Chereads / Bully-guard! [BL] / Chapter 83 - You sound like you hate the idea?

Chapter 83 - You sound like you hate the idea?

"Btw, didn't you say you wanna investigate my hater?" Nikolai asked, "Oh, right!...but I guess it's gonna have to wait for later...since today we're supposed to have fun." Jin replied, but Nikolai caught that hint of nervousness in his voice.

"Why does he care so much about her..." Nikolai mumbled Sighing to himself, "Jin...I know you're worried about Minnie, you can call her again... it's been sometime." He said.

"Oh?... I must've bothered you Alot Niko, I'm sorry." Jin replied, but before Nikolai could say anything, Jin got out of the pool and said "You know, you were right earlier Niko! you don't have to come with me inside while I call her again, I don't think you're in any danger... Especially not with your mom here.

I'll come back right after I call Minnie, although I have this feeling that she won't pick-up again."

"Hey Wait?! Jin what's going on with you? The way you're so worried about her, is making me worry about you." Nikolai said stopping him, "Earlier you assumed she could be in danger, Your Definition of Danger is Andrea, so do you think he's done something to her?

Because honestly I don't think there's a reason why Andrea would go after Minnie, he probably doesn't even know that she's out of town." he added.

"Maybe I'm exaggerating... it's just that in the little time Minnie and I Worked together, I grew kinda closer to her.

She's my friend in a way, and she went out of her way to help me with Salvatore and Lydia...I owe her enough to worry about her." Jin replied.

"Well you're right, she did help you a lot...Hey, you know who else is her friend? Your sister!

if Minnie doesn't pick-up, you should try talking to Seong-min, maybe she knows something." Nikolai said.

"You're right, that's a good idea... I'll try that." Jin said before he walked back into the house.

He was surprised to hear the front door unlock as soon as he stepped foot inside, so he held off on calling Minnie to see who's at the door.

And it was Rushil trying to get inside while carrying some groceries in his arms, "Jin?... Were you looking for me?" Rushil was also surprised to find Jin standing in front of him.

"No... it's not like that...I was about to make a phone call when I heard the door unlocking, btw you left without a warning earlier." Jin said.

"I had to do a quick favor to friend, I brought some groceries on the way too, I have to start cooking for you guys." Rushil replied.

"Let me help you with that!" Jin said taking the groceries bags into his own arms while Rushil closed the door, then they headed together to the kitchen.

Rushil Started washing his hands in the sink while Jin placed away the groceries, " should go make that phone call right now, I might need you in the kitchen to help so we can get done quickly." Rushil said.

"Oh, okay!" Jin said, "I'll be back." He added before he headed to the living room, where he instantly dialed Minnie's number.

His feeling from earlier Became more than just a feeling when once again, Minnie didn't pick-up, And as soon as he heard her voicemail, Jin decided to give up and leave her a message.

"Hey Minnie...this is Jin, I've been calling you for a while now.

I hope you made it safely and that you're not dealing with anything serious right now.

Please call me as soon as you can, make sure to check your messages too." He said before hanging up.

After taking a deep breath, Jin wrote few text messages to Minnie, telling her about his day so far and asking her if she was okay.

Then He remembered Nikolai's advice, so he decided to call his sister quickly.


Seong-min: Oppa~

Jin: Hey Min-Min, I hope you're having a good day.

Seong-min: I am, kinda! I'm going to that carnival tonight, you heard of it right?

Jin: *Sighing* I know about it...Btw didn't you get kidnapped like a short while ago, how come you're going out so soon?

Seong-min: Probably because it's not my first time getting kidnapped, *Chuckling* Wow look at me joke about trauma.

Jin: I'm just glad you sound happy, so are you going with Your mom and Ha-yoon?

Seong-min: Umm... Not exactly, actually I'm going with Cyrus.

Jin: *Unimpressed* Really?

Seong-min: You sound like you hate the idea?

Jin: I do, but I won't tell you what you do anymore since you don't listen to me anyways.

Seong-min: Aww c'mon! you're not mad, are you?

Jin: Just be safe, both of you...Your mother knows at least?

Seong-min: Yep! and I'm actually doing this because it's Cyrus's birthday today.

Jin: Oh that's right...Did he agree to going with you though?

Seong-min: Surprisingly yeah! although I'm kinda worried because he and I fought when Ha-yoon got hospitalized, I didn't expect him to say yes but as soon as I asked him, he said he wanted to go.

Jin: Do you ever go by a day without picking fights with anyone? Nikolai probably still holds a grudge against you from the day you attacked him at My old apartment!

You should take Joel's suggestion and name yourself Miss Troublemaker.

Seong-min: Hey! that's mean!

Jin: Whatever! Anyways, I actually called you for another reason other than to hear about your plans with Cyrus.

Seong-min: oh Yeah! sorry I didn't let you talk about it.

Jin: It's fine, I just wanted to know whether you heard anything from Minnie today.

Seong-min: Minnie? No? why?

Jin: Nothing, She just left today to deal with some personal business.... if you have no clue then I'll get going.

Seong-min: Wait! I need to know something about Minnie myself.

Jin: what is it?

Seong-min: did you by any chance tell her to stop being friends with me? when she came with you to see Ha-yoon in the hospital, she said we're not supposed to be friends...Tell me Jin, do you have any idea why?

Jin: That was a misunderstanding that happened between me and her... Listen once I get hold of her, I'll tell her to talk to you.

Seong-min: Thanks bro...and I'm sorry I couldn't be that helpful.

Jin: it's okay, just stay safe... that'll help Alot.

Seong-min: You too, and Nikolai...tell him I said hi.

Jin: okay, bye.

Seong-min: Byebye.


After finishing his call, Jin headed back to the kitchen, "I gotta talk with Nikolai quickly, I'll come help afterwards." He said and Rushil nodded at him.


"I guess since you made lots of food for breakfast, we don't need to worry about lunch." Joel said jokingly, "I guess so...I wonder when Lydia would be back, she didn't eat anything before she left." Soo-Min replied.

"I don't think she likes other people's cooking, Rushil is probably the exception." Joel said.


"They're friends apparently, good friends... it's actually a vague story, I don't know everything but from what I've heard, When Rushil interviewed Lydia when she came to work for Radka, the two peaked each other's interest.

They actually share something peculiar."

"What exactly?" Soo-Min asked, "Since you cooked all of this amazing food I'll tell you a bit of what I know... Apparently Rushil also lost a sister, just like Lydia did." Joel said.

"Really? Tragedy brings people together, after all." Soo-Min replied, "I know right! not so many people know that Rushil suffered such loss actually!...He doesn't talk about it and he and I aren't buddies to talk about this kinda stuff." Joel said.

Then suddenly, the doorbell rang "I'll get that!" Joel got up to see who.

"Lydia! speak of the devil! we were just wondering where you went to!" Joel said but Instead of replying, Lydia placed the cat carrier in Joel's arms "What you're....Ah...Ah...Ah...AcHOoo!" Joel sneezed all of the sudden.

"Sorry about that, I wanted to test you.

So you're allergic to cats, how unfortunate." Lydia said chuckling before she removed the cat carrier from Joel's arms.

"Holy...Shit! AcHOoo! That was evil Lydia-Ah ACHOOO!" Joel said sneezing again.

"I'm sorry again, Will Mr. Cyrus staying here be a problem? I'll make sure to clean up after him." Lydia Asked, "I'm not badly allergic... ACHOOO...Ugh Ah, but I'm still allergic and that is a problem." Joel said sniffing as he put a distance between him and Lydia's cat.

Then he realized something, "So You really named your cat...Mr. Cyrus?" He said.

Ignoring that, "I can keep him locked for some time in his carrier, he's not much of a strolling cat anyway, or even better! I can make him stay in the basement." Lydia replied.

"As long as you keep him away from me, I guess I can deal with this for a few days." Joel said, "Alright, I'll keep him away from you in the'll be best for you to stay away from there." Lydia replied.

"Sure, whatever." Joel said and Lydia headed straight to the basement afterwards.

Since his allergies started to calm down a little, Joel decided to go back to the kitchen where Soo-Min was still there.

"Was that Lydia?" Soo-Min said, "Yeah that was her, btw are you allergic to Cats? because she brought her pet with her." Joel asked.

"No, I'm not? are you?"

"Yeah, I just sneezed a bunch just now."

Chuckling, "You didn't strike me as a man who'd be allergic to cats!" Soo-Min said, "Like You said, I'm a weird man...Anyways I guess I won't be going down the basement anymore, since that's where she'll keep her cat." Joel replied.

For some reason, Soo-Min found that statement odd, "If you are allergic to cats why would you allow her to have a pet here? also is she keeping it in the basement so that it stays away from you?" She asked.

"She's not going to stay here forever with her pet, and as far as I know her cat is an obedient one so he won't cause me trouble as long as there's a safe distance between us." Joel replied.

"Don't you need the basement?"

"Not really, you're the one who needs it Soo-Min."

"You're right, I'm sorry about the trouble anyways... actually I think I can make it up to you today" Soo-Min said.

"Make it up to me? what do you mean?" Joel asked, "Earlier this morning my daughter and I learned about this Carnival, and she actually told me she's planning to go there." Soo-Min replied.

"Oh right Independence Day carnival, so you're going with your daughter?"

"Not exactly, she already has someone to go with, and I was thinking that if you have nothing to do we can go together?"

"Wait, is this our first date?" Joel said blushing, "You can consider it to be that way, unless you want our first Date to be somewhere else?" Soo-Min replied.

"What, nono! I'm fine with that! really!" Joel said happily, "Then I guess it's a date!" Soo-Min replied.

"Are you guys going out on a date?" Lydia asked as she came into the kitchen, "Yeah, did you put your cat in the basement?" Joel asked.

"I did... considering what day we are in, you're probably going for the carnival right? does that mean I'm going to stay home alone?" Lydia asked, "Are you really home alone with a cat and two prisoners here?" Soo-Min joked.

"I suppose you're right.

Anyways Soo-Min, is it possible I borrow you for some time? I think you and I have something to talk about, privately." Lydia asked.

"Sure." Soo-Min said following Lydia outside the kitchen, when they left "I wonder what you little ladies are hiding from me?... whatever, I'll try to find out after my date." Joel said to himself, smiling.