Chereads / Bully-guard! [BL] / Chapter 82 - I'll never leave you behind again.

Chapter 82 - I'll never leave you behind again.

"Thank you for caring for the cat! I promise next time I come around I'll bring something of my own cooking for you, but for now I hope you enjoy the donuts I bought earlier!" Rushil said gratefully, the Bubbly blonde woman in the post office uniform smiled at him and replied, "You didn't have to bother yourself Sugar! I'd do Anything for Madame's little sweet handsome Man!

Besides, this pretty little cat has been a model pet during his stay with me, he made this lonely woman feel wanted! I couldn't ask for a better-cuter companion!"

Once he was out, Rushil took a deep breath "Goodness my face hurts from smiling! I swear that woman flirts with anything that has a dick attached to it!" Rushil said sighing, "At least, she's a good caretaker, don't you Agree buddy?" He said, the cat that meowed at him in content.

Carrying the cat carrier down the street, Rushil made it towards a certain alleyway where Lydia told him earlier she'd be waiting for him, "Hey! Lydia are you there? I got Your Furry best friend!" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm here and thank you Rushil." Lydia said as she approached him, She hid her face underneath a cap and she was still wearing Julian's track suit, "You're welcome! I'm happy to help." Rushil replied smiling.

in a swift move Lydia took The Carrier in her hands and then inspected the furry creature inside, "Hello sweetheart, how you've been?" she said gently but her cat hissed at her rather aggressively.

"I know I know, I'm sorry for forgetting you darling! you can be mad at me all you want but I promise I'll make it up to you with a nice treat and a belly rub." Lydia replied smiling, But when her cat began hissing again, "Fine, two treats, belly rub and I promise I'll never leave you behind again." She said, and the cat surprisingly enough seemed satisfied by the deal, so he quieted down.

"Wow, he knows what he's doing!" Rushil said giggling at the cat, Then he asked "Are you going back to your apartment now?" he asked.

"Not really, I'm not staying there at the moment." Lydia replied.

"What? why? where are you staying then? is it Radka? I heard The police stopped treating your apartment like a crime scene, two days ago." Rushil said, "It's not that...

It's not Radka nor the police, I've already fixed my problem with the police yesterday, I'm no longer a suspect or anything." Lydia replied.

"Then why are you not home?" Rushil asked.

"I've decided to leave the apartment complex, for few days...I need people to forget about what happened there." She replied.

"I don't understand?" He asked.

"When the local media covered the Flint incident, they found the police's lips sealed.

Due to the lack of materials for a full-on story, Reporters Are focusing the biggest light on Flint's life himself, how he grew up and became the person he was.

And while The police wouldn't give out names, pictures or statement that the media could use to get to Seong-min, since she's Flint last and surviving victim...They couldn't keep the location where Flint killed himself a secret." Lydia explained.

"What do you mean? were you ambushed by reporters?!" Rushil asked worriedly,

"Strangely, No! apparently they don't know who I am exactly, they just know where I live.

I managed to hide from them, they were waiting at my apartment and some were asking my neighbors for infos, since they now know my apartment was the crime scene." Lydia replied.

"That sounds bad...I hope they don't break into your apartment or something." Rushil said, "That's impossible..." she replied.

"But you're not telling me everything, where are you staying?" Rushil asked, then he took notice of her track suit, "Isn't this from high school, Your highschool...?" He asked inspecting her clothes.

"I'll tell you where I'm staying but you have to promise me that nobody else would know, even your wife." Lydia said.

"I promise you don't worry!" Rushil's replied.

"I'm staying at Joel's, It's temporarily and that's why No one should know."

"Joel? you have to be careful around him! I don't like to say this about people behind their backs, but he's a real pervert! he hasn't done anything to you right?"

"No, He's been kind to me, and I know what he's usually like but I guess I'm safe since the object of his desire has already been found."

"You mean Soo-Min... I've noticed how he interacted with her during the dinner party." Rushil said, "Joel is more than what meets the eye, he's not just a perverted lazy cop... you should be aware of that since he works with your wife." Lydia replied.

"There's nobody else who's aware of it more than me... that guy bumping into our lives wasn't just because Julian was friends with Nikolai." Rushil's replied.

"Anyways, thanks again for helping me, I have to go back I shouldn't be out at all." Lydia said.

"I have one more question, Lydia."

"Huh? What is it?"

"Since you aren't staying in your apartment, you're not stalking Cyrus, the real Cyrus are you?"

"I'm not actively stalking him at the moment, but it's not just because I can't get into my apartment." Lydia replied, "I feel bad about it, I don't know exactly what he's doing...I really wanted to throw Cyrus a birthday party today."

"You wanted to throw a party?" Rushil asked surprised, "Yeah, now unfortunately ...I have to give that opportunity to someone else." Lydia replied.

"Not that I'm really interested in doing so? but more like knowing how, but how do you usually stalk Cyrus?" Rushil asked.

"I can't tell you that...I hope you understand Rushil."

"You're always like this, I tell you everything about myself but you barely say anything to me... Sometimes I feel like I'm talking with a doll, Lydia."

"I'm sorry I make you feel that way, but the truth is that you shouldn't be talking to me in the first place.

I get it that you and I experienced a similar loss... that's why you befriended me in the first place, but You have a family, a son and a wife, there's people who adore you Rushil, those are the people you should talk to.

I on the other hand, I'm entirely alone in this world, No one would care that much if I bite the dust like the rest of my family...I don't have a choice since I don't have anyone but you to talk to."

"If anything where to happen to you, I'd like to help... you're not alone Lydia."

"Just promise me this one more thing, Rushil.

if I ever ended up dead, you'll visit my grave once in awhile and talk to me just like you're doing now." Lydia said.

"I'd really appreciate it if you don't try to get yourself killed any time soon, but I promise you.

If you ever ended up beneath the ground, I'll make sure I'll visit you Lydia.

I'll even bring Mr Cyrus around too, if he was still alive by then." Rushil replied.

"Thank you, Rushil... You're really a good friend." Lydia smiled happily before she walked past Rushil and out of the alley, "See you around, good luck with Wifey."

"This is weird, why do you sound like you're about to do something stupid, You're acting strange." Rushil mumbled to himself, then he smiled "You remind me so much of her, when she was younger."






Sighing, "You're right... it's just that...I'm...well..." Seong-min tried to speak but she couldn't help but feel shy, she started toying with her hair and biting her lips.

"Wouldn't that be... considered...A date?" She asked.

"Good grief..." Ha-yoon sighed in disappointment, "It's a date when the both of you think it is.

Cyrus obviously has no interest in you even if he agreed, it's because he wants to go with a friend and have fun." Ha-yoon replied.

"I know...That the main reason why Cyrus isn't interested in me, is because he's still hung up over you...And the second is because I'm younger than him.

He basically said that he considers me a kid." Seong-min said, "I can't believe I'm saying that to an 18 years old girl cuz it's gonna make me sound like an 'Alpha Male' but... if you want him to stop treating you like a kid, you should stop acting like one.

Make him realize you're a fucking woman!" Ha-yoon replied.

Flustered, "I'm acting like a kid?! also how the hell am I going to make him think I'm a woman, like how the hell do you do that?" Seong-min asked.

"This isn't how I do stuff but I remember a friend giving me this advice.

There's two things to do, use a makeover that will make you look as attractive as a grown woman should.

And second, by starting to act like a real grown-up woman, and throwing away unnecessary childish behaviors out of the window.

You gotta do both!" Ha-yoon explained.

"Hmmm, it's not a bad idea!

Can you help me do all of this today?" Seong-min asked.


"Please Noona!"

"I said no! I just got out of a hospital!"

"C'mon! I need someone to do my Hair and makeup since all I know is these Cutesy Korean girl styles! and you're like a badass looking woman! I bet that's why Cyrus likes you!"

"Making yourself look like me is not going to make a man like you! beside this is a crush and you're doing too much for it.

Even if it developed into true love, and you two got together, you cannot keep up a lie forever! from what I know, Cyrus likes people that care about him.

Show him that! show him you care! that you're worried about him and willing to help!

Trying to deceive him won't end well." Ha-yoon replied angrily.

Feeling both embarrassed and disappointed in herself, "it's really the very first time I ever felt like this About anyone, especially a man.

No guy has ever made me feel this way, I'm always anxious to see him again, and when I'm with him I just feel like life is actually cupcakes and rainbows for once.

I know it's weird! we haven't known each other for so long but I really like him!" Seong-min said.

"Geez...what a bummer...Fine! I'll help you get a makeover, but don't think about pretending you're like me, we're just gonna do something that would look good on you.

It's best if you act like yourself tonight." Ha-yoon replied.

Smiling, "You really gonna help me?!" Seong-min asked, "I'm only doing that to get you out of my sight in a safe way!

If Cyrus agrees to go with you, then I can sleep while you two go out together, since apparently you're not going to let me sleep at all today." Ha-yoon replied, "But we gotta get your mother's permission first! Also you have to ask Cyrus, and I mean it! like right now!" She added.

Whining, "Ughhhh! Can't you ask him for me?!" Seong-min asked, "You know what, find someone else to help you." Ha-yoon said.

Defeated, "Okay okay I'm going to ask him!

You can call my mom and I'll talk to Cyrus!" Seong-min replied pouting before she jumped off of Ha-yoon's bed and went to her room.