Chereads / The Unleashing / Chapter 46 - Chapter 46

Chapter 46 - Chapter 46

Kyle leaned against the Bella's car that his pack member informed him that she had arrived in. He was angry, hurt and wanted answers from Bella. In all honesty, Kyle knew that after seeing her with Bell earlier,  his heart couldn't bear Bella being with anyone else and having a family with them.

He thought about what he was going to say to Bella after their heated exchange. Her words cut deep earlier, but he realized she only repeated things that he had hurled at her after he had time to think about it. He remembered when he saw her show up tonight at the table and she glanced at him. Bella looked like a beautiful angel and she even gained a little weight that only enhanced her figure.

Then he saw her exit the building and stood talking to his team before she slowly walk down the steps and begin to approach her car. He saw when her eyes met his and he instantly saw her face change to sadness.

Bella can I talk to you a bit please? I know my behavior  has been quite  deplorable lately. And you shouldn't even bother giving me any of your time! But I just need you too listen to what I have to say please? Kyle pleaded

Bella's mind was on what Alpha Czar had asked her to do earlier and even what her mother advised her to do. The entire situation along with being there with Kyle's family made her so emotional that Bella just didn't have the heart to turn Kyle away so she simply leaned on the car and nodded.

Bella I need to firstly say sorry to you for my disgusting behavior towards you. The truth is I love you and can't lose you Bella. I don't want to know what life is without being next to you. When I saw you with Bell tonight, it broke my heart into pieces because I knew I fucked up. Since the first day I was with you, my wolf wanted to mark and claim you then and there but I fought him! I heard you say tonight that you're moving away to start a family, please, please don't do that. Give me a chance to start over so you can get a chance to know the real me without secrets or lies, please Bella? I need to be the one you start a family with! Kyle begged as he looked at Bella who was crying softly and grabbed her hand.

Kyle I can't do this right now with you. Bella cried softly as her body shook

Bella please remember what we had, what we felt together. I know you felt something with me Bella. Please don't throw away what we have. Kyle pleaded as his eyes began to fill with tears

They both became silent for quite a while as they looked at each other processing and even remembering information they both had captured of each other. Kyle then took out his handkerchief and wiped Bella's eyes as she continued to stare at him.

Bella's mind reeled as she felt all the emotions she was in denial about came flooding in and it hurt her so bad. She wanted Kyle but was he good for her? Would he be good at being a mate, a father? Those were the main questions she kept considering while she looked at the man she loved and had never stopped loving.

Bella say something please! Kyle said as he held her hand tightly and continued to wipe her tears away with the other.

Kyle I'm pregnant and you're the father. Bella blurted out and began crying even more.

What? You are? Kyle asked surprised but Bella kept crying.

Kyle was astounded with the news. He grabbed Bella and hugged her tightly as her entire body went limb in his hands.

Bella I'm so happy with this news! Why are you crying? Please don't cry like that! Everything will be okay, I promise you. I can take care of you and our pups, please don't cry. Kyle said as he gently held Bella and opened her door and placed her inside.

As soon as she was seated, Kyle gave her a long passionate kiss.

Bella I love you. Let me take care of you and our litter, be my mate Bella? Kyle then said as Bella looked at him in surprise.

Did you just say litter? How much are you referring too in a litter, Kyle? Give me an estimate please! Bella asked as her eyes opened widely.

In Lizzy's case it was three but I know other pack members that had five even six. Kyle answered and Bella immediately began to feel dizzy and nauseous.

Bella quickly shoved Kyle away and jumped out of the car and began to vomit profusely. Kyle immediately began rubbing her back as Bella hurled mouthful of vomit out.

Karl, Charlie, James and Lizzy heard and saw the commotion and quickly ran to Bella's side.

Kyle what did you do to Bella? Karl immediately asked as the arrived in the carpark.

Karl really? Like I have the power to make Bella vomit! You really want to do this now? Kyle shouted angrily

Bella are you okay? Lizzy asked as she quickly shove Kyle away and began to gently rub her back while Charlie held her hair behind.

Bella couldn't answer as more and more vomit came spewing out her mouth.

She's burning up Kyle! What's going on with her? Lizzy demanded

She just told me she was pregnant and I was telling her about how many a litter could contain and then she began vomiting profusely. Kyle shouted and everyone stared at him with wide eyes.

James go get one of the healers now! Lizzy ordered and James ran off.

Bella did you eat anything before you came here? What did you eat? Lizzy asked softly

A burger and just the cake! Bella said and began to vomit again

Bella I think it's food poisoning! You have to let us help you! Lizzy said

Bella didn't have time to answer as she felt herself falling to the ground. She was waiting for impact but saw Kyle's face in front of her and then darkness set in.

Bella get up baby, get up Bella! Kyle's voice said and it was all Bella heard before she completely blacked out.

As soon as Bella fainted, Kyle grabbed her and began running into the main house. He met James and one of their healer at the doorway and Kyle walked to his bedroom and placed Bella down. Immediately the healer began to examine her while the five looked helplessly on. Alpha Czar and Jean then came through the small crowd that had gathered at Kyle's door looking at what was going on. As soon as the Alpha and Jean came inside the room, Karl closed the door.

What is going on with Bella? The Alpha immediately asked

We don't know Alpha.  I was speaking to her outside and she began to vomit and then she fainted. Kyle answered

I think it's food poisoning father! Lizzy said

This is no food poisoning! The poor woman have been poisoned! I don't know how to help her as I don't know with what she's been poisoned with! The female healer turned to the Alpha and said.

Everyone was shocked! Suddenly Lizzy began mumbling to herself,

Wait! I don't want to believe this! I can't believe this! Give me a minute! Lizzy said and ran off

After a few minutes she came back with a half eaten piece of cake and handed it to the healer,

The only thing Bella said she ate was a burger and the cake and we don't have burgers here so that was probably earlier! Lizzy continued

The healer sniffed the cake for a long while and then he tasted a small piece on his tongue.

It's Aconite, a poisonous plant! But I don't know how to treat a witch for this Alpha! The healer said sadly

Karl get Bella's phone from her car, we have to call her mother at once! The Alpha said as Karl instantly went out the door to retrieve her phone.

This is terrible! Who would do such a thing? Jean asked

We have traitors still in our pack! Kyle said angrily

Who gave you the cake Lizzy? Charlie asked

The servers at the table but I am unsure which one!. Lizzy answered

Karl returned with Bella's phone in his hand. It's got a lock on it, I can't seem to crack the password. Karl stated

Her mother will call her as she does every night! Hand it to me! Kyle said

The healer pull out some dried leaves from her bag and placed it into Bella's mouth, under her tongue.

I would use this to treat one of our kind for the poison but I don't know if it'll work for a witch. I can do nothing more for her Alpha. The healer said left the room.

Bella's pregnant with my litter  father and mother, I can't let anything happen to her. Please see if you can call around and get on to anyone who knows her mother! Her father is human so it should not have much witches with human husbands! Kyle cried

Alpha Czar and Jean looked shocked but then shook their head and left the room. Kyle looked at his team, tears streaming down his face.

Find whoever did this to Bella. I want them in front of me now. Kyle barked and the rest of the family left the room leaving Kyle with Bella.

Bella please get up, I can't lose you! Please! We're going to have a family! Kyle said and began crying uncontrollably.

You fucking idiot! What would crying solve? The healer said that the leaves he placed in her mouth would work for werewolves, then make Bella a werewolf. You have to mark her Kyle! Kyle's wolf said

Wolf! You're back? Kyle said surprised

I never left, you dumb ass! Kyle you have to mark Bella if you want to save her! You can't afford to wait for her mother to call because we don't know how long Bella has, just mark her! Kyle's wolf said again

Are you mad Wolf? Bella will kill us for doing that without her permission. Did you come back just to get revenge and have me killed! Kyle answered

Then let her die but if she does die along with our pups, I will be dead to you too! The wolf replied

Kyle looked down on Bella for a while and began to cry.

Bella I'm sorry my love but this is the only way I know how to save you! Kyle said and turned her head and bit down on Bella's shoulder.

Several minutes later, Bella's body began trashing on the bed. Then suddenly her phone rang and Kyle saw it was her mother and quickly answered

Hello, hello is this Bella's mom? Kyle asked in a panic

Yes who is this? Why are you answering my daughter's phone? Where is Bella? Claire asked frantically

This is Kyle. Bella needs help please, she was poisoned by aconite by someone and she began vomiting and fainted. And now she isn't getting up. Our healer don't know how to treat a witch but he put some dried leaves under her tongue. Please help us! Kyle said crying profusely as the phone went dead.

Claire didn't waste time!

Peter, Bella's been poisoned with Aconite! Get the book and check for a remedy while I go get her. Claire shouted and took off with her broom.

Claire had never been so afraid in her life. Bella was everything good in her life. She used speed that she never knew existed in her as she dashed through the clouds towards the werewolf settlement.

Within an hour she was there! She came down directly in front the main house and began screaming,

Where is my daughter? Where is Bella? Claire said in a loud screaming tone when she landed.

Claire' s long black cape and her menacing red eyes causes fear among the werewolf spectators but no one dared to answer her.

She's inside the house, follow me! The Alpha said when one of his pack members alerted him to her arrival.

Immediately Claire walked inside and followed the Alpha. He opened the door to expose a younger werewolf crying over Bella and touching her face but flew backwards when he saw the angry looking witch. The Alpha then shut the door and waited.

Claire ran to Bella and checked her eyes and mouth when she saw the leaves under her tongue. She quickly grabbed her up and began to take her away.

Let me go with you please. Bella told me about her pregnancy. I am the father, I want to be with her. Kyle said

You all have done enough to Bella! Open the door! Claire shouted and the Alpha opened the door and let the witch out with Bella in her arms.

As soon as she arrived out, a large pair of black wings appeared behind Claire, from on her back and it began flapping powerfully and within seconds she flew up into the dark night as Kyle fell to his knees and screamed out Bella's name.