Chereads / The song of the red Hood / Chapter 5 - Winter 1192  The Coronation Of King Harlad the first of Ulyassa

Chapter 5 - Winter 1192  The Coronation Of King Harlad the first of Ulyassa

Winter 1192

The Coronation Of King Harlad the first of Ulyassa

Alva watched from her balcony as knights , noblemen and peasants made their way along the snow covered paved roads below. Even in winter the one season that killed more of those in their kingdom than this senseless war. Alva watched with a slight frown as her friend Astrid and her brother Prince Eric ran off into the frozen courtyard obvious to those around them. While she knew of their on and off again relationship it pained Alva to know that their story would not end in the way that wished, thus she feared the day that their love would have to end for Eric's duty to the kingdom. Alva treasured both of them dearly yet even love was not in the reach of many. Still it would be her responsibility to be there for the lady in waiting along with her brother when the time would come that it either fell apart or if their love survived. Alva smiled as she watched on for a little while longer. A knock sounded from the outside of her chamber startling her.

"Come in" she called out to the unexpected visitor. She could only think of a handful of people who would want to see her at this time of the morning.

What she had not been expecting was her mother who slowly walked into the nature inspired chamber. Red and green earthy colors along with the amber glow of the candle enhanced the slight scowl that her Mother currently held. Sometimes Alva wasn't quite sure if the woman loved her or hated her. Her Grandmother was the only one other than her brothers and late father who showed her the most affection. Needless to say she couldn't remember a time when the woman standing in her chambers ever showed her any form of care other than when in the eyes of the court. She no doubt still held a strong dislike for her schooling and her skills with a bow and arrow. Not that she cared anymore, Alva was more protected now then when her father was alive thanks to her brother, the soon to be King's promise. Their mother no longer held power over Alva that she would use to her advantage.

"I hear you had quite a night last night among the nightly feast." mock concern laced the older woman's icy tone. Alva gave a fake smile as she answered.

"As much as anyone can admit to having in such a queer time."

"True." Alva found herself circling the one she called mother in a silent fearful game of chess. The older woman held a silent sort of violence about herself, age may have taken her beauty, yet still the older woman's mind was as sharp as a hawk tearing through the flesh of its victim. Footsteps echoed along the halls outside the princess chambers , servants shrieked while men could be heard bellowing with laughter no doubt at the servants expense.

"I have heard that Your lessons have nearly come to an end with the court physician."

"Yes." Alva hastily answered as she slowly reached for her prized weapon hanging as her mother gazed out the balcony window .

"That is good. It would have been unwise to allow you to continue along that road with your matching coming up."

"I hardly think it is a silly mother." Alva spat unkindly at the older woman who in shock at the normal complaint daughter turned to stare daggers at the younger woman. "A woman who knows how to help heal or render aid should be a valued skill in times of war." Alva shouted back, gathering her winter cloak. Leaving the scornful woman aghast in her chambers. Alva knew she would pay for the outburst in time by the look her mother wore as Alva escaped the bitter women's clutches.


Alva hated winter; it was the season that killed more than man could ever. It would forever be associated with her loss. It made the animals burrow deep in hopes of protection and warmth. Hunting became harder for those who needed the meat to survive. Most would starve or come to the castle to ration out grains for the winter season. Most would scorn the royals without knowing the whole truth. Mostly she hated winter for its lack of warmth, it made it harder for Alva to retreat to her treasured safe haven. She longed for the rare times as of late that she could sneak out unnoticed to practice both her sword play and shooting with her prized bow. Father may have been mad in his final days though Alva knew it was not due to his sickness entirely . Paranoia along with the addition of threats against his family and kingdom. The struggle against his mental state aided with attacks from seemingly all fronts drove him to his death. She vowed that day that she would find the traitor who had used poison on her beloved father. She would have her justice on the person should she find them. Her studies were at their end, leaving her restless and excited all at once at the prospect of reaching the end of her schooling. In truth it had not started out the way it had seemed. In the beginning she chose to learn the arts of Healing to spite their mother, after seeing just how gifted she was her father urged their ailing Court Physician to advance her techniques seeing her shine in this field gave the old king a way to openly praise his daughter and her gifts . At just the age of ten she was a skilled novice yet at the age of fifteen nearly sixteen she had earned the title as the Lady of ícithe. She owed all this to her late Father due to his persistence and praise. Alva would honor her late father with his rare gifts and wishes even if it meant she would go beyond what a lady of the court was meant to do. Alva was thankful he cared for all his children more than most rulers. She had loved her father even in his madness, though at times to Alva's confusion she recalled those rare times at the peak of his madness he would affectionately call her Natsu. Those were the only times she would feel as if her father was seeing another, It was in those moments Alva gained insight to some of her fathers tales of the past, along with her bow. While her mothers ire was worse after her new gifts at the end of his madness Alva was safe from her mothers wrath so long as the late king was near. Now another King …Her brother would take up where their father could no longer . Still Alva felt frustrated that her life would always be at the will of a man. She despised their mothers treatments but she was still her mother as such Alva held no power until she married or fled the life of the castle. Something that often played in her mind until the start of the war. Before her friend and teacher in the art of using a bow had fled and joined the war efforts she had played with the idea no matter what and would have been willing to even lose her title and claim to the crown for the young man. He was tempting and king until the war started. Like a raven in the wind he flew away without a goodbye stealing her heart with him, as such she feared her heart was too cold to get close to another and thoughts of escaping the royal life ended with him

Snow gave her destination away to any who might try to follow. Though she doubted any would attempt as the winter winds began their erratic assault, Alva pulled her heavy cloak tighter as she was determined to reach her destination. She would not be needed for some time and her absence was hardly ever noticed. Alva cursed Jovial and his blasted winds until they stopped leaving no sign of her tracks. Alva was not as invested in religion as she was with tradition. At that moment she almost believed in the old gods.

Alva nearly cried out in relief upon making it to her destination. Nestled in a forgotten part of the kingdom only a hour's walk south from the royal hunting grounds and castle stood Alva's safe haven . A cave surrounded by hot springs that would eventually connect to the lake of Hella surrounded by willow trees unfrozen due to the nature of the spring emerged before Alva, like a compassionate friend calling out after months of her absence, Alva let loose a loud shout of joy at seeing a familiar figure next to the hot spring. At the sudden sheik he fell from his current perch on a fallen tree trunk startled causing his wolf pelt hood to fall. Alva's smile grew as he two stood in a silent stalemate. For a moment Alva swore the earth stood still as both were drinking the others' faces in. Tentatively mesmerizing each other's images into their minds. Alva noted that her best friend had gone through a massive change, the small lanky teenager that once stood before had in four years of her absence seemingly been replaced with a hulking giant with shaven brown locks of hair. She felt a sense of loss at the others' lost braided locks. Though she would admit his Norman cut fit him more then the traditional braided style did in the past.

"Five years William not a single letter …" Alva choked out bitterly as tears formed from her eyes. William flinched but bowed his head in acknowledgement at the woman's pained tone. William got up from his fallen spot making his way soundlessly to his long time friend. She was Nobel; he was a fallen knight from grace thanks to his fathers betrayal. Five years at war he steeled his resolve to restore his honor and name, five years he stood tall in the face of death as war raged their lands. His choice in weapons matched hers that had been one thing that once brought the two together in these scared woods of Hella. Slowly he embraced her slim frame in a tight embrace as both took in the other's warmth. Neither wanting to let go, yet none so much as William as he could hardly believe Alva was here in their forest in the middle of winter. Her least favorite season, something must have occurred that spurred her into leaving the warmth of the castle.

"Alva I am sorry." William swore he saw the fires of Ragnarok swirl in her green eyes like hell fire encasing all that made its way in her path. Just as soon as it had appeared she took a breath and that same fire died out only leaving dull embers.

"It's been a long year. Men are dying left and right, some are coming back to me changed warriors instead of the boys I once knew." At this Alva paused as she sat down on the log her bow placed on her lap as she affectionately stroked the elm wood. Silence encased the two for several minutes as the winds sang a haunting toon. The woods of Hella were both feared and avoided due to tales of dead spirits who liked to escape the cave entrance to the legendary Helheim.

"I have heard of your fathers passing, along with rumors your older brother has finally come home in order to claim the throne."

"It seems that he's changed, yes, yet he is not the only one ." Williams awaited this with dread knowing that even if he couldn't give her the whole truth it would never be enough for her to forgive him for putting her through the pain. Even if he had noble reasons there would never be a magic word to heal that rift between them no matter how he answered.

"Why did you not answer my letters? There are times I recall begging either father or your mother where you had gone, Father assured me that my letters had been sent yet each month none of your responses ever returned to me. Why now in this hollow season of death and morbid peace did you choose to come here. I missed you Will and not once did you ever acknowledge my tear stained letters' ' Alva softly spoke afraid that she would find herself weeping about the past once more. His betrayal at the time had helped harden her , Alva had vowed she would no longer follow her heart but duty . Deep down Alva knew she had felt a sort of affection towards her best friend before his departure , yet the stonewalled actions he had done to put a void between them. There had been a time that she almost made herself believe that the boy had died in her fathers war. With him back alive once again Alva was lost amongst the Nornir thin aging hands as they laughed at the young woman's destiny.

She hated how things were changing, how said changes were affecting the ones she loved and the people she cared for. That was why she liked this forbidden patch of forest. That is why she had run to it in her fit to get away from the castle, all of Her inhabitants. The woods felt like home far more than the cobblestone walls and feather beds. Her love for the simple things outweighed how she felt for her lot in life. Even so this was a limited reprieve that seemed today she would be denied as she awaited Williams response. One she feared and longed for. The question remained would he give her one the answer she craved for…

At first William didn't respond directly to Alva's silent plea for a real explanation. So much had changed in his time serving under the banner of the late King Richard. His mount and the little honor he was able to salvage along with a small manor on the outlands was his payment for his role in this mighty war against Germanna. He'd killed men, women and the occasional child soldier as those who fought were more barbaric than anyone he'd ever seen. Locals poisoned their guests if they wore the wrong crest. He may have been fourteen when he left for war, still a greenhorn in the eyes of many seasoned warriors. Williams had changed into what he had not wanted to become a killer under the king's rule, only if he had not then William would not have survived. The bloody screams echoed in his mind at night haunting him with their pale blood stained faces. Even now he found it hard to be around Alva, affirmed if she knew the atrocities he had committed she would flee from his sight only this time it would be the last time.

"Your silence is the answer enough then." Alva stood from her perch dusting the snow from her blood red cape. William knew he must have given her the wrong answer by not saying anything as it pained him to watch his lady leave. She was a princess; he was a war torn ex knight.

"I am sorry Red." Silently she walked away , yet before she was too far out she turned one last time to look at her once best friend and at a time crush. "There was a time I would have forgotten my duty for you. I loved you once ."

At this proclamation William looked startled but before he could counter her claims she continued.

" I was a young foolish maiden then. I am to be entered into this year's debutante season . Whoever I end up being married off to will no doubt strengthen the rule of our kingdom. Should you wish to send letters please keep them to yourself. After all, William I once knew and loved he died the minute he left for war. Goodbye Sir Orange, I wish you a long life." With that both turned away feeling colder than the season around them. For William he felt lost for the woman he had fought so hard to come home to. On one hand he was shocked she felt the same as he had, though on the other William knew he only had one chance left to keep her in his life. He knew the Princess better than most, her challenge would be met, he would make the woman understand his remorse and gain her forgiveness. Even if it cost him everything.


The castle was bustling with excitement by the time she arrived back. Alva was cold and shivering by the time she made it home. She nearly let loose a sigh of the feeling of the warmth made by the grand hearth in the castle. Garlands and golden lace embroidered with the Crest of their House decorated with elegant looking strategically placed candles that seemed to lined the many corridors leading through the castle . Alva smiled at the symbolic tribute to their father. Each flower and candle held an engraving of their fathers and Harlad's initials carved into them. Most would just assume that the design was a spur of the moment made for decorative purposes for the Coronation. In her hurried pace she nearly didn't see two arguing figures just outside of her chamber doors. In an attempt to not be seen, she quickly hid in the nearest servants alcove praying that they would move along with their heated debate.

"You are being unreasonable Harlad!"

"How did you come to this conclusion? She is of age is she not." Harlad shouted back with slight remorse . He may have hated imposing this on their sister yet she was the one who'd taken the news far better then either of them seemed to be. Alva watched on, not sure if she should intervene or not. Admittedly a darker part of her mind had wanted someone to fight for her to at least have a say whilst the obedient part that their mother fought to imprint into the young woman stood out more when she was in these cobblestone walls.

"Alva isn't ready for the season. This war should take more precedence than sending her away. Why not invite five or six or the local lords or barons with eligible sons in need of a wife then send her across the Hadrian's Sea to that blasted kingdom. Those lords, they'll look at her as if she is a prize." At this point Eric's words called out to Alva . There was no doubt that they had grown far closer than Harald and she had been. The fight he gave was pointless; all three knew this. She was sixteen, a woman now as of the late summer. Not some silly child who needed protecting yet even so she listened while calculating what her next move would be. The war had prevented her from joining the summer season in Britannia. All prospecting debutantes were to be presented this coming summer. With the war Alva had been skeptical that such an event would proceed.

"Your proposal has merit yet it would need to be agreed on by the council, not just myself. Our grandmother has given us much room to stray from the old ways. I am unsure if she will give us anymore where tradition is concerned. I will do my best but make absolutely no promises on this matter once we are done with the coronation." Eric tried to argue more but was silenced once Alva made her move from the Servants alcove . Both men had the gall to look ashamed as they must have realized she had heard it all. Alva didn't wait for a response from her brothers and king. Striding past both stunned men was enough satisfaction from the young red haired woman as she slammed her door shut . Flinging herself onto the comforts of her bed. Willing herself for the first time that day to relax. It would be a few hours still till she would be expected to appear.

St. Catherine's chapel glowed as a beacon to the many souls that night who came to witness a new chapter in their kingdom's history. The royal court sat at the front while the respectful nobles and barons sat in rows behind. Candles lit up the main focal where Prince Harlad would soon become king. Many waited some more hopeful than others at what this new King would be. The consort and the Queen awaited their charge both with different plans for the young king.

The Priest watched the flock assuming the chapels hallowed hall. Many He assumed were here for show, some were true believers of the old religion. Heathens to their God they might be , there was a chance this new King would embrace the mighty word of God allowing his people to accept it like obedient sheep. Only time would tell what he supposed. Many had been reluctant at the sudden change of the king's faith or his want to even be christened under the True god himself. Many feared this could be a trick. Once it had been done in Galica again his kinsmen had been murdered under the guies of wanting to be anoitned under a new faith. Many lives had been lost. Yet He had taken the bait with this in mind, now looking back the old Priest was glad in doing so. He too awaited this new era with hope, wondering just what this new king's rule would bring.

Among those who looked for a better brighter era, there too were the wolves waiting for a sign of weakness. None so more than Sir Markle of Wesington keep. Along with His royal highness cousin Duke Walton. Both held their own view private yet none would dare question the seemingly loyal bannerman of the King. William stood just outside of the crowned Chapel with his own agenda at hand as he watched on like so many others as the music stopped and Prince Harlad began his ascension down the long hall to the front. William found it hard to see the boy who left and the man walking with confidence to his density.

Harlad silently prayed as he walked to the altar . The eyes of his kingdom watched judging him with each step. Expecting so much from his shoulders he knew if he;d never gone to the holy lands those years ago he would have faltered. His family were heavily pegan worshipers. what he was doing had never been done before in their recorded times. By all rights he was committing treason separating his rule from that of the Norse tradition. Yet had it not been for his Grandmother this new era he was trying so hard to bring about would have never took off. Perhaps even his head would have rolled too,even so he made it to the altar where both the priest and his Grandmother stood. One holding the crown and scepter , the other a bible and his knowledge in the faith. Upon trembling knees Harlad knelt down in a kneeling position in front of both. The onlookers followed their Prince's lead.

"Today I come from the shores so far from this otherworldly rock. I have heard the tales of Danes and Vikings coming from these barbaric shores, monsters who'd scorned the Creator with Axe and clubs. Now after many years I, Mica come before you with great joy as prior to being crowned King our dear Prince was conformed to our God . He has done the steps needed and answered the call. I may not be the mouth of your pegan gods, yet of the once and true God of all creation. I Mica hereby give you the blessing." Many gave murmurs unsure what the priest was talking about most were confused save a few who had served the Holy wars and Harlad himself.

"Prince Harald with the blessing there shall also be a warning with this new step and the devotion you aspire you must follow through and unite your kingdom under this faith.For the God you chose is a jealous wraithful one. Yet he too is merciful and kind. Sin can not be tolerated and you will be the sword who must now scourge the lands of your past. Do you accept these terms." Many tried to keep their composure, some felt fear for what this would mean if the Harlad accepted. Even so, Harlad's voice chimed out without falsehood. The priest was taken back at the conviction that seemed to take hold.

"I swear to take the mantle of King and servant to the Christian God of Israel. I, Prince Harlad, promise to bring about the end of this war we have fought senselessly for the past FIVE YEARS!" Cheers echoed in the halls one could have sworn that the room shook with each word He uttered. AS if to seal the deal between man and god on the physical plane . The winds howled like a dying man screaming out in protest. None of this deterred Harlad.

"I give this solemn oath knowing should I fail my house and its honor would bring shame upon this nation. Any broken vow will forfeit mine or my descendant right to rule henceforth." Again outburst erupted some of shock others of outrage yet they were silenced by the aged Lady Valkyrie who gave a commanding shout. Out of respect many began to bow their heads.

"Then arise no longer a boy but a man. Stand and accept both the Crown and Scepter of the kings before you. Arise a King bond by his vows. Should you fail at those Vows you have been witnessed and the line of succession shall pass to the one who bears the first heirs after yourself" Shouted the stunned Priest as he passed each symbolic items was given to the now King Harlad.
