Hi , my name is Melissa and I'm 16 years in highschool I live with my Mom alone , I and my mom moved to California some months ago to start a new life , life was comfortable , mom got a new job and I was registered in a new highschool were I was a brilliant girl , I took my studies serious and made good effort that I was made the queen of the school life was good and I made so many friends . My mom was a good and generous woman she loved me so much and I too loved her , but mom was really serious in her daily work that she didn't had enough time for me so for me not to stress her I focused on my studies and did well .
Life was enjoyable and relaxing for me till a new girl came her name was Monica she was beautiful anyway and attractive many boys wanted to get her friend but that didn't concern me, I just didn't care . Monica came to be a rude and arrogant girl , she was only nice to people so they could vote her as the new queen of the school that still didn't concern me .
One-day during break period I was going to settle down and had lunch when I bumped into Monica
Monica : jeeez you fool , how dare you hit me can't you see , you notorious jerk
Me : (I rolled my eyes) whatever .
Monica : đ đ đ
I went away living Monica burning in anger . That was my first encounter with Monica the second one was going to be hot . I said to my self and went to settle down .