Chereads / An American Woman in Ancient China / Chapter 16 - The Dinner (Part 1)

Chapter 16 - The Dinner (Part 1)

The carriage stopped in front of Uncle Tang's Manor. When Lulu first saw the front of the gate, it looked similar to the one she was already familiar with, just a bit bigger. But when they were led inside by the servants, she had to stop her mouth from gaping and her eyes from getting bigger. Lulu had gotten better at concealing her facial expressions and her willpower was being fully tested at that moment.

All the wood used was a rich brown color and the decorations on them looked like they were either made of gold or had been painted gold. There were golden accents everywhere—even the pictures that adorned the windows were outlined in what appeared to be actual gold paint. There were flowers everywhere, some of which she recognized from her strolls around Tang Jing's gardens, but others that were unknown to her even as they beckoned her to smell them. "Focus, Lulu, focus," she told herself as she tried staring ahead in a manner that mimicked Xiao Chu next to her.

Once further inside the courtyard, they were greeted by their uncle and his wife. Tang Cang was clearly putting on an obsequious tone even as a trace of sarcasm could be heard. "Come in, come in, my dear nephews and darling niece. We have missed you," he trumpeted loud enough for everyone in the large manor to hear.

"Yes, we have missed you so," Tang Min cooed, echoing her husband's words and tone.

They all bowed in greeting and then Uncle Tang looked with curiosity at Lulu. It was clear from his expectant look that he was waiting for an introduction.

When Tang Jing introduced her as a friend who was visiting from the west, Lulu started to raise her head. She stopped abruptly to look at Tang Jing when he gave her name as Nima Lu. Quickly hiding her surprise, she turned to his relatives and started to give another bow, when her eyes met Uncle Tang's.

It was as if an invisible spark went instantaneously from him to her and she started feeling very feverish. As Uncle Tang was saying something Lulu couldn't understand, she heard Xiao Chu "sneeze," and then felt her friend bump into her. This caused her to fall in between their uncle and aunt, both of whom caught her before she hit the ground.

"Aya!," Uncle Tang exclaimed at the same time as his wife let out an "Oh my!"

Helping Lulu to her feet, Aunt Tang Min admonished Xiao Chu, "You must be careful niece. That was quite unsightly!"

"My apologies, Uncle. Aunt.," Xiao Chu bowed her head in fake contrition. "That was impolite of me."

Of course, it had all been a set-up so that Lulu could have physical contact with the relatives. What Lulu didn't expect was the sensations she began experiencing as soon as she felt Tang Cang's hand on her arm. Her whole body felt very hot but the place he touched seemed to boil as if her skin was about to melt off.

"Miss Nima Lu, are you alright?," Uncle Tang inquired with what he hoped seemed like concern.

"Oh yes, I'm fine," Lulu replied quickly. "It was just a minor accident. No harm done." She gave them her best smile as she didn't want them to be mad at her friend, but could not look up with her eyes. It was taking all her effort to calm herself down.

"Well then, let's all go inside. Almost everyone is here already," Tang Cang gestured for them to follow him.

"Are you really alright?," Xiao Chu whispered with genuine concern, seeing Lulu shaking slightly.

Tang Cang bent his neck back slightly at hearing the quietly said words, but then moved his head the other way before looking straight ahead again. He wanted them to think he had just been stretching, but the gesture had been so obvious, no one was fooled.

Lulu gave a slight shake to her head and Xiao Chu could see that her skin was very red. Xiao Chu cleared her throat slightly and when her brothers looked at her, she gestured with her eyes at Lulu. They both noticed the red tinge to her skin, but since they were entering the main hall, there was nothing they could do.

After they entered the hall, but before they could be introduced to anyone, Xiao Chu made their excuses, saying that the carriage ride had been difficult, and that they needed to refresh themselves. When a servant led them to another room and left them alone, Xiao Chu whispered again, "What's wrong?"

Lulu answered as quietly as she could, "I don't know, I just felt very hot all of a sudden, as if I was going to faint. I think I'm starting to feel better now though."

"That's odd," Xiao Chu pondered out loud. "I wonder what happened."

Feeling guilty for not sharing everything with her friend, Lulu shrugged. What she didn't mention was that as soon as she made eye contact with their uncle, she had what seemed like a flashback to her dream. Uncle Tang resembled the man in her dream, except that man was much older and his beard was longer and bushier. Lulu didn't know for certain that it was him, but it was unnerving, nonetheless.

After several minutes of just letting her heart calm down, Lulu told Xiao Chu she was ready to continue. Xiao Chu opened the door and was surprised to see a man standing in front of it but with his back to it.

Hearing the door open, he turned around, and she saw that it was her cousin. "Greetings little sister," Tang Yi Huai bowed. "It has been much too long."

Xiao Chu bowed and Lulu did likewise. "Yes, too long," Xiao Chu agreed in what she hoped wasn't too fake of a tone. "This is our friend Nima Lu."

Hearing her "name," Lulu looked up and smiled. Tang Yi Huai was over-taken with her exotic beauty and his smile reflected that. He said some words that Lulu didn't understand, of course, which made her look to Xiao Chu, who said, "Yes, she does look lovely doesn't she?" Then she quickly took his hand and made a big show of admiring his ring. "Is this new, cousin? Lulu, come and look at this beautiful stone!" She took Lulu's hand, which made Lulu give her a quizzical look. Then realizing what Xiao Chu was trying to do, Lulu gasped and lightly touched the edge of the ring (ever so slightly grazing his finger while she was at it).

But it was enough apparently because Lulu understood Tang Yi Huai when he gave them a strange look and said, "What, umm…"

"Oh apologies, cousin!," Xiao Chu exclaimed at a bewildered Tang Yi Huai. "But you know how much I love jewelry." She gave a small flittering laugh and Lulu echoed it.

"My apologies as well," Lulu bowed her head. "I don't know where my manners went."

"It's alright. Of course, ladies do enjoy things that sparkle. And yes, it is a new ring. Good eye cousin," Yi Huai replied.

Xiao Chu smiled, "Are you here to escort us back to the party?"

"Right again," Yi Huai answered. "It is my honor to lead the two most beautiful women here." He looked at Lulu who just bowed her head so he could not see her nervous smile.

As they walked through the party to rejoin Xiao Chu's brothers, Lulu had to remind herself to not make eye contact with anyone lest they attempt to talk to her. During the time when Xiao Chu was doing Lulu's make up, she spent quite a bit of time going over all the ways that they could "accidentally" make contact with people, what Lulu could do, what not to do, etc. As a result, Lulu felt prepared for the occasion, but that didn't stop her from feeling nervous. She had almost messed up earlier with Tang Yi Huai before she realized what Xiao Chu wanted her to do.

No one could sense that nervousness, however. All they saw was a beautiful woman who seemed to exude grace as she walked by them. Those in attendance had to also check themselves for manners because of the desire to stare at the newcomer.

She was introduced around to several people but just smiled her way through each time. Finally, they were seated for dinner. Being relatives of the owners of the Manor, they sat near them. Their uncle and aunt were at the head of the large table. Tang Jing was seated perpendicular to his uncle's right while Yi Huai sat across from him. Next to Yi Huai was Lulu, and next to her sat Xiao Chu. Tang Mei was seated next to his brother.

After they began eating, Aunt Tang Min asked, "So tell me Nima Lu, where are you from?"

"Far to the west," Lulu answered the way she had prepared.

"The west you say?," Cousin Yi Huai repeated with one eyebrow arching up as if in disbelief.

Of course, Lulu didn't understand what he was saying as they hadn't had a chance to make any physical contact.

Tang Jing jumped in for her, "Yes, her clan lives far to the west as she just said. I traded with her father when I was at the border and that is how we became acquainted."

"Interesting," Tang Cang remarked. "And how exactly did she come to be with you then?" Seeing Tang Jing stiffen, he softened his tone, "It's not every day we get visitors from so far away."

Tang Jing gave a nod and then replied, "The last time I saw her father, he asked if we could take in Nima Lu for a while and educate her on our ways since she is destined to take over their clan."

This was all new to Lulu and she had to quickly try to commit what Tang Jing was saying to memory. "Why didn't they tell me about this complicated back story?," she wondered.

"How nice of you all to oblige," Tang Yi Huai suggested. "And how long will the lady be staying with you?"

Xiao Chu took Lulu's hand and patted it. Smiling, she answered her cousin, "For as long as she wants. Nima Lu has been a wonderful companion for me."

"That is indeed great to hear," Tang Min nodded. "It must have been difficult all these years without your mother around for companionship."

Even though the comment raised the hairs on the back of Xiao Chu's neck, she decided to let it slide, "Yes, it has been tough. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy." Then she gave her cousin the briefest of glances before turning her eyes back to his mother. "Or maybe I would."

Tang Min straightened her back but before she could say anything, Tang Mei cleared his throat and said, "We shouldn't be talking about sad things on such a happy occasion. Tell us about your health, Uncle. You look younger every time I see you."

Tang Cang gave an awkward chuckle but went along with the change in subject, "Why you rascal of a nephew. You know how us older folks have aching bones and here you are flattering me."

The conversation continued in this vein for the rest of the dinner. Afterward, the ladies were invited to stroll through the gardens of the manner while the gentlemen discussed affairs of state and other topics deemed unsuitable for womanly ears. Lulu was outside with Xiao Chu and a couple other ladies, trying to keep up with the conversation based on what Xiao Chu was saying, when a woman approached their group. After exchanging some words with Xiao Chu, Lulu could tell that her friend was not happy.

Xiao Chu excused them from the group and when they were far enough away, she explained, "Lulu, my aunt has summoned me for a private conversation. I'm worried this is a trick, but I have to leave you alone for a little while. Will you be alright by yourself?"

"Umm, I don't know," Lulu stammered. "I suppose I can manage." She tried to seem braver than she felt. Xiao Chu nodded and took her to a more secluded area of the garden and hoped she wouldn't be found by anyone until she got back.

Lulu turned her back to the walk way and pretended to be engrossed with the plants in front of her. After a couple minutes, she felt a presence behind her. The heart that had already started beating heavily was now in full panic mode. "Please be Xiao Chu, please be Xiao Chu," she repeated in her head as she placed a hand over her heart.

Over the loud thumping, she heard Tang Yi Huai's voice, "Alone at last."