For the next several days, the entire family at Alpha Czar settlement was devastated. No one had any means of contacting Bella nor did they know if she survived. Kyle had remained in his room since the incident and was hurting terribly. He tried several times to mind link Bella but there was no answer.
Kyle you need to get out of this room! Whoever did this to Bella knows everything that goes on here! We have to make changes to the security system we placed around the settlement because an attack may come soon! Karl said as he walked into Kyle's room and closed the door.
I can't lose her Karl, not again, not with her having my litter! Kyle said as tears streamed down his face.
Karl had never seen his brother this distraught in all the years he had known him. It truly broke his heart to know what he must be feeling.
Common let's take a run, maybe it will calm your wolf! Karl suggested.
My wolf? Ha! He have not spoken to me in months and tonight he warned me that if Bella and our pups die, he will be dead to me also! Kyle said as he turned to look at his brother.
Kyle I've been calling around trying to find out about Bella and her parents and no one seems to know much about them! Bella's receptionist said her parents live on the mountains so I think we should start searching from where we found her with her car so many years ago. Their place should not be far away. Sitting and sulking here in your room isn't helping! The team is outside waiting, even Lizzy! Common let's go, we'll split up to cover more ground. Karl said
Kyle looked at his brother and after some time he got up and began to walk with him outside where the team was waiting.
So if this is where Bella was when you hit her so many decades ago, it means that we have to search this entire area here. Karl said as he took out a map and showed them
James and Lizzy you search this area, Charlie and I will search further north and Kyle you can search from where Lizzy and James will stop! Karl instructed.
The house should be secluded in a vast area because father said after trying to contact the witch counsel to get information on Bella he learned that Bella's mom was exiled from the sisterhood when she chose to be with a human so she doesn't live close to the witches community. Karl continued
We'll meet back here in five hours as we can't afford to leave the pack for any longer knowing that we could be attacked at any time! Lizzy said and immediately everyone took off. Within three hours of searching, Charlie and Karl alerted the rest of the team through mind link.
We think we've found the house, Charlie has lightening flashing close to the location. Look for her. Karl mindlinked.
Within half an hour all the werewolves had met and walked towards the house. Suddenly an elderly man came out the door with a shot gun in his hands,
What do you want? Speak or I'll pump some silver bullets in all off your asses! Peter said
Everyone stood still and then Lizzy spoke,
We are looking for our friend, Bella! Does she live here? Lizzy asked
The old man said nothing for a long while but stared at all the werewolves before him.
Peter, hold on! Claire said as she walked out.
That is Kyle and his family! She continued as she pushed down the gun that her husband still had aimed at the werewolves.
Good night, we had no way of finding out anything about Bella so we searched the mountains for your house and found it. Kyle said
How is Bella? Can we see her please? Kyle asked sadly
Claire and Peter stood looking at the werewolves standing in front on them.
Who did this to my daughter? Have you found out? Peter asked while he leaned the shot gun against the porch wall.
No we have not but we are desperately trying to find out and when we do I assure you he or they will be killed. Karl answered
There has been no change to Bella's condition as she's still in a coma. Come inside, I will take you to see her. Clair said to the pack of werewolves standing before her.
Kyle and the rest of the team then followed Claire into their simple yet modern house and walked upstairs. Claire opened a door to reveal Bella lying on her bed.
As soon as Kyle entered the room he instantly began to sob when he saw her laying on the huge bed. He briskly walked to her side and sat on the chair.
I've tried every spell possible to wake her up and bring her back but nothing has worked! We just have to wait and see if she comes out of it. I am unsure what will happened with her pregnancy though. Claire said as tears rolled down her eyes and she stood staring at her daughter.
We're so sorry we could not protect you Bella. Please wake up! Lizzy cried as she touched Bella's face after walking to her side.
Everyone's eyes in the room instantly filled with tears.
You have to fight Bella! You're one of the most powerful person I know. Come back to us!Charlie said to her as she held her hand.
After several minutes, Charlie and Lizzy both walked to their mates who was standing at the door silently crying.
We'll wait outside for you Kyle. Karl cried as they all began to leave the room.
Kyle didn't answer but continued to look at Bella lying on her bed as if she was sleeping. Claire sensing his sadness and pain slowly walked to the door.
I'll give you a few minutes Kyle! Claire said and walked away
Kyle immediately released Bella's hand and laid next to her
Bella baby you have to come back to me, please! I can't live without you! Please Bella come back to me. Our pups need you! Kyle begged while crying as he touched Bella's face gently.
Kyle continued to talk lovingly to Bella for quite a while before her mother came back into the room.
I have to administer her medication, you have to go Kyle. Claire said and stood waiting for Kyle to leave.
Kyle kissed Bella softly on the lips and squeezed her hands and walked away crying .
It was only after he left did Clair see Bella's hands move slightly and she smiled happily.
Kyle and the rest of the family left Bella's parents house and went home. Kyle and James did their patrol around the settlement while Lizzy went back to her pups, who was in the care of her parents and told them about Bella's condition.
Karl and Charlie continued to go through the images from the night of the ceremony on Charlie's laptop. They reviewed it several times and then Charlie saw it!
Karl looked at this! It happens really fast so pay attention! Charlie said as she replayed the footage.
After handing Lizzy the cake at the table, Lizzy put down the other plate while she tasted hers. It was then that a female werewolf came next to Lizzy and emptied something on the slice of cake on the table and walked away with her piece of cake in her hand. This was done in mere seconds.
Charlie! You did I baby! Karl said and kissed Charlie.
Let's take it to the Alpha! Charlie said as they both scrambled out of bed.
Karl and Charlie raced to the Alpha with a printed picture of Delores, a elderly kitchen worker, emptying something on the slice of cake. As soon as the Alpha heard and saw the evidence, they summoned Kyle and James and walked to Delores house to get answers.
They knocked several times and she did not answer so Kyle kicked the door down, only to see a dead Delores on the ground and next to her body laid the vile with a clear liquid. Karl noticed a crumpled piece of paper in her hands that had a handwritten note.
Dear Alpha,
I have served you for decades and have loved every minute of my job. But he gave me no choice as he was going to kill my son and his family if I did not agree to commit that awful act.
I apologize to you and your family and hope you can forgive me. My son and his family had nothing to do with my actions. You being a father would know that you would do anything to save your family.
I did not empty all the poison as I was informed to do so I hope the witch pulls through.
Lizzy opened the vial and smelled it,
It's Aconite Alpha! Lizzy said as she looked at her father's angry face.
Delores has been working in that kitchen since you all were pups! I am going to remove the head of whoever did this to Bella and her. Someone will pay dearly! The Alpha barked
Father that means that we still have traitors among our pack and everyone is in danger! Karl said
Karl I think we should call off the ceremony! No one is safe until we know who is behind this! Charlie said while looking at Delores on the floor.
There was silence for quite a while, then the Alpha spoke,
I want everyone of you to follow me, we need to talk. The Alpha growled and shapeshifted into a werewolf and began heading for the woods. Within, seconds the rest of the team was following.
Several minutes later, the entire team and the Alpha stood on a cliff overlooking his settlement.
I forgot about this place! Kyle said
Been ages since I've been here myself! Lizzy also added.
Charlie and James this is where it all began decades ago when Jean told me she was pregnant. I promised to build a settlement and rule it fairly, without impulsiveness or greed. I have always thought of my settlement as being a safe place for our kind but today I cannot even speak freely without wondering who is conspiring against us.
Charlie and Karl you will have the ceremony. In fact we will invite all the neighboring packs and their Alphas. But with the intention of going to war on that day! Surely, who ever is behind this will not miss the opportunity of having all the Alphas together in one spot. Czar said
So you'll be luring whoever is behind this along with their huge army into a trap? Kyle asked
Yes, why wait for them to attack each settlement one by one when we can join together and finish this once and for all! I'll inform the Alphas so they can prepare and ready their packs! Czar said
What about the Vampire counsel, will you inform them also. Lizzy asked
Yes they will be informed however they have made it clear to me that they will only get involved if there are rogue vampires in the attack otherwise they will not intervene! Alpha Czar answered.
So definitely I will be sending them an invite as well as informing them of my plan! He continued
Lizzy you should not be there that day with the pups! James said and looked at his mate
James are you crazy! The hell I won't! No we'll leave them with someone we can trust! We can leave them with Giles in the city since mother will have to be at the ceremony with us. Lizzy said
No, I am not trusting anyone from my pack until I find out who is behind this. Not even Giles! Find someone else! The Alpha shouted in a loud voice.
Well James I guess we'll have to leave them with your sister and her family in the city for a day or two because I'm going to be at that ceremony! Lizzy demanded.
We should have the ceremony elsewhere, as our settlement would not be able to accommodate so many werewolves and vampires you intend to invite Alpha! Karl recommended
Not to mention the thousands expected to join us, unannounced! Charlie stated
How about using Castle Rock where our ancestors once fought against oppression on that very ground and also the location of where the ceremony for Lizzy and James took place? Yes I think it's an ideal place for our battle indeed! The Alpha answered.
The Castle is big and sturdy and the fields surrounding them will give us enough time to see when they attack. Not to mention the cannons if they still work! Karl continued smiling
And the ceremony theme could be ' A tribute to our Ancestors ' so having weapons around the castle's surrounding would look like the decorations because we will be going up against well trained werewolves with guns! Lizzy said
Okay that sounds good! But not a soul other than us is to know about this plan! We will face our enemies and end this uprising for good! Czar said and began to howl loudly followed by a chorus of howling from his family as they began to head back to the settlement.