began to run.

He was halfway home when he heard, "They're back! Help me! Please! Help!"

Immediately, Snow stopped and looked around before realizing it was a voice somehow mind linking with him. "I'm coming. Can you distract them?"

No answer.

Snow wasn't sure if she had heard him, but he also wasn't sure if he should go to her or his father.

"Help!" her voice was desperate and quiet now, barely holding on to hope. That made up his mind. He ran to where the pull took him, knowing it led him to her, knowing that while his father's information was important, Sable could not wait any longer.

He ran as fast as his paws could carry him, this time, not wasting time in resisting. Sable was going to be killed if he did not help her. Her life was in his hands.

Snow came to an abrupt halt outside a campsite, looking around briefly before using his nose to scent out the others here. The first thing he noticed was that there was a hole dug into the ground, big enough for any wolf or human. The second thing he noticed was Sable's scent was coming from that hole, along with several others. He let out a low growl and prowled into the hole, then used his nose to find his way through the tunnels.

After five minutes, he approached a cavern that was dirty and had old stuff in it. None of it worked. He looked to the opposite end and saw several males and three females looking over a figure on the ground, whimpering softly. He roared and attacked.

Because he had the element of surprise, the others were unprepared for an attack. He broke bones and tore off fur. It was only a few minutes before they all scampered off, whimpering and whining, tails between their legs. He howled, his victory sweet and precious.

Snow approached the female, whining to her softly. She opened those beautiful green eyes and when they met his, everything around them disappeared as his instincts told him she was his for life. But while this was happy news for him, the female cowered away, weakly putting her arms over her head and curling up into a ball. "Please, don't hurt me!"

He growled, but laid down beside her, his body only inches away, giving her warmth and protection from anyone and anything that should harm her.

The female knew male wolves. She also knew the human parts as well. So while she adored this white wolf who had come to her in dreams and now protected her in reality, she was afraid of the human part. She trusted the wolf. She would always trust the wolf, even the wolves of those who hurt her. But it was the human part that told lies and made her feel weak. It was the human part that raped her, that chained her up and left her here to rot. The wolves would protect her, set her free if they could. But the humans would not let them. How would this human part react?

The white wolf laid beside her for a long time, just quietly watching the entrance for those who would come and hurt her. But no one came. Even after hours, and the female was growing relaxed next to the wolf, no one came. She didn't understand why. She tried to get up, if only to her knees, but pain reverberated throughout her body and made her cry out.

The wolf's huge head snapped towards her and looked her over, narrowed his eyes. She looked back at him, meeting his eyes. That feeling of belonging again took over, and it made her gasp with renewed hope. But of course, she knew this wolf was hers from the moment she began to see him in her dreams. She knew this beautiful wolf was going to one day find her and carry her to his den where she would be welcomed and safe. It was the human behind the beast that she was afraid to encounter.

"Do not move. I have help coming."

She blinked at the wolf and tried to reach a hand out. But it only got as far as an inch before exhaustion made her stop. "What about the others?"

"They have left the area."

Why would they leave her? She knew they liked having their prize after returning home. Did they think this wolf wanted his share then would leave, like they did? The female began to feel tears at the thought of being hurt by this wolf's human half hurting her, even though they were mates. She didn't trust the human half, but that didn't mean she wouldn't be hurt by his horrible actions if he did the same as her captors.

Sounds arose from the tunnels and she curled up again. "Don't let them hurt me!"

The white wolf stood and put his body in front of hers, hiding her from sight. A moment later, several wolves appeared, all unrecognizable to her. Terror washed over her.

Snow was grateful his father came. He had brought his six with him in case of an attack and so supplies could be carried among them. He bowed his head to his father. "Thank you, Father."

"This was a reckless act, Snow."

"She was going to be hurt, Father. She is already weak and fragile. I fear if I did not come, she would be dead."

Turk growled in agreement and motioned for Anju to approach. Snow let out a warning growl which made the female halt in her tracks. "Snow, stop acting like a mated male and let Anju through. She has blankets and food."

"I am mated!"

Silence reigned down upon them as Snow's information sunk in. Turk glanced from his son to the fragile female behind him and sighed. "Anju is not going to hurt her, Snow. Anju isn't even a male. I let Anju take care of your mother when necessary."

"I can't let her be hurt, no matter if it was intentional or not."

Turk growled at his son. "You are being stupid! Think! Out of all my pups, you are the most reasonable!"

Snow blinked and straightened. His father was right. Anju was a female and wouldn't hurt a wounded creature further if she couldn't help it. His father had let Anju approach because she was the least likely to get a bad reaction from Sable. However, Snow had seen females among those who were hurting Sable and looked to his father's friend. "There were females among her captors. She may not take kindly to you."

Anju stared at him for a moment, then began shrugging off all the stuff on her back and shook out her fur. Getting down on her belly, she crawled towards Sable, whining and wagging her tail. Snow went to Sable's feet and sat, letting his female decide to trust his family or not. At first, she flinched away from the wolf, but then, like with him, she relaxed and tried to reach out a hand. Anju caught the motion and reached her muzzle forward, letting her nose brush Sable's fingertips. She licked affectionately and Sable smiled shyly. "Is this your pack?"

"Yes. This is Anju. She has blankets and food for you. She will do anything to protect you."

Sable made a grabbing motion with her fingers and Anju crawled closer, letting the female grasp her fur, her muzzle inches away from Sable's face.

Snow stood and went over to sniff at the bundles Anju left behind. His father was looking around, as well as Rudi. They were stiff and seemed wary. Snow didn't understand as they all would know if Sable's captors returned. In his mind, his father said, "We will stay here for the night, as to let your female get used to us, however, I will not sleep down here. I will go up to the surface and sleep, guard the den. I will not stay here."

"What's wrong, Father?"

Turk met his son's eyes with a very sad expression. "We will speak of it when you are home and your female is stable. I do not want to cause chaos and startle her here. For now, just know that I've been here before." With that, Turk shrugged off his bundle and loped outside, Rudi on his tail.

Snow turned and saw Anju laying with Sable, head over Sable's shoulder as the wounded female slept, hand clenching the fur at Anju's chest. "She will not talk to me, and I do not want to scare her," the strong warrior said to him.

"Are you okay to be with her?"

"Yes. Snow, you must be careful."

"I will."

Anju met his eyes with her own solemn ones. "Very careful. I sense she will be a difficult one to convince that we are allies. I suspect she will be very cautious around us."

Snow could sense this as well, but said nothing as he drew a blanket over Sable's body and laid at her feet. He did not touch her as Anju did, did not violate her space. He wanted to be the one to comfort her, but knew it would hurt her more. So, he waited. He would gain her trust, would do everything in his power to make her feel safe among him and his pack, and he would hope she would eventually accept him as a mate as he already has with her.