Upon finishing the climb that had the gravity keep increasing, she lays on her back for a few minutes gasping for air. 'That was tough. The gravity kept increasing as I got higher. That was strange.'
"After thirty steps we finally see her needing to take a break," seeing her get back up, "She is already back on her feet, what ample stamina and endurance she has."
Stepping forward she feels dense mana all around her, 'This is interesting. Pressure from mana. I should probably use miasma to offset it. However this is a great opportunity. I should form more mana cores. I will also use this to see if I can level up one of the miasma cores. The next ten after this should be dense miasma.
'This actually benefits me. I'll rush to the 39th step then. Can't forget to do the other two things as well. There are so many amazing things in this training area. Glad I decided to look for the different difficulties.'
Seeing her sprint up like there is no mana pressure at all, shocks the audience. "Does she not feel the mana pressure at all? Her speed is unmatched. Which set of ten steps will slow her down? At this rate we all know who will reach the highest. Or do we?
"Things can change at any moment. Those who go slower may be better off later on. Who will reach the highest step today?" The announcer speaks through his mic.
Upon reaching the 39th floor Amber slows down her pace. Forming mana cores quickly, 'This is so much quicker then I thought it would be. I should figure out how to make several cores at once. Would be a waste to do it one at a time. However its already hard to split the mind for skills,' she clenches her teeth.
'However getting stronger is never easy. But it seems like at this point I might be actually splitting my mind. I may have to shatter my mindscape. How else could I make this easier. It's difficult running separate thoughts at once. Wait I could layer the thoughts. Or have a core set to create cores,' she shakes her head with a sigh.
'Which works better. Why not just do both layering thoughts while setting cores to create new cores. I already have a core cluster centered at my heart. I should form the central core of the different universes at other organs,' she chuckles lightly.
'I should also start forming them outside of my body. Well lets get started with these other universes. I can also sense the cores are as small as they are, leave space between them for miasma cores. There might also be other types of cores as well. So leave enough room to layer them all three times then. But how many different types of cores are there?' Amber tilts her head.
'I should of read up on that before hand. Amber, you don't need to worry about that for now, just do one layer right now. You can always ask the others if they know about other types of cores when you get back,; she pinches herseflf, 'Don't try to over complicate it right now.
'Damn so many good ideas, yet not enough time nor information. Well we can remedy the lack of information later. I should just do one layer of mana above one layer of miasma. I can layer the cores later,' she looks down quickly.
Staying on the 39th floor for five minutes she finally goes up after getting cores starting to form on their own. Before she steps onto the fortieth floor she notices a change in one miasma core. From a very gaseous state, it starts to appear more like water.
Touching it with her will she notices how it has become heavier. 'So this is the next level of a core. Well then I guess I should try and keep one of the universes of mana cores at the lowest level. Same with the mana cores. However I don't know at what level they get tainted by an element. However it should be possible to keep the higher level cores untainted as well,' she scratches her head.
'Well no point in trying to figure it out till I experience a mana or miasma core being tainted by an element,' She finishes her thought and steps onto the 40th floor where she feels pressure from miasma and rushes up through it like she did the mana steps.
Seeing her rushing threw the miasma steps, the audience shakes their heads as the announcer says, "Once again her progress doesn't seem to be hindered in the slightest. Why could she have possibly slowed down on the 39th floor for so long? Does anyone think she will slow down like that on the 49th floor."
Shaking her head she ignores the announces and stays on the 49th step for ten minutes completing one universe and starting several more, as she brings several mana cores up to the liquid stage. Smiling she steps onto the fiftieth step where she feels a sense of weakness overcome her.
"That is the longest she has stayed on any of the steps, whatever the reason is, doesn't matter now. For she is now at the steps of weakness, where many have fallen down," as the announcer says that she looks down and sees how, her life could not be guaranteed.
"Can she overcome increasing weakness and lose of sensory perception to keep climbing or is this where she will fail?" Laughing at that remark she looks up and memories the distance between that each of these stairs has.
Upon memorizing this, she sprints across the first step. As she climbs up she feels like she is getting weaker. However she ignores this sense of weakness. Losing one sensory que every so often she starts to use mana and miasma to perceive the world around her. 'This is such a mystical staircase. This has increased my understanding of how to weald mana and miasma quickly,' She finishes the thought with a resounding laugh.
Everyone around is shocked at her laughing as she continues to sprint up those stairs. Hearing the laughter they look in awe. "Seems like she is unable to tell how loud she is laughing, as she sprints through these steps. Is there going to be any step that can stop her quick progress," the announcer speaks over the laughter.