Chapter 14 - Helping

Lulu was snapped back to reality by Tang Jing's word in real life, "Lulu? Are you alright?" He was standing up, looking down at her.

Lulu looked up, embarrassed at the fantasy she had just been having. She put both hands over her face, as if that would hide her, and replied, "Yes, sorry."

"I called your name a couple times, but you didn't answer," Tang Jing probed. "You just sat there, staring at the pond with a little smile on your face. I thought maybe you had fallen asleep with your eyes open."

"I must have looked strange. Sorry. I was just lost in thought I guess," Lulu tried to explain. Her hands moved to rest on her cheeks to cool down the flames that were burning there.

Tang Jing smiled, "No need to apologize. But I have to get back to work."

Lulu stood up to bow her goodbye. She wanted to ask if he would be at dinner but was too shy.

As it turned out, both brothers were busy with work and unavailable for dinner that evening, which left Xiao Chu and Lulu to themselves. During dinner, Lulu asked Xiao Chu if she could take some brushes, ink, and paper to her room to practice drawing before bedtime. Xiao Chu didn't think anything of it, so she told Lulu it was not a problem.

Lulu was able to draw a picture of the pieces of jewelry she had mentioned to Tang Jing. After she was done, she carefully folded it over. She then folded a separate piece of paper into something akin to an envelope and put the drawing inside.

"There," she said to herself. "Now it can't be seen from the outside."

The next afternoon, while Xiao Chu was busy with manor-related tasks, Lulu went to Tang Jing's study. As always, Chen Jing was right behind her. After she was announced and let in, Lulu greeted Tang Jing. He noticed that she had the envelope in her hands and followed her eyes that glanced briefly at Chen Jing.

"Leave us," Tang Jing commanded, and she departed, along with another attendant who had been assisting him with work.

When they were alone, Lulu approached Tang Jing's desk and handed him the envelope. "I was able to complete the drawing last night," she told him.

"Did anyone see you drawing or see the drawing itself?," he queried, standing up and holding out the envelope.

Lulu shook her head, "No, I was alone in my room."

Tang Jing nodded, "Good." He looked at the envelope with curiosity and turned it over and back again. "This is interesting," he remarked as he unfolded the paper. He examined the drawing but didn't say anything.

Lulu couldn't read his expression and asked, "Is it alright?"

"Hmm?," he replied without looking at her. "Oh, yes, it's fine." After a moment, he looked at her and continued, "You have some talent at drawing."

"Thank you," she beamed at the compliment.

Tang Jing sat back down and told Lulu that she could leave. She was caught off guard at having to leave so soon, but recovered quickly, and departed after goodbyes were exchanged.

Lulu barely noticed Chen Jing walked behind her as she pondered over having to leave Tang Jing so abruptly. "It's not like we had anything else to talk about, I guess," she thought. "And it's not like he was being rude…so why am I feeling a little sad?"

Since everyone was busy with work, Lulu started walking toward her room. She was feeling too down to walk around the gardens. But then she thought about how she didn't do much during the day that was productive like everyone else and started to feel guilty again. "I should find some way to help around her," she said to herself and went to find Xiao Chu.

She found her in the kitchen, collaborating with the head cook about the meals for the next day. When Xiao Chu saw Lulu entering, she went to her with a smile and asked, "What are you doing here?"

Lulu smiled back, "I was just thinking that, um, everyone has work to do that helps with the running of the manor and all, and, um, I was just wondering if there was anything I could do to help?"

Xiao Chu shook her head, "You don't have to worry about that. Just rest and work on getting your memory back."

Lulu fiddled with the sleeves of her robes and replied, "Yes, well…um, I'm still trying to remember, but I don't know that resting is of much help. I want to contribute something and not just be a burden around here."

Xiao Chu took one of Lulu's hands and patted it, "You are not a burden. Please don't say that again. But if you want to help with something, we can definitely think about that." She paused and then asked, "Is there anything in particular you'd like to help with?"

Lulu's eyes turned upward as she began thinking. Not coming up with anything, she responded, "Um, I'm not sure." Then she ventured, "Maybe I could help you in some way?"

"I don't know. Let me think about that," Xiao Chu replied. The head cook, who had been waiting to continue the conversation with Xiao Chu, started to grow impatient. Noticing the man next to her, she had an idea, "Why don't you help in the kitchen?"

"The kitchen?," Lulu repeated. Her head leaned to one side as she considered the idea then agreed, "I think I could do that. I'm not sure I know how to cook well, but I helped Sun Xu a little with meals when I was living with them."

Xiao Chu nodded, "It's settled then." She looked at the cook and then back at Lulu. Putting one hand on her chin, she began rubbing it as she thought out loud, "Now, how do we get you to understand Chen Yong over here."

"That's right. I can't be of much use if we can't understand each other," Lulu noted with a frown. "Hmm…." Then she resolved, "There's no getting around it. I have to figure out some way to somehow touch everyone in the kitchen." She let out a sigh not able to come up with anything, however.

"We can figure this out," Xiao Chu said with conviction. "Let's start with our cook." She turned to Chen Yong and let him know that Lulu would be assisting him in the kitchen occasionally. "You both can decide on a schedule, but please teach her what she needs to know so she can help you."

Chen Yong looked from the lady of the manor to the woman next to her. It didn't look like he had much of a choice, he thought with a frown. "Yes, my lady. I am happy to have the help. But, uh, that is…how are we to communicate?" From his perspective, he understood everything Xiao Chu said while talking with Lulu, but he could not understand her replies.

Xiao Chu hedged, "She can speak and understand, it just takes her time to get used to people." Then she got an idea and suggested, "Why don't you start by showing her how to hold a knife to cut those beans over there."

Nodding, Chen Yong went to pick up a knife. Stepping closer to where the beans were stacked, he beckoned Lulu to him, telling her to come over. She looked at Xiao Chu questioningly, "What should I do?"

"He's going to show you how to use that knife to cut those beans. That way he'll have to place the knife in your hand and show you how to hold it," Xiao Chu answered, giving Lulu a pointed look.

Lulu nodded and went over to the head cook. She held her hand up, which Chen Yong understood to mean she was reaching for the knife. He placed the handle in her palm and pointed to her other hand. She lifted that up as well and he took it. He placed the hand on top of the blade, then showed her how to control the blade as it chopped the beans. She smiled, doing as he instructed, now that she could understand him.

After she was done with a few of the beans, Chen Yong smiled. "She is a quick learner," he told Xiao Chu.

"That is good to hear," his lady responded.

Because her attention had shifted at the compliment, Lulu accidentally sliced the skin of finger. "Ooof!," she exclaimed, putting the side of the finger to her mouth.

"Oh dear," Xiao Chu sighed.

Chen Yong chided, "Aya, it's important to always pay attention to the task at hand."

"Yes, of course. My apologies. I won't let it happen again," Lulu replied, feeling ashamed of herself.

"It's alright," Xiao Chu told her gently. "Just be careful next time. Now, why don't you go with Chen Jing and get that finger bandaged."