Chapter 8 - A Royal Prince


Being a disappointment to the one person I looked up to was slowly making my fists clench.

"I couldn't stop myself Father." His electric blues stared at my hands as he walked to the window overlooking the arena.

"Did you even make the effort when you realized you couldn't control your power?"

"I have never given in to emotion. I can't even explain exactly what I felt. His thoughts just made me really angry." Thinking of Nates internal remarks about Reina, the hidden intentions he didn't allow himself to think about, my mind roared.

"What was he thinking?", his deep drawl got my attention.

"He thought Reina weak, the squad pointless. He believed the Guard didn't need anymore squads. Can you imagine he had very odd intentions for Reina? I've seen such thoughts in the minds of men and women."

My father immediately held my head in his hands, his power flooding my mind. He was gentle making it easier for my electric shields to let him in. His power was similar to storms colliding in one spot.

"Taunts, provocative thoughts are what make combat combat. They are to be expected. However his intentions are another story altogether. I'm sorry I had to invade your mind. Emotions confuse you and you usually misinterpret them. I had to be certain. If Nate ever acts on his thoughts, he will be punished severely. Make no mistake, we choose a squad for life. It's binding especially after the Harmonic ceremony." As he spoke, a rare band materialized in his hand.

Curious but keen to be patient I waited.

"Tell me about your newest ability. How did you manage that at such a young age?"

"Times seem to be changing", I mimicked Zane's voice. Being one of Dad's closest friends, I spent lots of time with him.

The king laughed, "You amaze me each new day Eric. Your mother says you will probably wake up a shifter someday.

"That would be a real gift" I looked at the falls in the distance and whispered, "It felt like all the electricity in my body listened to my mind. I wanted to leave. I feared I'd hurt someone else."

He looked me sighed and murmured, "Reina?",He smirked like he knew somethingI did not.

"You are truly unrestrained, I like to think of your squad as limitless. As future king, it's important you harness your abilities as soon as possible. It will be helpful with the changing times. I may not have fought the Darkind like my father did but I remember every detail of his journey for he walked with me. He probably thought they would return and so I vowed to walk with you. I'm not disappointed in you Eric. I've never been prouder."

"Father , will you tell me more about the Darkind? No ones mentions them." I questioned as I realized I was almost late for my studies.

"I'll tell you more after your lessons. This band is invisible to all except you until you come of age. Wear it." The band was glossy black with silver inscriptions that I couldn't understand. The king patted my back and chuckled as he saw my curiosity. "Laters my Prince."

As soon as I teleported to my class, I noticed Drake on the floor. I smiled inwardly as Commander Myla reprimanded him. He was probably being a bully and disgrace to the squad.

Caleb had kept me a seat beside Reina. She probably felt sandwiched with Caleb and I at both her sides. Myla helped me train when Zane was away which was common. My gifts were much better because of her. Zane helped me mostly with the physical aspect of my training.

Everyone shuddered as she touched our minds. Unaffected I just watched as everyone froze from the contact. She did it on purpose but they assumed she had her reasons which she did. Touching another's mind was considered rude especially without permission. Myla was unlike most royals. Contact with her could wound a person if they were new to the feeling. Getting used to the brush of her mind protected one from getting paralyzed instantly. I wondered what it must be like to hurt others without intending to. I had control over my gifts but Reina's emotions being tied to her gifts seemed unfair. Her curiosity, zeal and impatience to learn amused me. We had a lot in common but the differences were uncountable. The four year old I had been was insatiable. As the lesson progressed, I mentally filled in all the blanks except one. I would have to find someone willing enough to tell me about the Darkind.

Reina's hand touched mine as the presentation came to an end, her fear of turning into a darkind real. I gently brushed her silky strands and whispered,

"Don't worry, you'll never be a darkind."

"Why then do I get the ability that hurts others when I get emotional? Darkind thrive on fear and pain in others. They are out of control. Merciless beasts..." Reina shuddered as if the memories repulsed her.

Miss Myla spoke up before I could reassure her. "You will fill in the blanks tomorrow. For now I have a demonstration that will explain the families better. As descendants of angels, we have abilities that astound and yet few know their origins. As we study and discover more about our history and present, we will see and understand why we are the way we are. Keep in mind that as times change so do we."

A glowing diamond levitated in the room after she whispered to it emitting a brilliant spectrum. The diamond levitated to me and my power shimmered in my eyes. My ability to bend others' wills, control their minds, powers and even electrocute was being displayed in the assortment of colors from the moving diamond. The lights that shone like a rainbow turned red, white and blue.

Everyone gasped as my power held them captive. Myla unaffected spoke, "Eric, being the future king was the best candidate for this demonstration. Royal rulers belong to two or all three families, Heart, Mind and Spirit. The glowing diamond reveals where we belong and even exposes what fuels our powers."

The diamond returned to Myla as she asked, "Does any of you desire to discover more about their abilities and families?"

Enzo was the next person to get the levitating diamond. Myla whispered something we couldn't hear which was odd with all our great hearing and senses. As the diamond reached Enzo, his entire body glowed blue but his head turned liquid, his chest turned red. I suddenly felt all these emotions build up in me. Just great! Empaths could make you feel. I saw Reina run out of the room. I instinctively followed her. She was shooting light out of her little closed fists. She looked adorable and very angry. A ball of light hit my chest. God those hurt.

"It's only me Reina." I lifted my hands in surrender.

"I'm not important enough to you. Get back." When she was enraged, her voice took on a new quality, huskier, steadier, colder...

"You are Dimples, very important. More than you know."

"Liar!"she screamed. "If I was you would have told me."

Confused I tried reading her thoughts which was a bad idea for I got blinded by her shields.

Abruptly she stopped glowing and throwing light balls. She walked past me but I held her hand.

"Tell me what I did to make you so angry", I whispered.

" It's not important anymore." Beautiful green eyes shimmered but she did not cry.

The classes for the day progressed quietly. Reina sat at the front for the next class. I watched in confusion as she ignored the brush of my mind. Commander Alaric taught us about Royal weapons, the places in which they were forged and taught us the rules about wielding a royal weapon. Some asked to touch the samples he brought but only Reina was allowed. Of course she was...

She touched a whip with star shaped diamonds at the end. The weapon immediately hummed with her signature golden light. Alaric was amazed to say the least. He immediately gave her the weapon and told her she could only wield it when she turned sixteen. Her excitement was a win for me. Regardless of our 'fight', I was happy when she was happy. When the lesson ended, I offered to take her home but she politely declined. She hugged Caleb who was seated on a desk smirking. Reina went ahead to inform him of her eagerness to attend the Mind Royal family's festival. Caleb slowly smiled, then he said, "You probably didn't tell her you are The Royal Prince of our wonderful kingdom Buddy."

Caleb sauntered out of the room as I stared in space wondering how I was supposed to have told her. And why was she angry? I shrugged and left. I had a band on my finger to figure out and I definitely needed to teleport to the North.