The Imporeia continent was formed by tectonic plates shifting around the time of the third world war and was accompanied with nuclear bombs in the third world war. Only about 324 humans survived the massive change. The change also caused a chemical called M45 to spread into rivers and oceans. The chemical is not deadly in any form but causes extreme mutations in DNA. The 324 humans split up into three groups, each of about 108 humans. The three groups spread to different areas of the new continent, eventually splitting into the eight countries that stand today. Each of the groups was led by a different view: one valued ancient Asian culture, the other valued the stars, and lastly one valued ranking. We can see some of these ideals in some of the current nations: Salvera, has the common belief of the wild and pet social rankings depending on appearance randomly decided at birth, Noyenlisa, uses many traditional Japanese and Chinese names when naming their children, Aoimal, uses the stars to name their children and predict future events. After years of drinking water contaminated with M45 humans started to get genetic mutations causing the creation of tails and animal ears, each generation getting more and more of these mutations, eventually causing the extinction of humanity and bringing in the creation of the Meígma race. Shortly after the creation of this new race did wars begin, each country splitting up into other countries causing what is known as the Separation of 1978 AWW3 (AWW3 stands for After World War 3). The new countries had very different beliefs and values which caused wars to occur very often. Until only recently had there been a no war zone, an area of peace and harmony, that could be used for diplomatic services or to converse issues of the whole continent. The Imporeia continent