Chereads / The song of the red Hood / Chapter 7 -  1193 Kingdom of Ulyassa, Springtime 

Chapter 7 -  1193 Kingdom of Ulyassa, Springtime 

1193 Kingdom of Ulyassa, Springtime

Princess Alva

If you were to ask anyone in the palace how they felt about their royals it would all be a unanimous reply. They would give their lives for their Kingdom's keepers. Unlike that of the late King Richard. Though their only complaint was of how slow the war efforts were with the Kingdom of Germanna. The fair red-haired princess of Ulyassa sat in the war room, unamused as she took in General McCormick's calculating stance. He was of an older stock of noble bloodline. Silver hair cut short like those of the Normans. He spoke multiple languages far more than she would know the names of. Along with General Khan, four other military heads sat at a round table surrounding her brothers, their grandmother, and Alva. The ship master Erikson Leafton stood an impressive Six four towering like a formidable frost giant when he wanted to. His balding head was adorned with the markings of his achievements that Alva could tell covered his arms and upper body. He was not much older than King Harlad. He was silent, only speaking when he felt confident in his reasoning. Next to him sat Alif The bear. He was originally a former slave in the roman colosseum. He claimed to be from someplace called Lydia. He was dark-skin with scars that lined his arms. He wore them proudly. Alva knew his past had been hard, only by sheer will and courage had the older male survived. He was a skilled hunter, one of the best. Without his skill there would be hungry bellies of that Alva was sure. Alif's gray eyes scanned the war room much like Alva herself found herself doing. She did not know his age, only that he was far older than herself and Eric. Followed by Alif sat their master of maps and skilled war planner Rollo the mighty. He too was of the older stock, Yet just as feared as the Queen Valkyrie herself. He carried a mighty legion of Viking warriors at his call from two fronts or so the rumors stated. To have him as an enemy would mean certain death. His son Gnat the valiant stood behind his father with a pang of hunger in those bright emerald eyes. She understood her significance at the war meeting; she was a part of the Royal family so her attendance was mandatory, while their mother was less needed in matters such as these. Their mother had become colder than Alva could recall her ever being in public, unsurprising after her brother's announcement just a few days prior. When Alva's time as a possible bargaining chip had arrived she would be offered to possible suitors only the king, late queen regent, and Alva would be able to accept any offers and only they would have to agree upon a marriage contract. Leaving their mother Magnora out of the choosing. Since this betrayal in Lady Magnora's eyes, she made it her goal to avoid all wartime councils instead spending her time far away from her children within the last few weeks. It chilled Alva to the bone every time the older woman would make any form of contact with her. As if she was a wolf ready to strike her own child down.

"I say we end the war in a peace treaty. What have we won with steel and blood?" Erikson grumbled while avoiding the glares from the men in the group. Only King Harlad sat in thought as he listened to his Grandmother's words being whispered in his ear. He nodded with a solemn look in his eyes that seemed to break his spirit by a fraction.

"Five years we have been at war. Five. We are no closer than to stopping their fleets except during the winter season. Our spies have yet to send ravens. Should we send an envoy to broker a peace treaty we have no way of knowing if should they attack once our backs are turned? The only option is to meet in the middle ground with our armies and then set terms." Prince Eric offered. Some of the men seemed to take the idea though none seemed ready to add their support.

Figueres it was not their idea. Alva silently thought annoyed. It was a good plan but with room to improvise, she added much to her own shock as she normally stayed silent. " We should have a contingent should an agreement not be met, have scouting parties stationed on horseback to dive in and kill their leader. That will break their morale. It also wouldn't hurt to send some of the archers along with spies to be at the ready. What of our allies in the Long Reach their ships could be stationed at this meeting area seemingly empty as if they too are a part of the meeting, leaving enough to launch a surprise attack making it so there will be no escape from the sea."

Queen Valkyrie smiled, almost as if she was seeing Alva in a different light. Alva wanted to slide back down her seat after her outburst, now unsure if she had been wrong in her thoughts. Each man seemed to have a shocked, proud if not amused expression on their battle-hardened face. It was Harlad who broke the tense atmosphere with a hearty laugh.

"Dear brother and Sister you have definitely put much thought into this plan but there are still contingency that need worked out–"

"She has a point Sire thought it would take months of negotiations, but should a treaty not be met A final battle on the open ground would definitely make it hard for one to not declare a winner and this war over. We risk this war starving our people should we continue this conflict." McCormick spoke with a glint in his eyes. Alva shivered as his gaze seemed to linger on her far longer than she would have liked.

"Fine, I shall grant you this upon one condition ." Everyone waited as King Harlad took a long pause as he and Lady Valkyrie talked in hushed tones.

"In case War on this open battlefield is to occur I want Alva to stay in the confines of this castle to govern it in my place IF SHE IS NOT MARRIED off by then. Should she have accepted a marriage contract and be married into another house she is to still act as a ruler with the aid of her husband and the council." Alva tried to remain calm as a silent fear came over her. She loved her brother and knew her duty but the thought of having to govern her country felt immense on her shoulders. She hoped that it would not come to that.

"Why Alva and not myself brother?" Eric asked, noting his sister's silent fear as she tensed in her seat. If he had not been actively watching everyone in the room he knew that it would have been a missed gesture.

"I want you in disguise with me during the talks. Should a chance of war occur I want you to head to our cousins in Denmark and then to Britannia. Should anything happen to me then Eric shall take my place as king and bring forth our estranged allies. I know they have not been as helpful these last few years. This is something both the Lady Valkyrie and I shall work on prior to our treaty." Harlad declared as Eric stood from his seat not convinced this was the best course of action.

"I will not let you stay behind and go alone it shows weakness—"

"I will not allow you to be on the field when the line of succession needs to be upheld," Harlad spoke in an iron tone. The room's atmosphere tensed as no one knew what to say. Alva understood both her brothers' plights. Her heart ached knowing death's riders would come for them all soon if things were to escalate any further, no one would win in this war except Death.

"My King he has a poi–" Alif started only to be silenced as a scream echoed outside of the war room. Shouts of the royal knights cried out. Alif and Alva grabbed their weapons. She was out of her chair followed by Alif as they made it to the hallway. Alva heard the annoyed shouts of her brothers' choosing to aid their Knights. She was a warrior princess after all she would not cower like their mothers and the servants that hid in fear. Alif passed her as he made his way to sounds of chaos, She halted Guise and his new Apprentice would need to be made aware of a possible breach and ready, changing course to the Physicians chamber Alva passed Eric and Harlad.

"Where are you going now, Alva?" Eric nearly shouted Harlad's face red in a mix of concern tinged with anger aimed at her. "Explain yourself!"

"Guise needs to be made ready! I must go an inform him"

"No you acted rash Alif and the palace guards and I shall handle this break-in. Eric shall warn Guise of the potential medical aid needed while You SHALL be escorted by General Khan to your chambers until the palace is secured from all threats."

"That isn't fair brother—"

"WAR IS NOT FAR Alva. You may be a warrior princess with the training by the knights but even then you are still an unmarried woman who holds just as much importance to the throne as Eric and I."

"I am not some damsel in distress I can defend myself –" Harlad waved her off ignoring her comments as he gestured to general Khan who nodded, grabbing the princess by her left forearm and steering her away to her royal compartments. But not before she shouted in defiance at Harlad.

"I will not stand by ever when my duty is also to this kingdom and all its inhabitants. I am the Crowned Princess of this kingdom. I am her shieldmaiden, and sending me away you tarnish my honor to my kingdom and my oath "

"You are also my sister and just seventeen at that. I will be stripping you of your shieldmaiden duties until you can prove that you are worthy of them instead of rushing into situations like a novis. As for your medical duties with the royal physician, you will stay with him and aid him till noon meals are called for."

"You would strip me of my training with the knights and archery, yet keep me closely guarded in these walls. I am not a child."

" If you continue with this wild tongue of yours then I shall have no choice but take away your unsupervised riding privileges. Only to be escorted by Eric or me or one of the master Knights no go before we regret our next words." Harlad watched the fiery woman huff removing her arm from the general Khan's grip. She was far too proud of a woman. Harlad did not agree much with his mother. The only thing he could agree with from the scornful woman was their father had given her far too much indulgence in things only men should have knowledge of at her age. Eric seemed to be far more on her side than his since his return. He would have to watch for their safety far more than he would like. Alva would need to be married off soon. He just hoped the right suiter would come to the ball. Her safety came far more paramount with the conditions surrounding her birth.

Alif cared not much for many people in the court. He knew how to hunt wild game far better than those born of this land. His warlike grace transcended to another level when he pursued his targets. As if the primal instinct overtook his mundane being. Alif understood why the Princess felt her need to protect her people just as he once did before the fall of Lydia. She was unlike the younger brother and far more brash than the King. She intrigued him far more than most of the court had. Being the master of the Royal hunts and beast master of Rome so long ago he knew the difference between those he came off as prey and predator. Princess Alva's spirit sang far more like the wolves that stalked the woods. He had not felt a need to protect the wild Princess. He sped far past her thought, wanting silent to see if she would keep up behind his long strides. As such he was unaware of her absences until much later.

His focus, is on the chase being given by four of the palace guards and a figure clad in black. The figure was built like a woman though it ran far too much like a male. Confusing Alif as they held a Greek-styled short blade. Two of the four knights Alif noted seemed to be slightly injured as he made it to the courtyard, the cloaked figure seemed to sense that they would be cornered soon and charged at the weaker knight with a deadly accuracy slashing at the knight's right calf as they got lower to the ground. Alif knew he had one chance of a surprise attack while the intruder's back were turned and two of the other royal knights now acted merely on blind rage at seeing one of their own attacked being pushed back by this strange assassin he lunged for the assassin, only using his strong muscle as he clobbered the figure on the back of the head. Alif grinned sadistically at the failed intruder.

"Sir Alif. Thank you for the assistance. Sir Jahear and Sir Baal both were wounded twice in the attempt to capture this scoundrel."

"See to it that those two get seen by the royal physician Sir Aries I will go inform the war council and his majesty of the situation. '' Alif was about to head back to inform the war council when the knight spoke, causing the blood to run cold down his spine.

"Sit I regret to inform you that another likely intruder was spotted trying to enter the late king's chambers."

"Come again? Was he seen taking anything? How could the guard allow an intruder to get to the heart of our nation!" Alif roared he may be the royal beast master and a member of the war council. But even he saw what should never have been allowed to occur this late in their wartime tenure.

"I am unsure if Sir as to how they could have slipped so close to the royal chambers. I regret to inform you that the individual was able to evade our team, thanks to this one. I am also not sure that there were just two. This seemed far more thought out of a plan almost as if they were looking for something. Also, sir Balic and McCoy were found unconscious on the floor of the late king's chambers."

Alif nodded as he felt a migraine starting to occur. Scanning the courtyard's surroundings. For the most part, it was empty due to the previous wartime bells. If this one had company by now they were either integrated into the surrounding huts or business. Or perhaps in the castle still as the Knights did not seem to know how many they were currently up against on their home turf. They have become far too lax in the winter time thinking that no one would dare attempt an attack. This will be the downfall of the kingdom should they This troubled Alif deeply. "The king will require that one of you bring this intruder into the throne room to make sure you properly restrain them."

"Yes sir." The nights echoed through the shame never left their grim faces. Wartime was not the time for them to get slack on the job.

"Get sentries on the wall, rotate them if you must. Also, add footmen in the lower towns to show that the crown is there to protect all its subjects and possibly weed out any turncoats and spies. The king and its court will more than likely agree with me on this but do not let your guard down there is a possibility that the other intruder is still in the castle." With that Alif marched back to update the war council.

Harlad sat in the main throne room that held most of the court's complaints and business. To the right stood Eric after informing the court physician of the potential injuries headed his way.

"So how did Alva take you grounding her?" Eric joked lightly at the displeasure Harlad was sporting.

"I hate you."

"Nah you love us."

"That dear brother is the problem." groaned Harlad as Eric merely smiled at his older brother.

Thunder roared outside, as the weather suddenly seemed to take a drastic change of mood. Flames flickered in the hearth just in the center of the room. Harlad took in the beauty of the throne room. Pine and yew wood along with stone and clay made up the throne room's structure and decor. Carvings of their clan's symbol could be seen in the work. They were a nation built on the backs of those who fought for a better tomorrow. Tradition would see to it that Harlad would follow the way of his ancestors.

"Do we know why the wartime bell was sounded?"

"If I were to guess, Germanna is getting bolder, sending spies. The question is ``What have their spies gathered and how can we use their blunder to our advantage." Harlad mused looking into the fire.

His thoughts were shocked at how easily it seemed his enemies could blend into his court. His sister's ball would be fast approaching in the coming weeks. His brother needed a wife as well should anything happen to him. He knew his grandmother would soon marry him off if not sooner should they find a decent alliance. Harlad feared however once word got out how easily they were infiltrated their allies would soon see them abandoned. Weakness would not be tolerated by those who fought beside them. Harlad was brought out of his musing when his younger brother calmly tapped him on his left shoulder, startling him as he did so. Eric then nodded to the men, one shackled the other being one of their royal guardsmen, who appeared to be a bit disheveled. Alif stood next to the royal guard though it appeared to Harlad that he did so only because he must have felt the slack of the guards. Imposing his presence upon the guards meant he felt the same way as Harlad did. 'If I had more like him our war-torn kingdom would have long since felt the wings of peace. Maybe we should give the other Kingdom what they want.'

"My king. Prince Eric." Eric and Harlad nodded, addressing Alif as he bowed to one knee crossing his right forearm to his chest.

"Arise Alif you do not need to bow to me." Alif did not respond right away, merely nodding as he went back to stand by the injured royal guard. Harlad gaze went back to the prisoner in custody. They were younger than he had anticipated for a spy. Though that shouldn't have surprised him much considering his time at war in the holy lands. He noticed however that the spy's clothing was far more elegant for a peasant or mercenary meaning this was someone who was either close to the Germanna royalties or a thief in fine clothing. Stealing a hard glaze he nodded to Alif to remove the prisoner's cloak that was shielding their face from view. Without question, Alif nodded while swiftly removing the cloak revealing as expected a young figure possibly around fourteen maybe fifteen summers old. Harlad sat shocked, while Eric took in a deep breath as they took in the spies' appearance.

What Harlad had once suspected to be a young male, stood a lithe female warrior clad in fine lightweight silver armor. She had been stripped of her weapons. Bright red hair much like his sister's was wound up in a braid. Southern tanned skin and age were the only difference to make Him pause.

'Dear lord this could be her cousin of how close they look in appearance. Just how many more are in our ranks that have stayed hidden for this long.'

"I will not give you the information you seek." Harlad had to strain to hear the words the young woman spoke. She held the voice of a spinster's light but eerie. Full of confidence and mysteries. Two things that got men killed for less on the battlefield.

"You dare to speak when not spoken to wench." His head royal knight, Sir Aries growled yanking the chains around the young woman's arms downwards causing her to fall face first to the cold marble ground. Harlad had to let the young woman have it. She stayed there making no visible sound of pain, even though he knew she was.

"You will give me the answers we seek, in return, you will be allowed to live." Harlad barked his tone, taking on the aged old hardened edge. Eric flinched slightly much to Harlad's silent amusement at his sheltered habits. He would need to correct his younger brother before the next war council. Eric was far too jumpy than either he or Alva was. Something that sometimes scared him was that their sister held a dangerous composure compared to the brothers.

"I do not fear death." she snapped back. 'That was what I was hoping you would say. It would be a pity if the first real prisoner of war was weak.'

"You will give me the answers I seek, I have your comrades already" It was a blatant lie but he had to pull off confidence to convince the woman in front of him. For a moment her body language seemed defeated, though she brought herself back to a standing position much to the annoyance of Sir Aries who only halted by bringing her back to the ground by the look he was receiving from Harlad. The young woman reminded him far too much of his sister. Bold, Prideful yet calculative. Yet this woman held her comrade's lives far higher than her own and unlike his sister she held her heart on her selves. She was a pawn of their enemies; he would let her live only to use her to his advantage, such was the way of war.

"Please don't boast on matters both you and I know are false. My comrades are many. Some are far closer to the throne than you can imagine. Your petty treaty will fail. My king seeks retribution. You seek false peace." With this, she began to laugh sending shivers down Harlad and Eric's spines. It was not a burst of joy-filled laughter, nor was it mocking. More like a deadly fortune being cast onto them by prophets of old.

"So you say the maiden of Germanna. So you say." Harlad was just about to address Alif and Aries to her away when he spotted Alva and her lady in waiting to pass along the doorway of the throne room. He cursed but not before the Maiden of Germanna shouted vengefully. " Kill me if you must. I will not betray my kinsmen as your father did to my kin."

Kin would imply she does not know that I would know where her possible heritage is linked, she must be of royal blood. But why send a child to snoop into the late king's chambers? There is more here than she is currently letting on.

"Then for now you will be a prisoner of war, I will give you till the next full moon in two weeks to give me the information I seek. If you still refuse you will meet the flames like a witch."

"It will not change the fates' design, oh mighty King of Dragons. Whether I die by your hands or time. In the end, all dragons are slayed by the righteous hands." she spat venomously.

"You forget you are just a young woman and men far less noble than I, where you are headed below in the dungeon. Some with cardinal needs may see opportunity very soon." She became visibly pale. Harlad gave the order to take her away to the dungeon. Alif nodded as he and Sir Aries escorted the thrashing woman to the dungeons. He felt bad for her, though she had invaded his home. She knew more than she was telling. Either she would come clean or she would die. He could not afford to seem weak.

"Brother that was—"

"Necessary in times of war Eric. Now let's go see what Alva and her lady in waiting are up to. I know I ordered Alva to be guarded and not allowed out of her chambers until later." Harlad groaned while Eric smiled ruefully though Harlad knew that the Germanna maiden had shaken up Eric.

Alva paced back and forth along her chambers furious at her brother the King. She was not some princess that needed protection all the time. She knew how to handle herself in a fight. How dare he think less of her when he hardly knew her anymore, true she knew deep down that she shouldn't try and push his buttons so much. He was king and by doing so meant each time she was teetering treason. One day it could be her head if she wasn't careful. Frustrated, she let out a guttural shout, kicking the nearest thing closest to her which happened to be a crate filled with old childhood items.

"If that's not the face of Freyja then I don't know what is." Astrid chuckled amused at her long-time friend's actions. The Princess of Ulyassa was many things, mild-mannered yet was not one of those things. The blonde woman narrowly escaped a pillow that was thrown her way by the said princess.


"Come again I was not aware we were talking like those vile Germania" she chortled as Alva just fell face first into her bed. Like the teenager, she was, instead of some posh royal she had to pretend to be in the eyes of the royal court and her brothers. Astrid smiled as she walked to the red-haired young woman. They were the same age, the only difference being their stations. Even then they were the closest that they could be. Allowed freedoms other women were not. She knew that while Alva's brother loved her, in the end, the duty would demand more from her than her. She also knew Alva faced the same duty on a grander scale. With limited choices in the matter since her father's death she had been stripped of her love for healing medicine along with the freedom of her boisterous archery practice. Ridding and sword-wielding. Her brother the King had deficiency limited the fiery woman's pride to setting idly in war council only as another advisor then power figure. He had surrounded himself among men of power leaving his sister and brother at arms length-end. She was surprised that it had taken nearly two months for the two to clash to the point she would be guarded against leaving her chambers. Astrid knew she had to help her friend after all she had been in the kitchens talking to the head cook right before the war bells had sounded. Once the bells had sounded she had hurried along to try and find Alva. Knowing she would be in the war room Astrid had narrowly escaped the rush of knights chasing a tiny slim figure away from the royal chambers. By all accounts she has been mostly ignored by the knights, only to have been told rather harshly to get to shelter, or move out the way.

It wasn't until they had rounded the corner that two other figures ran out of the royal chambers suspiciously holding a small stack of old parchment, running blindly in the direction knocking her down to the harsh cold marble floors. She had cried out in pain causing one of the figures to falter. She recalled how the cloak fell from the person's head showing a rather familiar handsome face of one of the new stable hands, Tristan who she had talked to on one or more occasions. Tristan had become almost like her little brother, as he reminded her of the one she'd lost to the plague. He looked pained in between her and his fast fleeing accomplice. With inner turmoil, she got up and walked the other way as he seemed to understand the message. Now as she sat in her closest friend's chambers, seeing the pint-up storm that was escalating in the red-haired woman's eyes, Astrid did the one thing she could think of desperate to help her.

"I could bring a servant's headdress and cloak to sneak you out of the chamber. If it helps I'll accompany you to Gaius chambers. His newest assistant is lacking in some regard. No one will ever have your talent in the healing arts. I've heard the old physician say as much. Though I suspect he misses you dearly." Astrid softly spoke as she placed a hand on her friend's shoulder. Alva lifted her head from the goose feather pillow. Red splotchy imprints of tears marred Alva's morally stoic face. She nodded as the barest hint of a smile made its way in Astrid's direction.

"You are too kind. I do not wish to entangle you in my mess though Harlad will have a fit if I disobey him anymore." Astrid never wanted to strangle a king before as much as she did at that moment.

"He'll be too busy with the interrogation of whoever they caught trying to break into your father's old chambers to notice. Besides I am a baron's daughter remember? It's not like I am planning treason, simply trying to keep an eye out on the wild princess of Ulyassa." Astrid spoke while doing a perfect impression of Harlad. Both young women broke down in fits of laughter, clutching their sides until a knock was sounded outside of Alva's door.

"You grace I will be leaving to use the restroom if that is ok. Sir Baal was injured in the chase." Both women gave a knowing look while Alva nodded.

"It would appear as if the old gods are looking after us now." joked Astrid while both women made their way to the old Medical physician's medical wing. One filled with a fleeting hint of freedom, the other wondering how her life became conflicted with hidden secrets.

Alva noticed how silent the normally busy hallways in the castle were. They had made it halfway unseen that Alva felt they were running thin on luck. That was until she noticed how still Astrid had become as they neared the outside of the throne room. For some reason, the large wooden doors had been left open allowing those outside to hear the goings on in the normal tightly shut room.

"I will not give you the information you seek."

"Are you ok Astrid?" Alva asked softly as the blonde teenager hastily ushered Alva and herself behind one of the supporting pillars just outside the throne room. They were far enough to not be seen, being close enough that they could hear what was going on in the room.

"They have someone in there and your brother is interrogating them. Isn't this something you should at least know about what is going on? You are a part of their war council after all." Alva nodded while that was true she knew her hide would be in hot water if Harlad found her snooping when he refused to allow her to fight just hours ago. On the other hand, this could prove for vial information she could counter in the war room should that need arise.

"You're right though that voice sounds familiar as if I have heard it someplace before," Alva whispered back. The notice of spying on proceeding with Astrid brought back memories of when the two were younger along with Eric as they made bets to sneak into the throne room during a legal meeting between the lords and her father.

"You dare to speak when not spoken to wench." Alva and Astrid watched in horror as Sir Aries growled at the red-haired young woman who looked far too much like Alva. Astrid had to do a double take while cringing at the sight going on before them. Alva felt red hot anger as the chained woman was made by Sir Aries to fall face first to the cold marble ground. It took everything in Astrid to keep her friend behind in the pillar.

"You must not interfere right now." she mouthed to Alva who nodded begrudgingly.

"You will give me the answers we seek, in return, you will be allowed to live." Harlad barked his tone, taking on the aged old hardened edge. One that reminded Alva far too much of their mother when she had one too many of the royal wine.

Astrid winced knowingly, as too did Alva both friends never thought their king could sound so callous.

"I do not fear death." the Germanna woman bravily shot back at the king of Ulyassa. Alva knew that in a different life they could have been friends. Alva had to give it to this woman she was brave, loyal, and fierce. If this is what those of Germanna were like she could see herself more in their behavior than she did in her own kingdom. The thought alone made her shudder. Alva noted her brothers held different looks upon the woman's response. Eric was uncomfortable about how the woman was being treated even though she was their enemy. She understood this there were levels to be taken and this woman had not killed anyone apparently, otherise she knew this would have been a public spectacle. This was a dig for information. Harlad however held a vindictive smile. He was not her loving brother and king at this point. No—He was the king. A king who already fought a war before he took the mantle of the king. This was the ruthless side of her brother she knew only came out at times of war. He would cut the root out to save the garden if he must.

'Just give him the information don't push him.' Alva prayed silently hoping that the bound woman listen. Astrid also prayed Alva noted with the barest of smiles at her friend.

"You will give me the answers I seek, I have your comrades already"

'If that were true then why are you toying with the woman brother' Alva growled lowley only for Astrid to flick her friend in the back of the head. They would need to help the woman. Yes, she was their enemy but no one had died, sentencing a woman to death felt wrong. Alva knew that was the rabbit hole the Germanna woman would be going down. She was protecting someone that Alva could respect. Maybe by sparing this woman's life, she could stall the galls of war off a little longer.

"Please don't boast on matters both you and I know are false. My comrades are many. Some are far closer to the throne than you can imagine. Your petty treaty will fail. My king seeks retribution. You seek false peace." With this, she began to laugh darkly. Alva saw her brothers cringe however she did not. Her heart constricted knowingly. That was a laugh of one holding onto what little pride they had knowing all was lost. She was intimidating the king of her enemy a skill Alva felt she too had played countless other times in the past. Alva looked at Astrid who held a faraway look as if she too had come up with the same conclusion. Both friends knew that now would be the best time they would get snuck hopefully unseen by the goings on in the throne room to Gauis medical wing. They would need to do a little investigating of their own before any moves could be made.