Chapter 6 - #6

The next day, Sable was met by her white wolf, eyes peering at her with a cautious look as if he were afraid she would bolt. She understood why and smiled at him. She asked for food, allowing him to become his human form and serve her. Then let him take her outside again. There, she pushed him away, not because he scared her, but so she can try and get up on her own. She knew he watched, always nearby should she ask, but she needed to be able to walk and eat and bathe on her own. She liked his attention as it was gentle and caring, but she knew he had duties that pertained to his pack. Not only that, but she wanted to finally ask him to help her learn to defend herself. He wouldn't do that until she could run on her own.

Snow stayed in his human form, seeming to be what Sable wanted, but he gave her space when she asked for it. He gave her time to strengthen her body by slowly working her muscles. He could tell it hurt, but knew that in time, it would make her strong.

Mid afternoon, his father called his phone. He answered. Turk said, "There is someone who wants to see Sable. He said he is her father."

"Let him come. I think they both will be happy to see each other," he said, gazing at his mate with watchful eyes.

"And the alpha?" Turk asked cautiously.

Snow gave a low growl. "Can you keep him from coming?"

Turk sighed. "I can keep him from entering the pack territory, but he will do as he pleases until then."

Snow bowed his head and sighed, knowing this was true. "Are you able to just let her father in?"

"Maybe. Kenyan is going to put up a fight, though. But I'll do my best."

That was enough for Snow and he agreed, then hung up. Sable groaned in frustration. He walked over and knelt in front of her. "Take a break."

"I don't want to be weak anymore."

"Becoming strong isn't done within hours. You have to do a little at a time. Pace yourself. You've been chained up for so long, your body needs to regain all the energy and strength you once had, then build it. It takes time."

She frowned. "But what if they come and I can't do anything?"

"First of all, they won't come here. Second, they need time to decide if you're worth it, then plan. They know you're being protected so they'll have to be smart. Until they come, you have that time. And I know you'll be stronger than when you left them."

"How do you know?"

Snow smiled. "Because you already are." She returned the gesture and sat, sighing. He got an idea. "Let's play a game."

For the next hour, they played a game which would strengthen Sable's hands and arms. She got better and better and Snow had her laughing by the end. After that, they worked on her feet and legs, during which, a grey wolf appeared, eyes amused and watchful. Sable instantly tried to move away, but Snow was there, curling an arm around her and whispering that it was Rudi.

"Rudi is as playful as you," Snow said to Sable, smiling a little. "He's all about games and having fun."

As if to prove that, Rudi got down on his forelegs and barked, tail up and wagging. Sable smiled. "He is a male though."

Snow nodded. "A male he may be, but a pup inside. Pups are harmless."

She gave him a dubious look, but held out her hand to RUdi. The wolf slowly approached, and when he got close enough, he batted her hand with a paw, then jumped away. Sable scowled, then got on her hands and knees to try and crawl. Snow let her. He watched as she wobbled just a little before making her way over to Rudi and swatting his nose. Rudi sneezed and nipped at her, to which she fell backwards and gasped. Rudi loomed over her and gave her a lopsided grin, then licked her face.

"Stop!" she cried, laughing at his wet tongue. Snow narrowed his eyes, but smiled. She had spoken. "Stop! Please! Gross!"

Rudi sat back and let his tongue loll, proud of himself. Sable wiped her face and scowled at the wolf. Rudi just stared back. Snow wandered over and attacked Rudi from behind, earning a yelp of surprise before the fun began.

Sable watched the males play and got on her hands and knees to join, grabbing a paw here and an ear there, but neither snapped at her, only gently nudged her away with a wolf smile and playful eyes. By the time the sun was setting, she was exhausted and laying on the grass with half open eyes.

Snow thanked Rudi and went over to his mate, picking her up and carrying her to the house. She didn't move or say anything. She allowed him to feed her before she fell completely asleep. Then, he shifted into his wolf and slept by the door.

The next few days were nearly the same. Sable played with whoever Turk sent their way. She got stronger as each day passed and by the time the week had ended, she was able to stand. She still let Snow keep an eye on her in the bathroom, but she did everything herself now. She was comfortable with all the wolves as long as they stayed wolf, and was comfortable with Snow as long as he gave her space when she asked.

However, all halted when Shiba came to play. Snow didn't know what was wrong, but Sable would not let the female near, would not let Snow leave her side. Shiba, while a very dominant female, would not hurt a weak wolf unless it was warranted. He tried to explain that to Sable, but she shook her head and clung onto him. In the end, Shiba left and Sable didn't relax once.

The day after, Turk announced that her father was there, ready to see his daughter. Snow went to Sable who was doing her exercises outside and told her. "Do you want to see him?" he asked.

"Where is he?"


Sable looked around, grew wary eyed. "Is he alone?"

Snow tilted his head. "Do you want him to be?" She nodded emphatically. He let his father know and got a confirmation a moment later. "Do you want to eat something?" he asked after telling her Richard would be alone.

"Do you have ice cream?"

Snow grinned. "Lucky for you, Lilly loves ice cream!" He got up and went inside to grab a bowl. He returned and gave it to her, sitting beside her as she ate.

Five minutes later, a red wolf appeared cautiously. Sable saw him and set her bowl aside. "Father?" The wolf whined softly, taking a step forward. Tears escaped Sable's eyes and she reached out for him. The wolf looked at Snow, who nodded and moved away a little. The wolf bounded over and let Sable hug him, crying into his fur.

Time passed and once Sable was calmer, Snow let Richard inside to shift. He came out and went to his daughter, cupping her face. "My baby girl!"

"I thought they might've killed you!" she cried.

Richard shook his head. "No wolf can kill one that has a pup that is need of him."

Sable cried a little more. "I'm so happy to see you!"

Richard held her and looked to Snow. "Thank you for saving my daughter."

Snow nodded, staying back, staying away. It killed him, but he would not frighten Sable, no matter how much he wanted to be near.

Sable wiped her eyes and looked at Snow, gratitude showing there. "Thank you! For everything!"

He gave her a soft smile, but said nothing.

Sable turned to her father. "I can come home, now? I can come home with you?"

It was like a knife to his heart. Her words hurt Snow like he had never known. He looked away from the two, glancing at the forest. Richard said, "No, my dear. You must stay here. It is not safe for you."

"But, I want to be with you father!"

"Sable, I would rather you stay here, with this young wolf who can keep you safe better than I ever could."

"It wasn't your fault!" she cried.

"It was, because I was too late."

"Have Anju spend the night here," Snow said to his father.

"Why? What's wrong?"

"I need to be in the den."

Turk didn't say anything, but Snow knew he had questions.

Richard stayed for an hour, soothing Sable down and trying to convince her that being with Snow was better than going home with him. Sable wouldn't have it, and when he began to leave, she tried to follow. Snow had to hold her back, had to endure the look of hatred in her eyes as she began to weakly hit him, screaming for her father.

When she was too weak to move, he laid her down and covered her. She was asleep by the time Anju arrived. "Snow, what's wrong?"

"Can you just watch her for a couple days?" he asked, grabbing his book and stalking outside.


He turned to her with eyes that had turned black. "Anju, I can't explain. I just need someone she knows to stay with her until I can come back. Just tell her I'll be back if she asks." With that, he took off.